1997.09-2001.07 合肥工业大学机械电子工程专业 学士
2001.09-2006.07 华南理工大学电站系统及其控制专业 博士(硕博连读)
2008.01-2010.03 清华大学热能系 博士后
2010.08-2011.06 瑞典隆德大学能源科学系 博士后
2006.07-2007.12 华南理工大学电力学院 讲师
2010.04-2014.11 清华大学热能系 助理研究员
2014.12- 至 今 清华大学能源与动力工程系 副研究员,博导(2015)
2011-至 今 能源行业小水电机组标准化技术委员会 委员;《水力发电学报》责编;
国际期刊《Energy》、《Renewable Energy》等审稿人
1) 冲击式水轮机内流机理与流动干涉;
2) 流体机械水力优化设计与动力特性分析;
3) 抽水蓄能机组安全稳定运行性能分析;
4) 高压余能利用与节能;
5) 海洋能等新型流体机械研发;
1、央企横向,冲击式水轮机水力方案设计与泥沙磨损特性计算分析, 主持;
3、上海凯泉泵业(集团)有限公司,叶片泵水力性能攻关项目, 主持;
4、国家工信部:绿色制造系统集成项目-高原水轮机绿色设计平台建设项目, 骨干;
10、国家重点研发计划, 2017YFC0404202,. 海水淡化泵与能量回收一体机关键技术研究及产品开发,主持;
16、国家海洋局海洋可再生能源项目,GHME 2012GC02,江厦潮汐试验电站1号机组增效扩容改造,主要参与;
1、三叶片新型潮汐发电机组设计、制造及工程示范建设研究与应用, 海洋科学工程创新奖, 6/12, 二等奖, 2019.
3、基于涡动力学理论的水力机械流动分析和优化设计, 教育部科技进步二等奖,3/8,2013。
9、《流体机械基础》教学软件,清华大学优秀教学软件奖一等奖,2/3, 2012。
一、 近年的期刊论文
[1] Bao Guo, Yexiang Xiao*, Anant Kumar Rai, Quanwei Liang, Jie Liu. Analysis of the air-water-sediment flow behavior in Pelton buckets using a Eulerian-Lagrangian approach [J]. Energy. 2021.218, 119522. SCI, EI.
[2] Bao Guo, Yexiang Xiao*, Anant Kumar Rai, Jin Zhang, Quanwei Liang. Sediment-laden flow and erosion modeling in a Pelton turbine injector[J]. Renewable Energy. 2020.162, pp. 30-42. SCI: OT3OY.
[3] Anant Kumar Rai, Arun Kumar, Thomas Staubli and Xiao Yexiang*. Interpretation and application of the hydro-abrasive erosion model from IEC 62364 (2013) for Pelton turbines. Renewable Energy. 2020, 160: 396-408. SCI, EI
[4] 肖业祥*,郭豹,张瑾,梁权伟,刘洁. 冲击式水轮机含沙三相流与磨损特性数值研究[J]. 水电与抽水蓄能. 2021. 7(2): 4-10.
[5] 刘子实, 肖业祥*,汪鹏程,朱逸林,刘思晗,崔永康,尹禧龙.透平式能量回收一体机水力特性数值分析. 水力发电学报. 2021, 40(2), 131-140.
[6] Guangtai Shi, Zongku Liu,Yexiang Xiao*, Hong Yang, Helin Li, Xiaobing Liu. Effect of the inlet gas void fraction on the tip leakage vortex in a multiphase pump. Renewable Energy. 2020.150, pp. 46-57. SCI, EI
[7] Guangtai Shi, Zongku Liu, Yexiang Xiao*, Helin Li, Xiaobing Liu. Tip leakage vortex trajectory and dynamics in a multiphase pump at off-design condition. Renewable Energy. 2020.150, pp. 703-711. SCI, EI
[8] Guangtai Shi, Zongku Liu, Yexiang Xiao*, Zhengwei Wang, Yongyao Luo, Kun Luo . Energy conversion characteristics of multiphase pump impeller analyzed based on blade load spectra [J]. Renewable Energy. 2020.157, pp. 9-23. SCI, EI
[9] Guangtai Shi, Zongku Liu, Yexiang Xiao*, Helin Li, Xiaobing Liu. Velocity characteristics in a multiphase pump under different tip clearances. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/0957650920946533. SCI, EI.
