博士:2003年9月 – 2008年8月,英国华威大学 工程系
硕士:1999年9月 – 2002年7月,清华大学 热能工程系
本科:1994年9月 – 1999年7月,清华大学 水利水电工程系
副研究员:2018年12月至今,清华大学 能源与动力工程系
助理研究员:2011年5月-2018年11月,清华大学 能源与动力工程系
助理研究员:2008年3月-2010年12月,英国华威大学 工程系
1. 空泡动力学机理研究
亚洲地区大部分河流含沙量高,而相比空蚀、泥沙磨损的单独作用,含沙水空蚀严重加剧了过流部件的破坏,大大降低了机组的安全性与使用寿命,而其可能的联合作用机制与空泡-颗粒相互作用的微观机理密切相关。此外,空泡-颗粒相互作用的情形也广泛存在于如超声清洗,肾结石清除等多领域。申请人联合指导搭建了激光诱发单空泡与自由沉降单颗粒相互作用机理试验台,与其它研究相比对颗粒和空化泡行为的限制和扰动更小,在此基础上首次系统分析了自由沉降颗粒与空泡的相互作用,捕捉到了空泡诱发颗粒速度高达60m/s喷射现象,足以对常见的钢制材料造成严重破坏,可能成为含沙水空蚀破坏加剧的潜在机理;在理论分析方面,借助热能系流体工程讲席教授团组平台,与美国普林斯顿大学霍华德.斯通教授合作,建立了颗粒-空泡相互作用物理模型,揭示了颗粒被喷射的最大速度的产生机理。该研究成果发表于Physical Review Letters(Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 084501),审稿人评价当前研究为“新的重要研究领域”(an important new area)。
2. 空化不稳定性机理研究
空化不稳定性是发动机故障的主要来源,其转速极高、工质为低温流体,工质性质与工作条件与常温水空化不同,具有很强的热效应,且诱导轮内空化形态及不稳定性特性复杂。目前承担973子专题、航天装备预研项目、航天部西安航天动力研究所委托项目等,正在进行考虑热效应的诱导轮优化设计方法及国内首个机理试验台设计的研究工作,相关研究成果发表于Physics of Fluids,并已申请试验台相关发明专利。
3. 水力机械水力稳定性
针对水泵水轮机运行及水力稳定性问题,分析了各主要分量的分布与传递特性、影响因素,对高水头机组无叶区压力脉动的研究及水轮机工况S特性进行了系统总结,并对泵工况驼峰特性产生机理(旋转失速)以及空化产生的影响进行了研究,成果发表于Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Renewable Energy等。
此外,水泵水轮机小导叶开度区流动复杂、非线性强,常用的RANS方法难以进行精确预测。采用部分时均方法(PANS),结合基于Ehrhard各项异性雷诺应力张量,发展了Nonlinear PANS方法,对同步、非同步(MGV)导叶对其S特性及水力稳定性的影响进行了研究,成果发表于Computers & Fluids等。
4. 仿生及生物流体机械
基于仿鲸鳍前缘凸起结构,对翼型的被动失速控制机理进行了研究,发展了非线性升力线理论,揭示了其控制机理及影响因素,成果发表于Physics of Fluids、AIAA Journal、Journal of Fluids Engineering、Advances in Mechanical Engineering等。
Fast particle ejection by a growing laser-induced bubble, 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Maui, Hawaii, Dec. 16-21, 2017.
1. Haochen Zhang, Zhigang Zuo, Knud Aage M?rch, Shuhong Liu, Thermodynamic effects on Venturi cavitation characteristics. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(9), 097107.
