清华大学清洁能源讲坛系列报告(三十七)(CLEAN ENERGY FORUM)

清华大学清洁能源讲坛系列报告(三十七)(CLEAN ENERGY FORUM)

Title:Efficiency of carbon sequestration in heterogeneous rocks

Reporter:Andrew Woods

Time:1:30pm, Nov. 20, 2017(Monday)

Place:Lecture Hall, Department of Thermal Engineering


In this talk we will present some new results about the role of heterogeneities in porous rocks on the transport and trapping of CO2 injected into the subsurface in the context of CO2 sequestration. The models will identify the role of the rock structure on the migration of the CO2, and this structure will be related to the geological processes responsible for the formation of the rock. Illustrations of the effect of heterogeneity on estimates of the pore space into which CO2 can be sequestered, and also its impact in controlling the migration of tracers used for monitoring CO2 flows will be explored.

Brief Biography:

Professor Andrew Woods studied Mathematics at St Johns College, University of Cambridge, followed by a PhD in DAMTP, Cambridge on Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. He spent 2 years as a Research Fellow at St Johns College and as a Green Scholar at the IGPP, uscd, SanDiego before taking up a lectureship for 5 years at the Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, Cambridge. After 3 years as Professor of Applied Mathematics at University of Bristol, he was appointed BP Professor and Head of the BP Institute, University of Cambridge.

His work is characterized by the development of simplified mathematical and experimental models of complex fluid flow processes covering a wide range of phenomena from the dynamics of explosive volcanic eruptions, to geothermal power generation, carbon sequestration and oil recovery in heterogeneous porous rocks. His work on the dynamics of mixing in turbulent buoyant plumes and gravity currents has led to new insights about the ascent height of volcanic eruption columns and the run-out distance of ash flows, as well as constraints of the dynamics of hydrothermal and oil plumes in the deep sea.

He has also developed fundamental understanding of ventilation flows in buildings, developing strategies to minimise heat loss associated with low-energy natural ventilation, as well as exploring the controls on the dispersal of air-borne infection. Other work has included modelling the dynamics of traffic flows, the elucidate controls on the collective behaviour of individual vehicles and strategies to regulate the flow.