王正伟,清华大学流体机械及工程研究团队负责人,长聘教授,博士生导师。IAHR 水力机械与系统方向学术委员会委员及亚洲分会主席,中国动力工程学会水轮机专业委员会副主任委员,全国水轮机标准化技术委员会委员,中国可再生能源学会理事,中国可再生能源学会海洋能专业委员会副主任委员,中国电机工程学会风力与潮汐发电专业委员会委员,西藏自治区水力发电工程学会金结机电专业委员会副主任委员,水力发电设备国家重点实验室学术委员会委员,中国疏浚协会会员,“Renewable Energy”等多个国际学术期刊的主题编辑。
长期结合重大工程实践,开展流体机械多相流动多场耦合特性的理论模型、数值方法和性能分析研究,形成了水轮发电机组瞬态动力特性高精度计算分析评估及研发平台。先后应用于三峡、万家寨、小浪底、水口、大藤峡、白鹤滩、广州蓄能机组、阳江蓄能机组、仙游蓄能机组等近百座大中型水电站及抽水蓄能电站的多场耦合动力特性分析评估中,其中水口、万家寨及小浪底等机组理论计算与实测评估结合的运行区划分成果,长期保护着机组安全高效运行,阳江抽水蓄能电站转轮瞬态动力特性分析评估应用,成为国产高水头大容量蓄能机组保障性能优越的典范。研发了80 多套水轮机/水泵转轮,在多座水电站/泵站安全、高效、稳定运行,其中处于国际领先水平的“大国重器”双向水轮机、泵和泄水复杂工况运行的潮汐发电机组长期安全稳定运行于江厦潮汐试验电站,成功研制的“首台套”木扎提新型抗磨损转轮在多年高水头挟沙冲蚀运行中磨损轻微,自主研发的高效抗磨18000方/小时挖泥泵是“大国重器”亚洲最大耙吸式挖泥船通途轮的核心部件。
主持了国家 863 项目 2 项,国家自然科学重点基金 1 项,面上项目 4 项,国家海洋局专项研究课题 1 项,工信部绿色设计平台项目 3 项;参加国家科技攻关项目2 项;负责国际合作项目 4 项;负责横向科研项目 200 余项。
已获得专利19 项,登记软件著作权 5 项。研究成果获得各种奖励30多项,其中省部级一等奖 4 项,二等奖 11 项。发表于核心刊物科研论文380 余篇,其中WOS检索150多篇,SCI检索 140 余篇,EI检索 260 余篇。
1988年9月至1992年7月 华中科技大学流体机械及工程本硕毕业
1992年9月至1996年9月 清华大学水利水电工程系流体机械及工程博士毕业并留校工作
1998年1月至1999年5月 西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学流体机械及工程博士后
1988年8月至1989年8月 武汉汽轮发电机厂水轮机研究所实习工作
1996年10月至2007年6月 清华大学热能工程系流体机械及工程研究所讲师、副教授
2007年至今 历任清华大学能源与动力工程系流体机械及工程研究所所长、教授、博导、研究团队负责人
[1] IAHR国际水利与环境工程学会水力机械及系统学术委员会委员及亚洲分会主席
[2] 中国动力工程学会水轮机专业委员会副主任委员
[3] 水力发电设备国家重点实验室学术委员会委员
[4] 全国水轮机标准化技术委员会委员
[5] 西藏自治区水力发电工程学会金结机电专业委员会副主任委员
[6] 中国疏浚协会会员
[7] 中国电机工程学会风力与潮汐发电专业委员会委员
[8] 中国可再生能源学会理事
[9] 中国可再生能源学会海洋能专业委员会副主任委员
[10] “Renewable Energy” 等多个国际学术期刊的主题编辑
[1] 1997.09-1999.03, “电站增容改造转轮木模图设计”, 杭州发电设备厂机电工程公司
[2] 1998.04-1999.03, “水轮机叶片展开为平面的加工程序开发”, 金华水轮机厂
[3] 1998.09-1999.12, “60APH混流泵叶轮优化设计”, 长沙通大(集团)长沙水泵厂
[4] 1998.09-1999.12, “浙江省衢州市铜山源水电厂转轮改型设计”, 杭州杭发集团公司
[5] 1998.11-1999.12, “满天星电站改善气蚀转轮优化设计”, 杭州杭发集团水力机械厂
[6] 1999.06-2001.06, “湖南省平江县大江洞电站HL100-WJ-65转轮改型设计”, 杭州杭发集团公司水利机械厂
[7] 1999.06-2002.06, “佛子岭H263-2T-134水轮机改型设计”, 杭州杭发集团公司水利机械厂
[8] 1999.08-2001.08, “潜水轴流泵导叶和叶轮优化设计”, 中国水利水电科学研究院工厂
[9] 1999.09-2001.09, “流体机械稳定运行及预测维修基础性研究”, 清华大学骨干人才基金资助
[10] 1999.09-2002.09, “H泵流场分析及优化设计”, 航天部11所
[11] 1999.11-2002.11, “高砂水电有限公司水轮发电机组技术改造可行性研究”, 高砂水电有限公司
[12] 1999.11-2001.05, “轴流式水轮机流动分析及RSI分析”, 北京中水科机电科技开发公司
[13] 2000.01-2003.05, “太浦河泵站进出水流道及水泵安装高程计算”, 水利部太湖流域管理局
[14] 2000.03-2001.03, “尾水管流动分析及优化设计”, 北京中科电科技开发公司
[15] 2000.06-2001.03, “长江三峡右岸电站水轮机组稳定运行研究”, 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司
[16] 2000.07-2000.12, “富春江水电厂3号机组桨叶修形优化设计”, 华东电业管理局富春江水力发电厂
[17] 2000.08-2001.04, “水口转轮汽蚀性能优化计算分析”, 福建省电力试验研究所
[18] 2000.09-2000.12, “水布垭电站尾水波动对机组稳定运行的数值模拟研究”, 清江水布垭工程建筑公司
[19] 2000.09-2001.12, “高压风机稳定运行特性研究”, 清华大学985计划
[20] 2000.10-2001.05, “富春江水电厂3号水轮机水力特性分析”, 华东电力集团富春江水力发电厂
[21] 2001.01-2001.10, “桑普NY13D暖风机内部风道流动分析研究”, 北京桑普电器有限公司
[22] 2001.03-2001.10, “太浦河泵站叶轮水力不稳定特性分析研究”, 太浦河泵站工程建设指挥部
[23] 2001.04-2003.04, “水力机械流动诱发的振动特性研究”, 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金
[24] 2001.07-2002.07, “水泵内部流道流动分析及优化设计研究”, 石家庄泵业集团有限责任公司
[25] 2001.08-2001.12, “太浦河泵站模型机组内部流动实测分析研究及出水流道平板闸门的小拍门测试”, 太浦河泵站工程建设指挥部
[26] 2001.12-2002.08, “竹洲水电有限公司水轮机组稳定高效运行特性研究”, 福建省三明市竹洲水电有限公司
[27] 2002.04-2002.12, “湖南省欧阳海水电站水力动态特性分析研究”, 湖南省欧阳海灌区水利水电工程管理局
[28] 2002.05-2002.12, “黄河万家寨水利枢纽水轮机组稳定运行研究”, 黄河万家寨水利枢纽有限公司
[29] 2002.09-2002.11, “AGC运行对水电机组的影响分析项目”, 福建水口水力发电厂职工技术协会
[30] 2003.02-2004.02, “李家峡水电站水轮机不稳定流动特性分析”, 东方电机股份有限公司
[31] 2003.04-2003.12, “HL280-WJ-50流道流动分析及优化设计研究”, 广东省韶关众力发电设备有限公司
[32] 2003.06-2005.06, “泥沙不同输移机理及传统扩散方程的内在误差”, 清华大学基础研究基金
[33] 2003.07-2004.12, “搅拌池与搅拌器优化设计分析研究”, 天津市石化通用机械研究所
[34] 2003.07-2004.02, “黄河万家寨水利枢纽黑启动与状态检修方案研究”, 黄河万家寨水利枢纽有限公司
[35] 2003.07-2004.12, “水泵装置相似性分析研究”, 太浦河泵站工程建设指挥部
[36] 2003.08-2004.02, “木渎港泵站流道特性仿真分析研究”, 上海勘测设计研究院
[37] 2003.09-2003.12, “万家寨水电站4#机大修后稳定性试验研究”, 黄河万家寨水力枢纽有限公司电站管理局
[38] 2003.10-2004.06, “南水北调东线工程韩庄泵站流道水力特性仿真分析研究”, 山东省水利勘测研究院
[39] 2003.10-2004.06, “南水北调工程万年闸泵站流道水力特性仿真分析研究”, 山东省水利勘测设计院
[40] 2004.03-2006.12, “贯流式水轮机过渡过程三维仿真程序研制”, 中国水电工程顾问集团公司
[41] 2004.03-2004.12, “DZQ200型深潜硬管提升电泵流动特性研究”, 石家庄水泵厂科协技术开发部
[42] 2004.04-2004.12, “南水北调水泵试验台软件编制”, 中水北方勘测设计研究有限责任公司
[43] 2004.04-2004.12, “黄河万家寨水电厂机组技术数据管理系统研制”, 黄河万家寨水利枢纽有限公司电站管理局
[44] 2004.05-2004.12, “水机及金属结构图纸电子化绘制”, 福建水口发电有限公司职工技术协会
[45] 2004.08-2004.09, “利用申同嘴水库采用容积法校验GM2泵站超声波测流装置检测数据分析计算”, 山西省万家寨引黄工程总公司中心实验室
[46] 2004.08-2005.02, “水泵模拟试验台水泵性能试验研究”, 中水北方勘测设计研究有限责任公司
[47] 2004.08-2004.12, “浪洋水电站过渡过程分析”, 贵州水利水电勘测设计研究院
[48] 2004.08-2005.06, “水力机械CFD技术培训”, 石家庄泵业集团有限责任公司
[49] 2004.09-2005.06, “湖南省欧阳海水电站过渡过程特性分析研究”, 湖南省欧阳海灌区水利水电工程管理局
[50] 2004.09-2005.06, “津航浚221船两相流泥泵流道优化设计”, 天津航道局
[51] 2005.03-2007.03, “机组过流部件抗空蚀磨蚀的研究”, 黄河水利水电开发总公司
[52] 2005.03-2007.03, “水轮发电机组经济稳定运行性能(机组绝对效率试验、转轮裂纹检测与水轮机特性试验)研究”, 黄河水利水电开发总公司
[53] 2005.04-2006.04, “水口水轮机关键部件动力特性分析”, 福建省电力试验研究所
[54] 2005.08-2005.12, “1000WN挖泥泵仿真装配与动力特性分析研究”, 石家庄泵业集团有限责任公司