[10] Luo Yongyao, Alexandre Presas ,Wang Zhengwei, Yexiang Xiao, Haoping Wang, Xiaoyi Jiang. Operating conditions leading to crack propagation in turbine blades of tidal barrages. Influence of head and operating mode. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2020, 108: 104254. SCI, EI.
[11] 李彦浩, 郭豹, 肖业祥*.高水头混流式水轮机转轮泥沙磨损特性数值研究. 水力发电学报. 2020, 39(2): 112-120.
[12] 王衍,葛云路,黄国庆,胡琼,肖业祥,胡鹏.干气密封旋转流场的宏观特性与介观速度场的逻辑关系研究.摩擦学学报. 2020, 40(3): 364-377. EI:
[13] Yexiang Xiao, Bao Guo, Soo-Hwang Ahn, Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, Guangtai Shi and Yanhao Li. Slurry Flow and Erosion Prediction in a Centrifugal Pump after Long-Term Operation. Energies. 2019, 12(8), 1523. SCI, EI.
[14] Ahn, Soo-Hwang; Xiao, Yexiang; Wang, Zhengwei; Luo, Hongying; Luo, Yongyao. Numerical estimation of air core length in two-phase free surface vortex. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 2019, 57(4): 475-487. SCI, EI.
[15] Zhao, Xiaoran; Wang, Zhengwei; Xiao, Yexiang; Luo, Yongyao. Thermodynamic analysis of energy dissipation and unsteady flow characteristic in a centrifugal dredge pump under over-load conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2019, 233(13): 4742-4753. SCI, EI
[16] Xiaoran Zhao, Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, Yexiang Xiao and François Avellan. Unsteady Flow Numerical Simulations on Internal Energy Dissipation for a Low-Head Centrifugal Pump at Part-Load Operating Conditions. Energies. 2019, 12(10):2013. SCI, EI
[17] 王衍,胡琼,肖业祥,黄国庆,朱妍慧,葛云路.超高速干气密封扰流效应及抑扰机制研究[J].航空学报. 2019. EIP: 20194807736014.
[18] 桂中华,肖业祥. 抽水蓄能机组非稳态过程水力稳定性研究综述. 水电与抽水蓄能. 2019,5(3): 98-101.
[19] 桂中华; 郭旭东; 欧阳金惠; 肖业祥. 抽水蓄能机组无叶区压力脉动改善与厂房减振研究. 水电与抽水蓄能. 2019,27(5): 75-77.
[20] Xiao Yexiang, Zhu Wei, Wang Zhengwei*, Zhang Jin, Soohwang Ahn, Zeng Congji, Luo Yongyao. Numerical analysis of how misaligned guide vanes improve the pump-turbine S-shaped characteristics for the turbine mode. Journal of Fluids Engineering-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2018, 140(3), 031102,1-10. SCI, EI
[21] ZHAO Xiaoran, Yexiang Xiao, Wang Z.hengwei, Luo Yongyao, Cao lei. Unsteady Flow and Pressure Pulsation Characteristics Analysis of Rotating Stall in Centrifugal Pumps under Off Design Conditions. Journal of Fluids Engineering-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2018, 140(2): 021105, 1-7. SCI, EI
[22] Zhao Xiaoran, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Hongying, Ahn Soo-Hwang, Yao Yangyang, Fan Honggang. Numerical analysis of non-axisymmetric flow characteristic for a pump-turbine impeller at pump off-design condition. Renewable Energy. 2018.115, pp. 1075-1085. SCI, EI
[23] Zeng Chongji, Xiao Yexiang, Luo Yongyao, Zhang Jin, Wang Zhengwei*, Fan Honggang, Ahn Soo-hwang. Hydraulic performance prediction of a prototype four-nozzle Pelton turbine by entire flow path simulation. Renewable Energy. 2018.125, pp. 270-282. SCI, EI
[24] Ahn, Soo-Hwang; Xiao, Yexiang; Wang, Zhengwei; Luo Yongyao, Fan Honggang. Unsteady prediction of cavitating flow around a three dimensional hydrofoil by using a modified RNG k-epsilon model. Ocean Engineering. 2018, 158: 275-285. SCI, EI
[25] 乐振春,肖业祥,桂中华,曾崇济,朱伟. 水泵水轮机极小开度反水泵工况压力脉动与内流特性分析. 水利学报. 2018, 49(12):1541-1549. EI.