2. Deyou Li, Zhigang Zuo, Hongjie Wang, Shuhong Liu, Xianzhu Wei, Daqing Qin, Review of positive slopes on pump performance characteristics of pump- turbines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, June 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.06.036
3. Guocheng Lu, Zhigang Zuo, Demin Liu, Shuhong Liu, Energy Balance and Local Unsteady Loss Analysis of Flows in a Low Specific Speed Model Pump-Turbine in the Positive Slope Region on the Pump Performance Curve, May 2019, Energies 12(10):1829, DOI: 10.3390/en12101829
4. Deyou Li, Yonglin Qin, Zhigang Zuo, Hongjie Wang, Shuhong Liu, Xianzhu Wei, Numerical Simulation on Pump Transient Characteristic in a Model Pump Turbine, Journal of Fluids Engineering 141(11), DOI: 10.1115/1.4043496
5. Deyou Li, Xiaolong Fu, Zhigang Zuo, Hongjie Wang, Zhenggui Li, Shuhong Liu, Xianzhu Wei, Investigation methods for analysis of transient phenomena concerning design and operation of hydraulic-machine systems—A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 101:26-46, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2018.10.023
6. Zhigang Zuo, Qian Huang, Shuhong Liu, An Analysis on the Flow Field Structures and the Aerodynamic Noise of Airfoils with Serrated Trailing Edges Based on Embedded Large Eddy Flow Simulations, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 12(2):327-339, DOI: 10.29252/jafm.12.02.29142
7. Chang Cai, Shuhong Liu, Zhigang Zuo, Takao Maeda, Yasunari Kamada, Qing’an Li, Ryota Sato, Experimental and theoretical investigations on the effect of a single leading-edge protuberance on airfoil performance, Physics of Fluids 31(2):27103, DOI: 10.1063/1.5082840
8. Deyou Li, Yuekun Sun, Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Hongjie Wang, Zhenggui Li, Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations in a Prototype Pump-Turbine with Different Numbers of Runner Blades in Turbine Mode, Energies 11(6):1474, DOI: 10.3390/en11061474
9. Lu Yu, Haochen Zhang, Hui Chen, Yongpeng Li, Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Geometrical optimization of an inducer with respect to rotating cavitation generated radial forces by using an orthogonal experiment, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 11(6):1591-1598, DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.73.249.29141
10. Miao Guo, Shu-Hong Liu, Xue-Lin Tang, Zhi-Gang Zuo and Xiao-Qin Li, Evaluation of shaft forces in a vertical canned motor through local hydraulic loss analysis, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, Vol. 10(3) 1–20, doi: 10.1177/1687814018765599
11. Shengji Wu, Zhigang Zuo, Howard A Stone, Shuhong Liu, Motion of a Free-Settling Spherical Particle Driven by a Laser-Induced Bubble, Physical Review Letters, 2017.
12. Chang Cai, Zhigang Zuo, Takao Maeda, Yasunari Kamada, Qing’an Li, Kensei Shimamoto, and Shuhong Liu, Periodic and aperiodic flow patterns around an airfoil with leading-edge protuberances, Physics of Fluids 29, 115110 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4991596.
13. Chang Cai, Zhigang Zuo, Masahiro Morimoto, Takao Maeda, Yasunari Kamada, and Shuhong Liu, Two-Step Stall Characteristic of an Airfoil with a Single Leading-Edge Protuberance, AIAA Journal 0 0:0, 1-14.
14. Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Flow-Induced Instabilities in Pump-Turbines in China, Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 504-511.
15. Chang Cai, Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Takao Maeda. Effect of a Single Leading-Edge Protuberance on NACA 634-021 Airfoil Performance. ASME. J. Fluids Eng. 2017;140(2):021108-021108-7. doi:10.1115/1.4037980.
16. Guocheng Lu, Zhigang Zuo, Yuekun Sun, Demin Liu, Yoshinobu Tsujimoto, Shuhong Liu, Experimental evidence of cavitation influences on the positive slope on the pump performance curve of a low specific speed model pump-turbine, Renewable Energy, 2017.
17. Zhigang Zuo, Honggang Fan, Shuhong Liun, Yulin Wu, S-shaped characteristics on the performance curves of pump-turbines in turbine mode–A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016.
18. Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Yuekun Sun, Yulin Wu, Pressure fluctuations in the vaneless space of High-head pump-turbines—A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015.
19. Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Demin Liu, Daqing Qin, Yulin Wu, Numerical analyses of pressure fluctuations induced by interblade vortices in a model Francis turbine, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2015.
20. Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Yizhang Fan, Yulin Wu, Optimization of a centrifugal boiler circulating pump’s casing based on CFD and FEM analyses, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014.
21. Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Demin Liu, Daqing Qin. Numerical predictions and stability analysis of cavitating draft tube vortices at high head in a model Francis turbine, Science China Technological Sciences, 2014. (封面文章)
22. Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Demin Liu, Daqing Qin, Yulin Wu, Numerical predictions of the incipient and developed interblade vortex lines of a model Francis turbine by cavitation calculations, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013.
23. Zhigang Zuo, Shengcai Li, Shuhong Liu, Shuai Li, Hui Chen, An attribution of cavitation resonance: volumetric oscillations of cloud, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2009.
24. Chang Cai, Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Yulin Wu, Numerical investigations of hydrodynamic performance of hydrofoils with leading-edge protuberances, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015.
25. Jintao Liu, Zhigang Zuo, Yulin Wu, Baotang Zhuang, Leqin Wang, A nonlinear Partially-Averaged Navier–Stokes model for turbulence, Computers & Fluids, 2014.
26. Yuekun Sun, Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Yulin Wu, Distribution of Pressure Fluctuations in a Prototype Pump Turbine at Pump Mode, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014.