[55] 2005.08-2006.06, “偏离设计工况运行对机组稳定性的影响分析”, 福建水口发电有限公司职工技术协会
[56] 2005.08-2007.02, “国家863新型潮汐发电模型机组优化设计与研制试验”, 龙源电力集团公司
[57] 2006.03-2006.12, “泗阳泵站水泵装置流道型线优化研究”, 上海勘测设计研究院
[58] 2006.03-2006.09, “周宁水电站发电机组机架动力特性分析”, 福建中试所电力调整试验有限公司
[59] 2006.05-2006.12, “酉酬水电站HL820/450a水轮机流道优化研究”, 浙江富春江水电设备有限公司
[60] 2006.05-2007.05, “航发浚1#挖泥船泥泵叶轮(两种叶轮)优化设计及加工制造”, 天津航道局
[61] 2006.07-2007.05, “水口电站#1-#7机组性能试验和状态比较及分析”, 福建水口发电有限公司职工技术协会
[62] 2006.09-2007.06, “清水塘灯泡贯流机组静动态特性分析研究”, 东芝水电设备有限公司
[63] 2006.09-2011.09, “流体机械关键技术开发研究”, 杭州力源发电设备有限公司
[64] 2007.03-2008.06, “潮汐电站水轮机水力开发及模型试验研究”, 东方电机股份有限公司
[65] 2007.04-2007.12, “航发浚1#挖泥船泥泵叶轮优化设计及加工制造”, 中交天津航道局有限公司
[66] 2007.04-2007.12, “津航浚215船舱内泵叶轮5叶改3叶优化设计及加工制造”, 中交天津航道局有限公司
[67] 2007.06-2008.09, “乌兹别克斯坦阿航格朗水电站振动摆度检测装置”, 中国电工设备总公司
[68] 2007.06-2008.10, “乌兹别克斯坦安吉然-2水电站振动摆度检测装置”, 中国电工设备总公司
[69] 2007.08-2007.12, “城关电站厂房通风冷却系统研究”, 福建省沙县城关水电有限公司
[70] 2007.12-2008.05, “宝田水电站HL(F13)型水轮机转轮优化研究”, 浙江富春江水电设备有限公司
[71] 2008.01-2008.01, “SNFH340螺杆泵高效安全运行性能分析与优化研究”, 天津泵业机械集团有限公司
[72] 2008.01-2009.12, “HL820-WJ—84流道流动分析及优化设计研究”, 浙江金轮机电实业有限公司
[73] 2008.01-2009.12, “冲击式水轮机流动分析及优化设计研究”, 浙江金轮机电实业有限公司
[74] 2008.01-2009.12, “大型水力机械水力模型研制及其稳定性研究”, 清华大学水沙科学与水利水电国家重点实验室
[75] 2008.01-2009.12, “工业流体能源回收技术”的技术指导”, 南京蓝深制泵集团股份有限公司
[76] 2008.01-2009.12, “大型水力机械水力模型研制及其稳定性研究”, 清华大学水沙科学与水利水电国家重点实验室
[77] 2008.03-2009.03, “TMCG-80M蒸馏水泵的水力稳定性及SNF280R43U12.1J螺杆泵结构动力特性分析”, 天津泵业机械集团有限公司
[78] 2008.06-2008.12, “螺杆泵震动测量分析系统开发研究”, 天津泵业机械集团有限公司
[79] 2008.07-2011.07, “挖泥喷射泵性能分析与寻优设计”, 欧华清淤有限责任公司
[80] 2008.08-2009.12, “红山嘴混流式水轮机转轮优化设计”, 浙江中水发电设备有限公司
[81] 2008.09-2009.12, “新安江水轮发电机组仿真系统研究”, 华东电网有限公司新安江水力发电厂
[82] 2008.10-2008.12, “Chester水电站轴伸贯流式水轮机流动分析与流道优化设计”, 武汉长源水轮发电机制造有限公司
[83] 2008.11-2009.06, “黄丰电站灯泡贯流机组转动部分疲劳寿命研究”, 东芝水电设备(杭州)有限公司
[84] 2009.01-2011.12, “混流式水泵水轮机过渡过程中三维非定常流动研究”, 国家自然科学基金委员会
[85] 2009.03-2011.03, “工业流体能源回收技术的技术合作”, 南京蓝深制泵集团股份有限公司
[86] 2009.03-2011.12, “考虑三维粘性流场的水泵水轮机转轮流固耦合动力特性研究”, 国家自然科学基金委员会
[87] 2009.06-2013.06, “1000MW水轮发电机组水力稳定性和转轮动力特性研究 ”, 哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司
[88] 2009.06-2010.12, “天牛、滨海系列绞吸船泥泵小叶轮设计开发”, 中交天津航道局有限公司
[89] 2009.06-2010.12, “泥泵(含附件)数据库信息管理系统开发”, 中交天津航道局有限公司
[90] 2009.06-2010.06, “土耳其YAVUZ电站指数试验研究”, 浙江东方集团机电工程有限公司
[91] 2009.06-2011.05, “兆瓦级新型潮汐发电模型机组研发与原型机组选型优化设计(863)”, 中华人民共和国科学技术部
[92] 2009.07-2009.09, “VACA电站水轮发电机组过渡过程甩负荷特性分析”, 中国水利水电第十一工程局有限公司
[93] 2009.07-2011.02, “百万千瓦水轮发电机组转轮动应力特性研究”, 东方电机股份有限公司
[94] 2009.09-2010.12, “新型水轮发电机组开发研究(一期)”, 杭州力源发电设备有限公司
[95] 2009.09-2010.12, “抽水蓄能机组运行寿命研究”, 河北张河湾蓄能发电有限责任公司
[96] 2009.10-2010.12, “烟风系统数模研究”, 中国电力工程顾问集团西南电力设计院
[97] 2009.10-2010.12, “风机出口风道布置及风机风道噪音控制研究”, 中国电力工程顾问集团西南电力设计院
[98] 2009.10-2010.10, “江厦潮汐试验电站3(4、5)号机组转轮优化设计”, 中国国电集团温岭江厦潮汐试验电站
[99] 2009.12-2010.08, “巴西JIRAU电站75MW贯流式水轮机三维过渡过程计算研究”, 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司
[100] 2010.03-2010.12, “750型渣浆泵高效安全运行性能分析与优化研究”, 江西耐普集团有限公司
[101] 2010.03-2010.12, “马俄河水电站冲击式水轮发电机组运行性能测试”, 浙江金轮机电实业有限公司
[102] 2010.03-2010.07, “75SL型渣浆泵水力性能分析与优化研究”, 石家庄开发区石泵泵业有限公司
[103] 2010.04-2010.12, “ZZA-834-LJ-260水轮机流动分析与转轮力特性分析”, 武汉长源水轮发电机制造有限公司
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[107] 2010.06-2010.12, “木坡水电站水轮机流道和转轮研发”, 浙江中水发电设备有限公司
[108] 2010.07-2010.11, “土耳其YAVUZ电站动平衡试验研究”, 浙江东方集团机电工程有限公司
[109] 2010.07-2010.11, “周宁电站水轮发电机组轴系动力特性分析”, 福建中试所电力调整试验有限责任公司
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[111] 2010.08-2011.08, “土耳其DIM电站指数试验研究”, 浙江国贸集团东方机电工程有限公司
[112] 2010.08-2011.01, “Kapuskasing电站GZ007-WZ-280水轮机流道和结构优化分析研究”, 武汉长源水轮发电机制造有限公司
[113] 2010.08-2011.02, “GDJG502-WZ-275、SFW6465-32/3450水轮机发电机组关键部件动力特性分析”, 湖南零陵恒远发电设备有限公司
[114] 2010.09-2012.09, “泰国NAMLIK1轴流转桨式水轮机水力开发研究及模型试验”, 重庆鑫安水电设备制造有限公司
[115] 2010.11-2011.12, “通程轮泥泵水力和结构分析及优化设计研究”, 中交天津航道局有限公司
[116] 2011.01-2012.12, “新型水轮发电机组开发研究(二期)”, 杭州力源发电设备有限公司
[117] 2011.01-2012.12, “新型潮汐发电模型机组研发关键技术研究”, 浙江清华长三角研究院
[118] 2011.05-2012.12, “崇阳轴流定桨式水轮机转轮优化设计”, 浙江中水发电设备有限公司
[119] 2011.07-2012.06, “土耳其Guzelcay 1&2电站指数试验研究”, 浙江国贸集团东方机电工程有限公司
[120] 2011.08-2012.02, “浙江淳安县瑶山乡里庄电站水轮发电机组相对效率试验”, 浙江金轮机电实业有限公司
[121] 2011.09-2016.09, “新型水轮机流道开发研究”, 浙江中水发电设备有限公司
[122] 2012.01-2013.06, “水轮机增容改造分析与流道优化设计研究”, 浙江舜飞重型发电设备制造有限公司
[123] 2012.01-2013.12, “新型水轮发电机组开发研究(三期)”, 杭州力源发电设备有限公司
[124] 2012.01-2012.12, “油泵AY400和AY2000工作性能预测分析与流道优化设计研究”, 北京昌佳泵业集团有限公司
[125] 2012.01-2013.12, “基于调相及补气工况的水轮机内部多相流数值研究”, 清华大学水沙科学与水利水电国家重点实验室
[126] 2012.04-2014.04, “Development of Fluid structure interaction analysis(simulation method)for turbine runner strength”, 东芝公司
[127] 2012.05-2012.12, “土耳其Himmetli电站指数试验研究”, 浙江国贸集团东方机电工程有限公司
[128] 2012.05-2012.12, “下洋湖和芦北湖水源输水泵站和输水管线水锤防护咨询与计算”, 上海勘测设计研究院
[129] 2012.07-2013.12, “大型蓄能机组轴系动力特性分析”, 广东电网公司电力科学研究院
[130] 2012.08-2014.12, “江厦潮汐试验电站1号机组增效扩容改造新型双向潮汐机组研发”, 中国国电集团温岭江厦潮汐试验电站