[26] Soohwang Ahn, Yexiang Xiao, Zhengwei Wang, Yongyao Luo. Numerical prediction on the effect of free surface vortex on intake flow characteristics for tidal power station. Renewable Energy. 2017.101, pp. 617-628. SCI, EI
[27] Zhai Liming, Luo Yongyao,Wang Zhengwe, Liu Xin, Xiao Yexiang . A review on the large tilting pad thrust bearings in the hydropower units. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS.2017,69, pp.1182-1198. SCI, EI
[28] Zeng Chongji, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Zhang Jin, Luo Yongyao. Numerical analysis of a Pelton bucket free surface sheet flow and dynamic performance affected by operating head. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2017.231.3: 182-196. SCI, EI
[29] Ahn Soo-Hwang, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei*, Zhou Xuezhi, Luo Yongyao. Performance prediction of a prototype tidal power turbine by using a suitable numerical model. Renewable Energy. 2017.113, pp. 293-302. SCI, EI
[30] Cao Lei, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao. Pressure fluctuation characteristics in the sidewall gaps of a centrifugal pump. Engineering Computations, 2017,34(4):1034-1053. SCI, EI
[31] Liming Zhai, Yongyao Luo, Xin Liu, Funan Chen, Yexiang Xiao, Zhengwei Wang. Numerical simulations for the fluid-thermal-structural interaction lubrication in a tilting pad thrust bearing. Engineering Computations, 2017,34(4): 1149-1165. SCI, EI
[32] Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, He Chenglian. Optimization of the Runner for Extremely Low Head Bidirectional Tidal Bulb Turbine. ENERGIES. 2017.10(6): SCI, EI.
[33] Xiao Yexiang, Zhu Wei, Wang Zhengwei*, Zhang Jin, Luo Yongyao, Zeng Chongji, Yao Yangyang. Analysis of the internal flow behavior on S-shaped region of a Francis pump turbine on turbine mode. Engineering Computations. 2016, 33(2): 543-561. SCI, EI
[34] Xiao Yexiang, Yao Yangyang, Wang Zhengwei*, Zhang Jin, Luo Yongyao, Zeng Chongji, Zhu Wei Hydrodynamic Mechanism Analysis of the Pump Hump District for a Pump-turbine. Engineering Computations. 2016, 33(3):957-976. SCI, EI
[35] Cao Lei, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Luo Yongyao. Numerical investigation of pressure fluctuation characteristics in a shrouded centrifugal pump with changing axial clearance. International Journal of Rotating Machinery. 2016, 9306314. SCI, EI
[36] SUN Hui, XIAO Ruofu, WANG Fujun, XIAO Yexiang, and LIU Weichao . Analysis of the Pump-turbine S Characteristics Using the Detached Eddy Simulation Method. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 28(1), pp 115-122, 2015. SCI, EI.
[37] Cao Lei, Zhang Yiyang, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Liu Changjun. Effect of axial clearance on the energy performance of an enclosed-impeller centrifugal pump with vice blades. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2015;137(7):071101-071101-10. SCI, EI
[38] XIAO Yexiang, WANG Zhengwei, ZENG Jidi, ZHENG Jintai, LIN Jiayang,ZHANG Lanjin. Prototype and Numerical Studies of Interference Characteristics of Two Ski-Jump Jets from Opening Spillway Gates. Engineering Computations, 2015, 32(2):289-307. SCI, EI
[39] Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Liu Xin, Xiao Yexiang, Chen Changkun, Wang Haopin, Yan Jianhua. Numerical prediction of pressure pulsation for a low head bidirectional tidal bulb turbine. Energy. 2015, 89: 730–738. SCI, EI
[40] 杨凌波; 肖业祥; 唐兵; 王正伟*. 基于固液两相流的纸浆泵磨损预测.排灌机械工程学报, 2015, 28(2): 98-103+127. CSCD:5396972
[41] 曾崇济,肖业祥,张瑾,安守皇,王正伟*.冲击式水轮机喷射机构磨损特性数值研究. 排灌机械工程学报, 2015,33(5): 407-411. CSCD:5453976
[42] 朱伟,肖业祥*,姚洋阳,罗永要,曾崇济,王正伟. 混流式水泵水轮机小开度S特性区内流特性分析. 水力发电学报. 2015,34(10): 138-144.