[131] 2012.09-2016.12, “水泵水轮机转轮湿模态和考虑稳态与瞬态水力激励的全寿命模型研究”, 国家自然科学基金委员会
[132] 2012.10-2013.06, “土耳其GOKKAYA电站指数试验研究”, 浙江国贸集团东方机电工程有限公司
[133] 2012.10-2013.12, “民治水电站输水系统水力过渡过程计算分析”, 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司
[134] 2013.01-2015.11, “考虑非线性油膜力的抽水蓄能机组转子-轴承耦合系统动力特性分析”, 教育部博士点基金
[135] 2013.05-2013.06, “威乐(中国)水泵系统有限公司75吨测试台钢架刚强度分析及其优化”, 威乐(中国)水泵系统有限公司
[136] 2013.08-2018.08, “基于流动和动力特性分析的新型水轮机流道开发研究”, 湖南汉龙水电设备有限公司
[137] 2013.11-2014.12, “混流式水轮机叶道涡模拟及水力特性研究”, 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司
[138] 2013.11-2014.11, “巴基斯坦JABBAN水电站水轮发电机组相对效率试验”, 浙江金轮机电实业有限公司
[139] 2014.01-2016.12, “导流罩式潮流发电水轮机水动力学特性与运行稳定性研究”, 教育部博士点基金
[140] 2014.02-2015.02, “塔吉克GOLOVNAYA电站稳定性试验研究及协联曲线校正”, 杭州亚太电力集团有限公司
[141] 2014.02-2014.12, “华安水电站扩建工程过渡过程数值计算”, 华电福新能源股份有限公司华安水力发电厂
[142] 2014.04-2015.12, “转轮裂纹分析与新型转轮设计”, 杭州力源发电设备有限公司
[143] 2014.06-2016.06, “For Runner hydraulic and dynamic analysis under variable speed of bi-directinal large tidal power unit”, 日本东芝公司
[144] 2014.06-2016.12, “HL240、ZD510新型转轮CFD开发软件”, 浙江中水发电设备有限公司
[145] 2014.08-2014.12, “美国IFP极低水头轴流水轮机流道分析”, 中国长江动力集团有限公司
[146] 2014.11-2015.05, “百龙滩水轮机增容改造分析与流道优化设计研究”, 天津市天发重型水电设备制造有限公司
[147] 2015.01-2019.12, “离心泵流动不稳定性机理及其控制”, 国家自然科学基金委员会重点基金项目
[148] 2015.01-2016.01, “张家口市怀来县自来水厂过滤设备水力损失试验研究”, 怀来泽民科技发展有限公司
[149] 2015.02-2016.12, “抽水蓄能机组三维暂态过程水柱分离及空化现象研究”, 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司
[150] 2015.04-2016.03, “新型高效水轮发电机组试制”, 杭州亚太水电设备成套技术有限公司
[151] 2015.04-2017.04, “西藏农牧学院水力机械试验系统开发”, 西藏农牧学院水利土木工程学院
[152] 2015.06-2016.06, “引额供水二期输水工程小红山泵站水力过渡过程计算”, 水利部新疆维吾尔自治区水利水电勘测设计研究院
[153] 2015.07-2016.06, “新型转轮性能测试设备及试验平台租赁”, 水利部农村电气化研究所
[154] 2015.08-2016.08, “新型高效水轮发电机组性能分析”, 重庆鑫安水电设备制造有限公司
[155] 2015.10-2016.01, “流体机械及工程应用专业课程教学”, 上海冠龙阀门机械有限公司
[156] 2015.11-2017.06, “木坡转轮叶片出水边CFD结构优化设计”, 浙江中水发电设备有限公司
[157] 2015.12-2016.11, “水利水电工程学科建设项目-水轮机试验台建设”, 西藏大学农牧学院
[158] 2016.01-2016.12, “新疆木扎提河三级水电站10MW机组转轮研发及制造”, 新疆新华木扎提河水电开发有限公司
[159] 2016.03-2016.06, “土耳其Kusakli电站指数试验”, 浙江国贸集团东方机电工程有限公司
[160] 2016.04-2017.03, “水力机械试验台测量软件系统开发”, 天津天发重型水电设备制造有限公司
[161] 2016.11-2017.12, “MHP(Pb001)、CHP(Pb002)、DHP(Pb003)、PHP(Pb002)电站指数验收试验”, 中电国际技术股份有限公司
[162] 2016.11-2017.11, “振动噪声测试分析设备”, 天津泵业机械集团有限公司
[163] 2016.12-2017.02, “湖南衡阳白鱼潭水电站ZZ560b-LH-330水轮机流道分析研究”, 湖南云箭集团有限公司
[164] 2017.01-2018.06, “小东江3号机转轮改造CFD分析”, 中国长江动力集团有限公司
[165] 2017.03-2017.12, “MACHAI电站效率指数试验研究”, 浙江金轮机电实业有限公司
[166] 2017.05-2017.12, “湖南衡阳白鱼潭水电站转轮开发研究”, 湖南云箭科技有限公司
[167] 2017.06-2018.06, “深海流体机械水力及结构性能研究”, 强大泵业集团行唐泵业有限公司
[168] 2017.06-2018.12, “广东阳江抽水蓄能电站机组转轮流固耦合动力特性研究”, 中国南方电网有限责任公司调峰调频发电公司
[169] 2017.06-2020.12, “国家工信部:绿色制造系统集成项目-高效水电设备绿色设计平台建设项目”, 天津天发重型水电设备制造有限公司
[170] 2017.12-2018.11, “水泵水轮机顶盖、座环和联接螺栓整体模态和刚强度特性研究”, 中国水利水电科学研究院
[171] 2018.01-2018.06, “巴基斯坦帕春水电站钢叉管流动分析研究”, 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司
[172] 2018.01-2022.12, “国家工信部:绿色制造系统集成项目-高效多相浆体输送泵绿色设计平台建设项目”, 石家庄强大泵业集团有限责任公司
[173] 2018.02-2022.12, “国家工信部:绿色制造系统集成项目-高原水轮机绿色设计平台建设项目”, 西藏华东水电设备成套有限公司
[174] 2018.05-2019.03, “阳江水泵水轮机转轮动应力分析计算”, 哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司
[175] 2018.06-2019.06,“XX-77氧泵全流场瞬态计算”,北京航天动力研究所
[176] 2018.08-2018.12, “贵州省兴义市马岭水利枢纽工程水锤计算及水锤防护措施分析”, 中国电建集团贵阳勘测设计研究院有限公司
[177] 2018.09-2021.09, “水力系统暂态过程分析系统研究”, 上海冠龙阀门机械有限公司
[178] 2018.09-2019.03, “大唐华银张家界水电有限公司红壁岩电厂水轮机协联曲线测试转轮优化项目”, 大唐华银张家界水电有限公司红壁岩电厂
[179] 2018.09-2019.12, “国网新源控股仙游公司转轮下沉对机组安全运行的影响研究技术服务”, 福建仙游抽水蓄能有限公司
[180] 2018.11-2020.12, “泥泵轴系多工况动态特性研究”, 中交疏浚技术装备国家工程研究中心有限公司
[181] 2018.11-2020.12, “泥泵轴系三维建模及转子动力学分析”, 中交疏浚技术装备国家工程研究中心有限公司
[182] 2019.01-2022.12, “水力机械非定常流动内能变化与水力损失机理研究”, 国家自然科学基金委员会
[183] 2019.04-2020.12, “国网新源控股技术中心抽水蓄能机组非稳态过程水力特性及转轮流固耦合动力特性研究技术开发服务”, 国网新源控股有限公司
[184] 2019.12-2021.12, “中国南方电网调峰调频公司检修试验分公司基于动静干涉、流固耦合及断裂力学的水泵水轮机固定部件寿命预测研究-水泵水轮机动静干涉及其对结构件影响研究”,南方电网调峰调频发电有限公司检修试验分公司
[185] 2019.12-2020.12, “基于水力瞬变仿真的输水管道泄漏预测分析”,福建省佰星电力技术服务有限公司
[186] 2020.01-2020.12, “新疆叶尔羌河錾高水电站HLY251-LJ-350转轮动力特性分析”,新疆新华錾高水电开发有限公司
[187] 2020.05-2021.01, “新疆叶尔羌河錾高水电站HLY251-LJ-350转轮优化设计分析”,湖南云箭科技有限公司
[188] 2020.06-2021.12, “安徽金寨抽水蓄能电站机组关键流道部件流固耦合动力特性研究”,安徽金寨抽水蓄能有限公司
[189] 2020.06-2023.06, “大藤峡水利枢纽工程大型轴流转桨式机组安全稳定运行研究”,广西大藤峡水利枢纽开发有限责任公司
[190] 2020.06-2021.12, “银川都市圈中线供水工程-泵站水力系统及机组流道挟沙空化非定常流动特性分析”,宁夏水利工程建设中心
[191] 2020.06-2021.12, “银川都市圈中线供水工程-输水管路系统暂态过程挟沙重力流动特性研究”,宁夏水利工程建设中心
[192] 2020.07-2021.03, “炳灵水电站水轮机主轴裂纹原因分析研究”,甘肃电投炳灵水电开发有限责任公司
[193] 2020.11-2021.12, “福建厦门抽水蓄能电站水力激励引发地质振动研究技术服务”,福建厦门抽水蓄能有限公司
[194] 2021.03-2022.06, “银川都市圈中线供水工程(银川、石嘴山河东灌区节水改造工程) 泵站水力过渡过程计算及防护研究”, 宁夏水利水电勘测设计研究院有限公司
[195] 2021.03-2024.03, “抽水蓄能机组水力激励响应特性分析与评估”,安德里茨(中国)有限公司
[196] 2021.04-2021.04, “新疆叶尔羌河錾高水电站工程主机组整体设计方案复核技术服务合同”,新疆新华錾高水电开发有限公司
[197] 2021.06-2023.11, “国网新源控股白山电站暂态过程顶盖瞬时强烈振动研究服务”,国网新源控股有限公司白山抽水蓄能电站
[198] 2021.06-2023.06, “国网新源控股福建仙游公司水泵水轮机轴系多场耦合性能分析研究”,福建仙游抽水蓄能有限公司
[199] 2021.07-2021.12, “九江城区应急水源建设工程长距离输水水锤防护计算”, 上海勘测设计研究院有限公司
[200] 2021.08-2021.08, “乌兹别克斯坦阿姆布哈拉灌溉系统修复工程—Kizil Tepa泵站更新改造及修复项目10台主泵设计、制造的合理性、安全性及使用寿命论证”,中国国际贸易促进委员会河北调解中心
[201] 2021.08-2022.12, “錾高电站原型机组水力模型与运行性能研究”, 重庆水轮机厂有限责任公司
[202] 2021.08-2022.06, “高水头水泵水轮机导叶间隙射流非稳态流动特性研究”, 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司
[203] 2021.08-2024.06, “抽水蓄能机组水力激励响应特性分析与评估补充协议”,安德里茨(中国)有限公司
[204] 2021.09-2022.12, “抽水蓄能水轮机400米水头段低压力脉动流道研发”,安德里茨(中国)有限公司
[205] 2021.10-2023.12, “新疆木扎提河三级水电站1、2号机组转轮研发补充合同”
[206] 2021.10-2023.02, “巨型水轮发电机组安装偏差引起的轴系动力性能变化机理及工程应用研究”, 中国水利水电第四工程局有限公司
[207] 2022.03-2023.12,“新疆新华水电投资股份有限公司塔尕克水电厂水轮机泥沙磨损机理研究及抗磨损转轮研发项目”,新疆新华水电投资股份有限公司塔尕克水电厂
[208] 2022.05-2024.06, “镇安公司抽水蓄能机组瞬态动力特性安全性预测评估体系研究与应用技术服务”,陕西镇安抽水蓄能有限公司
[209] 2022.05-2024.06, “河北丰宁抽水蓄能电站变速水泵水轮机组轴系多场耦合性能研究服务”,河北丰宁抽水蓄能有限公司
[210] 2022.06-2023.12, “万家寨水电站机组稳定运行研究”,黄河万家寨水利枢纽有限公司
[211] 2022.07-2024.06, “浙江宁海抽水蓄能电站机组瞬态动力特性安全性预测评估服务”,浙江宁海抽水蓄能有限公司
[212] 2022.08-2023.07, “河南洛宁抽水蓄能电站水泵水轮机轴系耦合性能复核计算”,河南洛宁抽水蓄能有限公司
[213] 2022.08-2023.08, “1000MW 水轮发电机组动力特性多场耦合研究“,三峡金沙江云川水电开发有限公司宁南白鹤滩电厂
[214] 2022.09-2023.02, “中部干旱带海源西安供水水源工程供水泵模型优化”, 重庆水泵厂有限责任公司
[215] 2023.01-2023.12,“泵塔及基座构造设计研究-LNG装卸三维流动特性分析及振动响应评估研究”,沪东中华造船(集团)有限公司
[216] 2023.04-2024.10,“河南五岳抽水蓄能电站机组振动性能及轴系多场耦合性能评估”,河南新华五岳抽水蓄能发电有限公司
[217] 2023.04-2024.12,“抽水蓄能电站水激振动对抽水蓄能电站蜗壳混凝土性能的影响及工程改进建议研究服务”,保定易县抽水蓄能有限公司
[218] 2023.05-2024.12,“河北丰宁抽水蓄能电站变速机组导叶开度与转速双调宽频水力激励的结构动力特性分析服务”,河北丰宁抽水蓄能有限公司
[219] 2023.05-2025.05,“新疆錾高水电站基于机组性能预测的安全运行研究”,新疆新华錾高水电开发有限公司
[220] 2023.05-2024.12,“山东潍坊抽水蓄能水泵水轮机及输水系统全三维水激振动研究”,山东潍坊抽水蓄能有限公司
[221] 2023.11-2025.12,“福建云霄抽水蓄能电站水泵水轮机组稳态与暂态运行流固耦合动力特性分析评估”,中核国电漳州能源有限公司
[222] 2023.11-2029.12,“西大峪抽水蓄能电站水泵水轮机组流道研发及结构设计安全性评估”,天津市天发重型水电设备制造有限公司
[223] 2023.12-2026.11,“超大型冲击式水轮机转轮设计与智能优化方法研究”,哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司
[224] 2024.01-2027.12,“基于云边端协同的水电厂机组智能状态监测及故障辨识关键技术”,华中科技大学
[225] 2024.01-2026.12,“广东惠州中洞抽蓄变速水泵水轮机流固耦合性能预测与优化评估技术服务项目”,惠州中洞蓄能发电有限公司
[226] 2024.01-2026.12,“广东肇庆浪江抽蓄变速水泵水轮机流固耦合性能预测与优化评估技术服务项目”,肇庆浪江蓄能发电有限公司
[227] 2024.03-2030.12,“广西桂林抽水蓄能电站高转速超高扬程大容量水泵水轮机组安全稳定运行研究”,广西龙胜源胜水力发电有限公司
[1] 低扬程大型斜轴伸泵CFD研究,大禹水利科学技术奖,三等奖,2004
[2] 新型潮汐发电机组研制,中国国电集团公司科技进步奖,一等奖,2008
[3] 混流式水轮机数字化转轮设计与研究开发,黑龙江省机械工业科学技术奖,一等奖,2008
[4] 周宁水电站发电机组机架结构稳定性分析与治理研究,中国华电集团公司科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2008
[5] 《流体机械基础》,入选2008年北京高等教育精品教材,清华大学优秀教材二等奖,2008
[6] 新型潮汐发电机组技术研究和开发,大禹水利科学技术奖,一等奖,2010
[7] 新型潮汐发电机组研制,中国电力科学技术奖,二等奖,2011
[8] 灯泡贯流式水轮机瞬态水力特性与疲劳寿命关键技术研究,大禹水利科学技术奖,二等奖,2012
[9] 提高现代水力发电系统运行稳定性关键技术研究,教育部科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2012
[10] 水轮发电机组教学平台,清华大学优秀教学软件一等奖,2012
[11] 新型潮汐发电机组研制,国家能源科技进步奖,三等奖,2013
[12] 大型挖泥船泥泵国产化开发研制,中国水运建设行业协会科学技术奖,一等奖,2013
[13] 大型挖泥船泥泵国产化开发研制,中国交通建设股份有限公司科学技术进步奖,一等奖,2013
[14] 水力机械转轮流固耦合动力特性研究,大禹水利科学技术奖,二等奖,2014
[15] 大型挖泥船泥泵国产化开发研制,天津市科学进步奖,二等奖,2014
[16] 基于涡动力学理论的水力机械流动分析和优化设计,教育部科技进步奖,二等奖,2014
[17] 可双向六工况运行全贯流式低水头水轮机组设计,第八届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,2015
[18] 调峰调频水电机组多维度耦合轴系稳定性研究及工程应用,中国电力科学技术奖,二等奖,2016
[19] 调峰调频水电机组多维度耦合轴系稳定性研究及工程应用,中国南方电网有限责任公司-电力科学研究院科技进步奖,一等奖,2016
[20] 调峰调频水电机组多维度耦合轴系稳定性研究及工程应用, 中国南方电网-广东电网公司有限责任公司科学进步奖, 一等奖, 2016
[21] 超大型耙吸挖泥船研制及工程应用,中国水运建设行业协会科学技术奖,特等奖,2016
[22] 龙源电力温岭江厦潮汐试验电站1号机组,优秀海洋工程奖,2018
[23] 江夏潮汐试验电站1号机组增效扩容改造技术应用研究,国家能源集团科技进步奖,三等奖,2018
[24] 三叶片新型潮汐发电机组设计、制造及工程示范建设研究与应用,海洋工程科学技术奖,二等奖,2018
[25] 三叶片新型潮汐发电机组设计、制造及工程示范建设研究与应用,中国电力企业联合会,电力科技创新奖,一等奖,2018
[26] 教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教育改革项目“流体机械基础”,教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教学指导委员会,优秀重点项目,2019
[27] 国家级一流本科课程,线上一流课程“流体机械基础”,教育部,2020
[28] 双向水平轴潮流能发电机组,中国电力技术发明奖,二等奖,2020
[29] 仙游公司转轮下沉对机组安全运行的影响研究与应用,国网新源控股有限公司科学技术进步奖,三等奖,2020
[30] 抽水蓄能机组非稳态流固系统安全关键技术及应用,水力发电科学技术奖,二等奖,2021
[31] 抽水蓄能机组非稳态流固耦合系统安全关键技术及应用,国网新源控股有限公司科学技术进步奖,一等奖,2021
[32] 一种适应高水头、高转速和高含沙量的抗磨损混流式水轮机,全国电力行业设备管理创新成果,二等奖,2021
[33] 超高水头大容量抽水蓄能机组转轮流固耦合分析研究及应用,广东电力科学技术奖项目奖,二等奖,2022
[34] 水轮发电机组轴系多场耦合动力特性关键技术及应用,中国电力企业联合会,电力科技创新奖,一等奖,2022

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[6] 混流式水泵水轮机(CN201320842123.0)
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[3] 泥泵数据库信息管理系统V1.0(软著登字第0433894号)
[4] 抽水蓄能机组发电机推力轴承润滑计算系统(软著登字第0660416号)
[5] 水轮发电机组稳定性试验数据采集分析软件V1.0(软著登字第1090731号)
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周凌九, 王正伟, 陈波, 朱孝兵, 新型抗空蚀转轮优化设计-满天星电站的成功改造经验, 水力发电学报, 2002, (2): P85-90.
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[26] Cui Tao, Wang Zhengwei, Computational Analysis of Cavitation Flow in Straight-lined Cascade Developing from Cylindrical Stream Surface of axial Hydroturbine Runner, The 4th International Conference on Pumps and Fans, Beijing, China, August 26-29, 2002; 2002: P419-423.
[27] Wang Zhengwei, Qiu Hua, He Chenglian, Experimental Study on Pressure Surge in Hydraulic Turbine Draft Tube, Proceedings of the XXIst IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Lausanne, September 9-12, 2002; 2002: P613-618.
[28] Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Huang Yuanfang, The Rotor-Stator Interaction Flow Simulation On Three Gorges Hydraulic Turbines, Proceedings of the XXIst IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Lausanne, September 9-12, 2002; 2002: P789-795.
[29] 胡德义, 王为人, 李庆生, 王正伟, 邱华, 太浦河泵站斜15°轴伸泵水力动态力分析, 水力发电学报, 2002, 3: P81-87.
[30] 王正伟, 崔涛, 江得春, 吕孟东, 轴流式水轮机能量特性预测分析, 水力发电, 2002, 11: P46-47.
[31] 周凌九, 王正伟, 混流式水轮机转轮X型叶片的水力特性, 中国农业大学学报, 2002, 7(4): P43-47.
[32] 李海锋, 吴玉林,王正伟, 高德喻, 新式环保型上流式水轮机的实验研究, 水力发电学报, 2002, P89-95.
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何成连, 王正伟, 邱华, 水轮机尾水管内部压力脉动试验研究, 机械工程学报, 2002, 38 (11): P144-147.
[34] Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Huang Yuanfang, Draft tube surge and runner outlet flow patterns,Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, Volume 42, Issue 12, Pages 1670-1673, December 2002.
周凌九, 王正伟, 黄源芳, 转轮出口流态对尾水管内压力脉动的影响, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2002, 42 (12): P1670-1673.
[35] Wang Z, Zhou L, Huang Y, Simulation of unsteady flow induced by in vortices the draft tube of a Francis turbine, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2002, 42(12), pp. 1647–1650.
王正伟, 周凌九, 黄源芳, 尾水管涡带引起的不稳定流动计算与分析, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2002, 42 (12): P1647-1650.
[36] 周凌九, 胡德义, 王正伟, 可实现性k-ε模型在水轮机流场计算中的应用, 水动力学研究与进展(A辑), 2003, 18 (1): P68-72.
[37] 梁权伟, 王正伟, 方源, 温晓军, 陈伟江, 邓建华, 万家寨水轮机整体转轮的模态分析, 水机磨蚀2002-2003论文集, 2003, P165-170.
[38] 喻疆, 王正伟, 方源, 温晓军, 陈伟江, 邓建华, 水轮发电机组转子动力学分析展望, 水机磨蚀2002-2003论文集, 2003, P181-184.
[39] 王正伟, 崔涛, 江德春, 吕孟东, 轴流式水轮机流道内部流动分析, 大电机技术, 2003, 6: P34-36.
[40] 方源, 陈伟江, 王正伟, 何成连, 黄河万家寨水轮发电机组稳定运行研究, 水电站机电技术, 2003年大型水电机组技术研讨会论文集, 水轮发电机组稳定性技术研讨会论文集, 2003, (S1): P62-67.
[41] Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Simulation of Unsteady Flow in a Francis Turbine Draft Tube, Int J Hydropower Dams, 2003, 10 (1): P41-44.
[42] Liang Q, Wang Z, Strength and vibration analysis of a Francis turbine, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2003, 43 (12), pp. 1649–1652.
梁权伟, 王正伟, 混流式转轮静强度和振动特性分析, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2003, 43 (12): P1649-1652.
[43] Wang S, Liu Y, Liang X, Zhao M, Wang Z, Coupling-vibration analysis of elastic plate submerged in viscous fluid, Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2004, 40 (7), pp. 63–66.
王少波, 刘元杰, 梁醒培, 赵明皞, 王正伟, 弹性板在粘性流体中的耦合振动分析, 机械工程学报, 2004, 40 (7): P63-66.
[44] 周凌九, 王正伟, 黄源芳, 尾水管水力稳定性受直锥段高度影响的性能预测, 大电机技术, 2004, 4: P47-51.
[45] 王正伟, 周凌九, 陈炎光, 丁铭, 陈国栋, 灯泡贯流式水轮机水力损失分析, 大电机技术, 2004, 5: P40-43.
[46] 梁权伟, 王正伟, 方源, 考虑流固耦合的混流式水轮机转轮模态分析, 水力发电学报, 2004, 23 (3): P116-120.
[47] 唐拥军, 王正伟, 何成连, 肖建新, 欧阳海水电站水轮机组动态特性分析, 第15次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 西宁, 中国, 2004.7; 2004, P198-204.
[48] 林琳, 王正伟, 周凌九, 利用CFD技术优化轴流转桨式水轮机间隙空化特性, 第15次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 西宁, 中国, 2004.7; 2004, P235-240.
[49] 罗永要, 王正伟, 梁权伟, 林贵海, AGC调节对大型轴流转桨式机组的影响分析, 第15次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 西宁, 中国, 2004.7; 2004, P246-250.
[50] 梁权伟, 王正伟, 混流式水轮机整体转轮的强度特性分析, 第15次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 西宁, 中国, 2004.7; 2004, P251-256.
[51] 喻疆, 王正伟, 曹剑绵, 石清华, 万家寨2#机组转子动力学特性分析, 第15次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 西宁, 中国, 2004.7; 2004, P104-109.
[52] 刘健, 王正伟, 罗永要, 陶旭东, 水电的可持续发展综述, 电力学报, 2004, 19(2): P106-110.
[53] 方源, 温晓军, 陈伟江, 何成连, 王正伟, 黄河万家寨水轮发电机组稳定运行的综合措施, 电力学报, 2004, 19(2): P116-124.
[54] Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Yong, The stable operation study on Wanjiazhai Hydropower Station Francis turbine, Hydro 2004, International Conference and Exhibition, Alfâdega Congress Centre, Porto, Portugal, October 18-21, 2004.
[55] Wang Zhengwei, Yu jiang, Shi Qinghua, Cao Jianmian, The characteristic analysis of rotor dynamics to large-scale Francis turbines, Hydro 2004, International Conference and Exhibition, Alfâdega Congress Centre, Porto, Portugal, October 18-21, 2004.
[56] Peng G, Wang Z, Yang W, Simulations and measurements of dredge pump, Proceedings of 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2005, 2005, 2005, pp. 1494–1496.
【EI:2006219888554, DOI:10.1115/FEDSM2005-77322】
[57] 林琳, 林贵海, 王正伟, 改善水口水轮机间隙空化的修型方案研究, 全国水电厂技术改造学习交流研讨会论文集, 2005.7 , P118-122.
[58] Luo Y, Wang Z, Liang Q, Stress of Francis turbine runners under fluctuant work conditions, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2005, 45 (2).
罗永要, 王正伟, 梁权伟, 混流式水轮机转轮动载荷作用下的应力特性, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2005, 45 (2): P235-237.
[59] 王正伟, 沈建华, 方勇耕, 肖若富, 轴流式水轮机内流场整体三维数值解析, 浙江水利水电专科学校学报, 2005, 17 (1): P33-35.
[60] Wang Z, Tang Y, Fang Y, Chen W, Deng J, Economic operation study on Wanjiazhai hydropower station, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2005, 24 (3), pp. 12–17.
王正伟, 唐拥军, 方源, 陈伟江, 邓建华, 万家寨水电站经济运行研究, 水力发电学报, 2005, 24 (3): P12-17.
[61] Wang Z, Yu J, Luo Y, Zhou L, Flow characteristic analysis under different runner-vane-match,Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2005, 24(3), pp. 44–47.
王正伟, 喻疆, 罗永要, 周凌九, 转轮-导叶不同匹配下的内部流动特性分析, 水力发电学报, 2005, 24 (3): P44-47.
[62] Wang Z, Tang Y, He C, Xiao J, Hydraulic resonance analysis of 1 # unit of Ouyanghai hydropower station,Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2005, 24(3).
王正伟, 唐拥军, 何成连, 肖建新, 欧阳海水电站1号机组水力共振分析, 水力发电学报, 2005, 24 (3): P115-118, P51.
[63] Peng Guangjie, Wang Zhengwei, Yang Wen, Simulations and measurements of dredge pump (Simulations and measurements of pump), Proceedings of 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 2005, 2: P43-45.
[64] 彭光杰, 王正伟, 杨文, 挖泥泵数值仿真与实测比较, 流体机械, 2005, 33(12): P19-22
[65] Wang Z, Yu J, Fang Y, Cao J, Shi Q, Characteristic analysis of rotor dynamics of large hydraulic generating unit,Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2005, 24(4), pp. 62–66.
王正伟, 喻疆, 方源, 温晓军, 曹剑绵, 石清华, 大型水轮发电机组转子动力学特性分析, 水力发电学报, 2005, 24(4): P62-66.
[66] Zhou L, Wang Z, Simulation of dynamic loads on Francis blades at partial load, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2005, 45(8), pp. 1134–1137.
周凌九, 王正伟, 混流式水轮机部分负荷下的叶片动载荷模拟, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2005, 45(8): P1134-1137.
[67] Wang Z, Luo Y, Fang Y, Wen X,FSI computation of a Francis runner during load adjustment, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2005, 24(4), pp. 58–61.
王正伟, 罗永要, 方源, 温晓军, 负荷调节过程中的混流式转轮流固耦合计算, 水力发电学报, 2005, 24(4): P58-61.
[68] Wang Z, Zhou L, He C, Pressure oscillations in a hydraulic turbine draft tube, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2005, 45(8), pp. 1138–1141.
王正伟, 周凌九, 何成连, 尾水管压力脉动的模拟与现场实测, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2005, 45(8): P1138-1141.
[69] Xiao R, Wang Z, Centrifugal pump blade optimization based on a combined optimization strategy, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2006, 46(5), pp. 700–703.
肖若富, 王正伟, 基于组合优化策略的离心泵叶轮优化设计, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2006, 46(5): P700-703.
[70] Wang S, Wang Z, Kong D, Chen Y, Research on the fatigue life of a Francis turbine runner, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2006, 25(4), pp. 135–138.
王少波, 王正伟, 孔德铭, 陈怡勇, 混流式水轮机转轮的疲劳寿命研究, 水力发电学报, 2006, 25(4): P135-138.
[71] Wang S, Wang Z, Kong D, Li Y, Computation of the fatigue damage of the 6# turbine blade during start-up in Xiaolangdi hydropower station, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2006, 25(5), pp. 118–120.
王少波, 王正伟, 孔德铭, 李宇, 小浪底水轮机6号机组启动过程对叶片的疲劳损伤估算, 水电发电学报, 2006, 25(5): P118-120.
[72] Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Tian Yajuan, Numerical simulation of vortex cavitation in draft tube, 23rd IAHR Symposium-Yokohama, October, 2006.
[73] 林琳, 王正伟, 周凌九, 利用CFD技术优化水口水电站轴流转桨式水轮机间隙空化特性, 第一届水力发电技术国际会议论文集(第一卷), 北京, 中国, 2006, P252-256.
[74] 陈国栋, 丁铭, 郑冬梅, 王正伟, 不同结构活塞杆动应力分析, 福建电力与电工, 2006, 26(4): P14-18.
[75] Wang Zhenwei, Zhou Linjiu, Simulations and measurements of pressure oscillations caused by vortex ropes, J Fluids Eng Trans ASME, 2006, 128(4): 649-655.
【SCI-WOS:000239418300001, DOI:10.1115/1.2201631】
[76] Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao, Zhou Lingjiu, Xiao Ruofu, Peng Guangjie, Computation of dynamic stresses in piston rods caused by unsteady hydraulic loads, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2007, 15(1-2): 28-37.
【SCI-WOS:000250295100003, EI:20073710805497, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2007.01.001】
[77] Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Ruofu, Luo Yongyao, Analysis of dynamic stresses in Kaplan turbine blades, Engineering Computations, 2007, 24(8): 753-762.
【SCI-WOS:000251013300007, DOI:10.1108/02644400710833288】
[78] Yan Z, Zhou L, Kong D, Wang Z, He C, Efficiency test research on 1# unit of Xiaolangdi hydropower station, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2007, 26(2), pp. 124–128.
阎宗国, 周凌九, 孔德铭, 李宁, 马新红, 王正伟, 何成连, 小浪底水电站1号机组效率试验研究, 水力发电学报, 2007, 26(2): P124-128.
[79] Xiao R, Wang Z, Luo Y, Stress analysis of Francis turbine runners based on FSI, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2007, 26(3).
肖若富, 王正伟, 罗永要, 基于流固耦合的混流式水轮机转轮静应力特性分析, 水力发电学报, 2007, 26(3): P120-123, P133.
[80] Xiao R, Wang Z, Luo Y, Dynamic stress analysis of Francis turbine with partial load, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2007, 26(4).
肖若富, 王正伟, 罗永要, 涡带工况下混流式水轮机转轮动应力特性分析, 水力发电学报, 2007, 26(4): 131-134, P140.
[81] Peng G, Wang Z, Luo Y, Yan Z, Simulations of near-zero head flow in a large slanted axial pumping station, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2007, 47(11), pp. 2006–2009.
彭光杰, 王正伟, 罗永要, 阎宗国, 大型斜轴伸泵站近零扬程流场仿真, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2007, 47(11): P2006-2009.
[82] Xiao R, Wang Z, Luo Y, Dynamic stress characteristics of Kaplan turbine blades, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2007, 47(11), pp. 2014–2017.
肖若富, 王正伟, 罗永要, 轴流转浆式水轮机桨叶的动应力特性, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 47(11): P2014-2017.
[83] Qin L, Wang Z, Strong pressure fluctuations at the rotation frequency of hydropower units, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2008, 48(2).
秦亮, 王正伟, 水电站机组的类转频强水压脉动, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2008, 48(2): P215-213, P223.
[84] Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical simulation of cavitation around a hydrofoil and evaluation of a RNG kappa-epsilon model, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2008, 130(1): 0113021-0113027.
【SCI-WOS:000253018000011, DOI:10.1115/1.2816009】
[85] Qin L, Wang Z, Study on identification of vibration source and the influence on hydropower plant structure, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2008, 27(4), pp. 135–140.
秦亮, 王正伟, 水电站振源识别及其对厂房结构的影响研究, 水电发电学报, 2008, 27(4): P135-14.
[86] Peng Guangjie, Qin Liang, Wang Zhengwei, Tian Huijing, Luo Yongyao, Structure vibration of hydropower house induced by Francis turbine based on CFD, 2008 Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008, P1-6.
[87] Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Yan Zongguo, Luo Yongyao, Xiao Ruofu, Peng Guangjie, Xue Peng, Experimental and numerical analysis of pressure pulsation in Francis turbine, 2008 Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008: P1-7.
[88] Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Peng Guangjie, Sun Guangwei, Computation of Static and Dynamic Stresses of a Bulb Tubular Turbine, 2008 Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008: P1-5.
[89] Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao, Peng Guangjie, Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flow in a Francis Turbine, 2008 Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008: P1-5.
[90] Zhang Lanjin, Wang Zhengwei, He Qingqing, Peng Guangjie, The Alteration of Runner and Partial Vanes on a Fixed Blade Propeller Water Turbine Basing on the Full Passage Simulation, 2008 Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008: P1-5.
【EI: 20093912329526】
[91] Xiao Ruofu, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao, Dynamic Stresses in a Francis Turbine Runner Based on Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2008, 13(5): P587-592.
[92] Wang Z, Chen L, Xiao R, Zhang H, Shao B, Study on influence of the construction change of the spiral casing and draft tube on the flow loss in low head Francis turbine, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2008, 27 (5), pp. 147–152.
王正伟, 陈柳, 肖若富, 章焕能, 邵保安, 低水头混流式水轮机蜗壳和尾水管结构变化对流动损失的影响研究,水力发电学报, 2008, 27 (5): P147-152.
[93] Zhou L, Wang Z, Pressure fluctuations in a Francis turbine draft tube calculated by cavitating flow simulation, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2008, 48(6), pp. 972–976.
周凌九, 王正伟, 基于空化流动计算的混流式水轮机尾水管的压力脉动, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2008, 48 (6): P972-976.
[94] Zhang Lanjin, Zhang Qiongping, Yan Zhongguo, Wang Zhengwei, Optimum of the draft tube on the shaft-extension type tubular turbine considering gravity, 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, FOZ DO IGUASSU, Brasile, 2008.
[95] 阎宗国, 彭光杰, 王正伟, 清水塘水电站水轮机过渡过程试验研究, 水力机械技术-第十七次中国水电设备学术讨论会, 中国, 浙江, 2009.1; 2009,(3): P29-32.P8.
[96] 彭光杰, 李明安, 孔德铭, 王正伟, 基于固液两相流数值模拟的混流式水轮机磨损预估, 水电设备的研究与实践-第十七次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 中国, 浙江, 2009.10; 2009, P341-347.
[97] 罗永要, 王正伟, 灯泡贯流机组转子支架优化设计研究, 水电设备的研究与实践-第十七次中国水电设备学术讨论会论文集, 中国, 浙江, 2009.10; 2009, P290-294.
[98] Wang Z, Qin L, Zeng J, Liu D, Xiao M, Partition of hydroturbine operating regions, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2009, 28(2).
王正伟, 秦亮, 曾季弟, 林家洋, 肖明, 刘定友, 孔德铭, 水轮机运行区划分研究, 水力发电学报, 2009, 28(2): P143-146, P34.
[99] Luo Yougyao, Wang Zhengwei, Chen Guodong, Lin Zujian, Elimination of upper bracket resonance in extremely high head Francis hydro-generators, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2009, 16(1): 119-127.
【SCI-WOS:000261260600010, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2008.01.008】
[100] Peng Guangjie, Wang Zhengwei, Yan Zongguo, Liu Ruixiang, Strength analysis of a large centrifugal dredge pump case, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2009, 16(1): 321-328.
【SCI-WOS:000261260600029, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2008.05.015】
[101] Zhang Lanjin, Jing Xingying, Wang Zhengwei, Chang Jinshi, Peng Guangjie, Analysis of Francis Pump-Turbine Runner Cavitation Flows in Pump Mode, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vail, CO, 2-6 August 2009; 2009, 2: 131-134.
[102] Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Zhang Jin, Peng Guangjie, Liu Dingyou, Ma Xinhong, Xiao Ming, Numerical Analysis of Blade Channel Vortex in Francis Turbine at Part Load of middle-low Head, ASME Fluids Eng. Div. Summer Conf, FEDSM.Vail, CO, United States, January 2009; 2009, (Part C): P1623-1628.
[103] 李凤超, 樊红刚, 王正伟, 陈乃祥, 贯流式斜向空间导叶全三维密合设计, 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2010, 50 (2): P266-269.
[104] Li F, Fan H, Wang Z, Chen N, Three-dimensional matching design method for runner blades and guide vanes of tubular turbine, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2010, 29(4), pp. 213–218.
李凤超, 樊红刚, 王正伟, 陈乃祥, 贯流式机组桨叶与导叶全三维匹配设计方法, 水力发电学报, 2010, 29(4): P213-218.
[105] Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Yan Zongguo, Zhang Jin, Experimental and numerical analysis of pressure pulses characteristics in a Francis turbine with partial load, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2010, 12: 012023.
[106] Wang Z, Yang X, Xiao Y, Hydraulic performance optimization of bidirectional tidal power turbine, Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, 2010, 28(5), pp. 417–421.
王正伟, 杨校生, 肖业祥, 新型双向潮汐发电水轮机组性能优化设计, 排灌机械工程学报, 2010, 28(5): P417-421.
[107] Wang Zhengwei, Peng Guangjie, Zhou Lingjiu, Hu Deyi, Hydraulic performance of a large slanted axial-flow pump, Engineering Computations, 2010, 27(2): 243-256.
【SCI- WOS:000277296900012, EI:20114714551983, DOI:10.1108/02644401011022391】
[108] Sun G, Wang Z, Dynamic force identification for upper bracket based on the five-points method, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2010, 29(2), pp. 244–248.
孙光伟, 王正伟, 基于五点反演法的上机架动载荷识别, 水力发电学报, 2010, 29(2): P244-248.
[109] Xue P, Zeng J, Ling J, Wang Z, Study of internal economic operation based on GA and operation region partition, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2010, 29(6), pp. 13–18.
薛鹏, 王正伟, 曾季弟, 林家洋, 基于遗传算法和运行区划分的水电站厂内经济安全运行分析, 水力发电学报, 2010, 29(6): P13-18.
[110] He Q, Luo Y, Wang Z, Wu J, Chen L, Analysis of fatigue life of turbine generator rotor, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2010, 29(6), pp. 223–228.
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[112] Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Yan Zongguo, Li Mingan, Xiao Ming, Liu Dingyou, Numerical analysis of unsteady flow under high-head operating conditions in Francis turbine, Engineering Computations, 2010, 27(3): 365-386.
【SCI-WOS:000281276000004, EI:20101712882816, DOI:10.1108/02644401011029934】
[113] Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Zeng Jidi, Lin Jiayang, Fatigue of piston rod caused by unsteady, unbalanced, unsynchronized blade torques in a Kaplan turbine, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2010, 17(1): 192-199.
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[114] Wang Zhengwei, Qin Liang, Zeng Jidi, Lin Jiayang, Yang Jinyi, Chen Weijiang, Luo Yongyao, Yan Zongguo, Hydroturbine Operating Region Partitioning Based on Analyses of Unsteady Flow Field and Dynamic Response, Science China Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(2): P519-528.
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[115] Li Jun, Wang Zhengwei, An alternative scheme to calculate the strain rate tensor for the LES applications in the LBM, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2010, 724578.
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[116] Zhang L, Wang Z, Chang J, Flow of pump-turbine on S-shaped region of complete characteristics, Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 2011, 42(1).
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[117] Zhou L, Xu H, Cui T, Wang Z, Study on hydraulic loss upstream the runner and its effects on efficiency of refurbished turbine, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2011, 30(1), pp. 160–164.
周凌九, 徐红新, 崔涛, 王正伟, 引水部件水力损失对水轮机增容后效率的影响, 水力发电学报, 2011, 30(1): P160-164.
[118] Li F, Fan H, Wang Z, Chen N, Optimum design of runner blades of a tubular turbine based on vorticity dynamics, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2011, 51(6), pp. 836–839.
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[119] Li Fengchao, Fan Honggang, Wang Zhengwei, Chen Naixiang, Coupled design and optimization for runner blades of a tubular turbine based on the boundary vorticity dynamics theory, ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011; 2011, 1: P603-609.
[120] Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Yan Zongguo, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Blade Channel Vortices in a Francis Turbine Runner, Engineering Computations, 2011, 28(2): P154-171.
【SCI-WOS:000289390600009, EI:20111113741226, DOI:10.1108/02644401111109204】
[121] Yang Jing, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical simulation of three-dimensional cavitation around a hydrofoil, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2011, 133(8): 081301-1-081301-9.
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[122] Li F, Fan H, Wang Z, Chen N, Three-dimensional coupled design for runner blades and guide vanes of tubular turbine, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2012, 31(2).
李凤超, 樊红刚, 王正伟, 陈乃祥, 贯流式机组桨叶与导叶全三维联合设计, 水力发电学报, 2012, 31(2): P206-209, P234.
[123] Yan Z, Zhou L, He J, Luo B., Wang Z, Rotor dynamic balance test for hydroelectric unit, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2012, 31(2), pp. 235–239.
阎宗国, 周凌九, 何军兵, 彭光杰, 罗永要, 张静, 罗斌, 王正伟, 水轮发电机组转子动平衡试验, 水力发电学报, 2012, 31(2): p235-239.
[124] Huang Y, Wang Z, Liu J, Analysis of overall technical features of hydro turbines of Xiluodu project and Xiangjiaba project, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2012, 31(4), pp. 251–256.
黄源芳, 王正伟, 刘洁, 长江上游两座在建巨型水电站水轮机总体技术特性评析, 水力发电学报, 2012, 31(4): P251-256.
[125] Yan Zongguo, Zhou Linjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Turbine efficiency test on a large hydraulic turbine unit, Science China, 2012, 55(8): P2199-220.
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[126] He Min, Fu Liping, Zhou Lingjiu, Guo Qiang, Wang Zhengwei, Analysis of cavitation behaviour in a centrifugal pump, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2012, 15(Part6): 062022.
【EI:20130916053418, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062022】
[127] Xiao Yexiang, Sun Degang, Wang Zhengwei, Zhang Jin, Peng Guoyi, Numerical analysis of unsteady flow behaviour and pressure pulsation in pump turbine with misaligned guide vanes, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2012, 15(Part3): 032043.
【EI:20130916053111, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/15/3/032043】
[128] Xiao Yexiang, Cui Tao, Wang Zhengwei, Yan Zongguo, Numerical simulation of unsteady free surface flow and dynamic performance for a Pelton turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2012, 15(Part5): 052033.
【EI:20130916053374, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062022】
[129] Peng Guangjie, Luo Yongyao, Fang Hongwei, Zhai Liming, Wang Zhengwei, Study on the wearing law of the runner and guide vanes for a Francis turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2012, 15(Part4): 042010.
【EI:20130916053242, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/15/4/042010】
[130] Zhai Liming, Qin Liang, Liu Changyun, Liu Xin, He Lingyan, He Yuan, Wang Zhengwei, Study on Vibration Characteristics of the Shaft System for a Dredging Pump Based on FEM, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2012, 15(Part4): 042002.
【EI:20130916053234, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/15/4/042010】
[131] Yan Zongguo, Cui Tao, Zhou Lingjiu, Zhi Falin, Wang Zhengwei, Study on safety operation for large hydroelectric generator unit, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2012, 15(Part2): 022022.
【EI:20130916053064, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/15/2/022022】
[132] Z Yao, H L Bi, Q S Huang, Z J Li, Z W Wang, Analysis on Influence of Guide Vanes Closure Laws of Pump-turbine on Load Rejection Transient Process, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part7): 072004.
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[133] LM Zhai, Z Yao, Q S Huang, YX Xiao, ZW Wang, Analysis on pressure characteristics of pump turbine guide bearing rotating sump based on VOF model, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part2): 022039.
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[134] M He, Q Guo, LJ Zhou, ZW Wang, X Wang, Application of two turbulence models for computation of cavitating flows in a centrifugal pump, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part6): 062015.
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[135] YX Xiao, B Fang, CJ Zeng, B Yang, F Wang, ZW Wang, Erosion predictions of Stock Pump Impellers based on liquid-solid two-phase fluid simulations, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part6): 062005.
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[136] Q Guo, L J Zhou, Y X Xiao, Z W Wang, Flow field characteristics analysis of a horizontal axis marine current turbine by large eddy simulation, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part5): 052017.
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[137] L Y He, Y He, Y Y Luo, Z W Wang, Investigation on fluid added mass effect in the modal response of a pump-turbine runner, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part2): 022038.
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[138] Y X Xiao, J Zhang, Y Y Luo, Z W Wang, H H Xu, Numerical Analysis of Misaligned Guide Vanes Effect Pressure Oscillations in a Prototype Pump Turbine, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part5): 052026.
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[139] Y X Xiao, C J Zeng, J Zhang, Z G Yan, Z W Wang, Numerical analysis of the Bucket Surface Roughness Effects in Pelton Turbine, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part5): 052032.
【EI:20140717330812, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/52/5/052032】
[140] L Cao, ZW Wang, Y Luo, M Liu, Numerical analysis of the flow field in the pump chamber of a centrifugal pump with back blades, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part3): 032004.
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[141] L Meng, J Yang, L J Zhou, Z W Wang, X H Zhuang, Study on the flow in the pipelines of the support system of circulating fluidized bed, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part7): 072005.
【EI:20140717330842, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/52/7/072005】
[142] J Yang, L J Zhou, Z W Wang, F L Zhi, The Effect of cavitation on the Hydrofoil Dynamic Characteristics, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part6): 062018.
【EI:20140717330832, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/52/6/062018】
[143] Y Y Luo, Y X Xiao, Z W Wang, The internal flow pattern analysis of a tidal power turbine operating on bidirectional generation-pumping, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part5): 052022.
【EI:20140717330802, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/52/5/052022】
[144] B Y Xiao, L J Zhou, Y X Xiao, Z W Wang, The prediction of the hydrodynamic performance of tidal current turbines, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 52(part5): 052021.
【EI:20140717330801, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/52/5/052021】
[145] Fu L, Yan Z, Wu L, Zhi F, Wang Z, Research on upper bracket resonance and air admission damping of hydroelectric unit, Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, 2013, 31(6).
傅丽萍, 阎宗国, 吴烈龙, 支发林, 王正伟, 水轮发电机组上机架共振分析及补气减振, 排灌机械工程学报, 2013, 31(6): P501-505.
[146] Zhang J, Xiao Y, Wang Z, Yan J, Wang H, Software development for optimal selection and design of bidirectional tidal power turbine, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2013, 32(2), pp. 265–270.
张瑾, 肖业祥, 王正伟, 阎宗国, 杨校生, 陈昌坤, 颜建华, 王浩平, 双向潮汐机组优化选型软件设计, 水力发电学报, 2013, 32(2): P265-270.
[147] 肖业祥, 王正伟, 张瑾, 曾崇济, 冲击式水轮机的非定常流动干涉, 第十九次中国水电设备学术讨论会会议论文集, 2013.11.19.
[148] Peng Guangjie, Wang Zhengwei, Zhai Liming, Lin Fei, Study on simulation and measurement of hydropower plant ventilation system, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM, 2013, 1A.
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[149] Yang Jing, Meng Long, Zhou Lingjiu, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Unsteady internal flow field simulations in a double suction centrifugal fan, Engineering Computations. 2013, 30(3): P345-356.
【SCI-WOS:000318130200002, EI:20131516203088, DOI:10.1108/02644401311314321】
[150] Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Zhang Jing, Zeng Jidi, Lin Jiayang, Wang Guangqian, Vibration and fatigue caused by pressure pulsations originating in the vaneless space for a Kaplan turbine with high head, Engineering Computations, 2013, 30(3): P448-463.
【SCI-WOS:000318130200007, EI:20131516203093, DOI:10.1108/02644401311314376】
[151] Peng Guangjie, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Luo Yongyao, Abrasion prediction of Francis turbine based on liquid-solid two-phase fluids simulation, Engineering Computations, 2013, 33: P327-335.
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[152] Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, Liangnian Chen, Jinshui Wu, Finite element analysis design of a split rotor bracket for a bulb turbine generator, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 428416 (8 pp.).
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[153] Zhai L, Yao Z, Huang Q, Yan Z, Wang Z, 3D dynamic characteristics of rotor system of pump storage generator set, Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2014, 45(9).
翟黎明, 姚泽, 黄青松, 阎宗国, 王正伟, 蓄能机组转子系统三维动力特性研究, 农业机械学报, 2014, 45(9): P107-111, P137.
[154] Lui Ruixiang, Cao Lei, Zhang Yiyang, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical analysis of axial force on dredging pump considering influence of axial clearance, Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao, 2014, 30(18): P101-108.
刘瑞祥, 曹蕾, 张弋扬, 王正伟, 考虑轴向间隙影响的挖泥泵轴向力数值分析, 农业工程学报, 卷30期18页101-108.
[155] Yao Z, Zhi F, Yan Z, Bi H, Wang Z, Influence analysis of lower labyrinth pressure pulsation for stability of pumped-storage unit, Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2014, 45(11), pp. 134–138.
姚泽, 支发林, 阎宗国, 黄青松, 毕慧丽, 王正伟, 下迷宫压力脉动对抽水蓄能机组稳定性的影响分析, 农业机械学报, 2014, 45(11): P110, P134-118.
[156] X Liu, Y Y Luo, Z W Wang, Fatigue Analysis of the Piston Rod in a Kaplan Turbine Based on Crack Propagation under Unsteady Hydraulic Loads, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2014, 22(1).
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[157] Yao Yangyang, XIAO Yexiang, Zhu Wei, Zhai Liming, An SooHwang, WANG Zhengwei, Numerical Analysis of a Model Pump-turbine Internal Flow Behavior in Pump Hump District, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2014, 22(3).
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[158] Z J Li, Z W Wang, H L Bi, Numerical study of similarity in prototype and model pumped turbines, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2014, 22(3).
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[159] Z Chongji, X Yexiang, Z Wei, Y Yangyang, C Lei, W Zhengwei, Pelton turbine Needle erosion prediction based on 3D three-phase flow simulation, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2014, 22(5).
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[160] L Y He, Z W Wang, S Kurosawa, Y Nakahara, Resonance investigation of pump-turbine during startup process, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2014, 22(3).
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[161] L Meng, S P Zhang, L J Zhou, Z W Wang, Study on the Pressure Pulsation inside Runner with Splitter Blades in Ultra-High Head Turbine, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2014, 22(3).
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[162] J Yang, L Gao, Z W Wang, X Z Zhou, H X Xu, The flow field investigations of no load conditions in axial flow fixed-blade turbine, 27th Symposium IAHR, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2014, 22(3).
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[163] Liming ZHAI, Seishiro KITAUCHI, Kazuyoshi MIYAGAWA, Zhengwei WANG, Study on the flow stability and dynamic characteristics of a water bearing, 6th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, ISFMFE 2014, 22-25 October 2014, Wuhan, China, 2014, CP658.
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[164] Yao Yangyang, Xiao Yexiang, Zhu Wei, An SooHwang, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical prediction of the Pressure Fluctuations on Small Discharge Condition of a Pump-turbine at Pump Mode, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(3).
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[165] S H Ahn, Y X Xiao and Z W Wang, Numerical simulation of unsteady flow characteristics for cavitation around a 3-D hydrofoil, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(2).
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[166] Zeng Chongji, Xiao Yexiang, Zhu Wei, Yao Yangyang, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical simulation of cavitation flow characteristic on Pelton turbine Bucket surface, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(4).
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[167] Cao L, Wang ZW, Xiao YX, Yao YY, Zhu W, Numerical research on the cavitation characteristics for typical conditions of a centrifugal pump with whole flow passage, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(3).
【EI:20151100628393, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/72/3/032027】
[168] Zhai Liming, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Study about the Influence of Cavitation on the Dynamic Characteristics for the Sliding Bearing, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(4).
【EI:20151100628511, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/72/4/042046】
[169] Guangjie Peng, Yongyao Luo2, Zhengwei Wang, Research on wear properties of centrifugal dredge pump based on liquid-solid two-phase fluid simulations, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(4).
【EI:20151100628501, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/72/4/042048】
[170] Q Guo, L J Zhou, Z W Wang, Numerical simulation of cavitation for a horizontal axis marine current turbine, 2nd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, 2014, 72(4).
【EI:20151100628493, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/72/4/042045】
[171] Yexiang Xiao, Zhengwei Wang, Jin Zhang, Luo Yongyao, Numerical Predictions of Pressure Pulses in a Francis Pump Turbine with Misaligned Guide Vanes, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B., 2014, 26(2): P250-256.
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[172] Yexiang Xiao, Zhengwei Wang, Jin Zhang, Chongji Zeng, Zongguo Yan, Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of a Prototype Pelton Turbine, Journal of Power and Energy, 2014, 228(1): P46-56.
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[173] Liming Zhai, Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, and Xin Liu, Failure Analysis and Optimization of the Rotor System in a Diesel Turbocharger for Rotor Speed-Up Test, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 476023(8pp).
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[174] Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, Guangjie Peng, Yexiang Xiao, Liming Zhai, Xin Liu, Qi Zhang, Numerical simulation of a heave-only floating OWC (oscillating water column) device, Energy, 2014, 75: P640–648.
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[175] He Min, Yuan Lingli, Zhou Lingjiu, Yang Jing, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical evaluation of the side wall effect on the flow around a hydrofoil, ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, 2014, 31(3): P501-509.
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[176] Shi W, Zheng-Wei W, Ren-Nian L, Wang L, Kuang S, Pump and Pumping System, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 2014, 827456.
[177] Zhuang X, Zhou L, Zhou Y, Wu L, Wang Z, Simulation study on closed-circuit ventilation system of large vertical hydraulic turbine generator, Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2014, 34(35), pp. 6362–6368.
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[178] Xiao Y, Yang L, Cao L, Wang Z, Distribution of marine mineral resource and advances of deep-sea lifting pump technology, Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, 2014, 32(4), pp. 319–326.
肖业祥, 杨凌波, 曹蕾, 王正伟, 海洋矿产资源分布及深海扬矿研究进展, 排灌机械学报, 2014, 32(4): P319-326.
[179] Zhu W, Xiao Y, Yao Y, Zeng C, Wang Z , Internal flow behaviour analysis of Francis pump-turbine in S-curve region with small guide vane opening, Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2015, 34(10), pp. 138–144.
朱伟, 肖业祥, 姚洋阳, 罗永要, 曾崇济, 王正伟, 混流式水泵水轮机小开度S特性区内流特性分析, 第七届水力机械学术研讨会, 2014.10.17-19.
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[252] Yang J, Hu QJ, Ding JH, Xiao W, Wang ZW, Effects of the vortex rope dynamic characteristics on the swirling flow in the draft tube cone, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012003.
【EI:20183305698243, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012003】
[253] Chen FN, Lei HM, Ahn SH, Luo YY, Wang ZW, Numerical simulation of the performance of a low-head prototype Kaplan turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012070.
【EI:20183305698360, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012070】
[254] Zeng CJ, Xiao YX, Zhang J, Fan HG, Wang ZW, Numerical prediction of hydraulic performance in model and homologous prototype Pelton turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012016.
【EI:20183305698256, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012016】
[255] Chen QF, Luo YY, Li XG, Wang ZW, Xiao YX, Influence of runner clearance on efficiency and cavitation in kaplan turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012068.
[256] Zhang J, Xiao YX, Zhou QR, Fan HG, Wang ZW, Numerical analysis of a Pelton runner water sheet flow under super-high head, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012067.
【EI:20183305698358, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012067】
[257] Zhou XZ, Ahn SH, Wang ZW, Luo YY, Guo Q, Hydraulic characteristics analysis of a bulb tubular turbine based on the CFD simulation and model test, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012046.
【EI:20183305698286, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012046】
[258] Zhao FJ, Zhou XJ, Guo B, Xiao YX, Wang ZW, Numerical prediction of inflow conditions influence on low-head bulb turbines performance, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012065.
【EI:20183305698355, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012065】
[259] Zhao XR, Luo HY, Xiao YX, Wang ZW, Ahn SH, Luo YY, Numerical simulations of cavitation flow around a hydrofoil with consideration of thermal effects, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012014.
【EI:20183305698254, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012014】
[260] Li SY, Zhang J, Jiang X., Shi GT, Wang ZW, The two-phase flow analysis of helico-axial oil-gas multiphase pump for offshore oil fields, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012015.
【EI:20183305698255, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012015】
[261] Jiang XP, Hu JW, Wang ZW, Xiao YX, Research of the regulating value based on iterative learning control of Proportion-Integral-Derivative type, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012102.
【EI:20183305698162, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012102】
[262] Zhang J, Xiao YX, Wang JQ, Wang SH, Wang ZW, Optimal design of a pelton turbine nozzle via 3D numerical simulation, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012066.
【EI:20183305698356, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/01206】
[263] Jiang XP, Zhu H, Wang WS, Wang ZW, Luo YY, Research on optimization of hydraulic turbine governor based on PSO algorithm, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 163(1), 012098.
【EI:20183305698388, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/163/1/012098】
[264] Liu Xin, Zhou Lingjiu, Escaler Xavier, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical investigation of the cavitation effect on natural frequencies of a hydrofoil, ISROMAC 2016, 10-15 April 2016, 2019.
[265] Zhao Xiaoran, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Luo Yongyao, Cao Lei, Unsteady flow and pressure pulsation characteristics analysis of rotating stall in centrifugal pumps under off design conditions, ISROMAC 2016, 10-15 April 2016, 2019.
[266] Zhai Liming, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao, Li Zhongjie, Liu Xin, Application of fluid-structure interaction technique for the TEHD lubrication problems of the bidirectional thrust bearings, ISROMAC 2016, 10-15 April 2016, 2019.
[267] Presas Alexandre, Luo Yongyao, Valentin David, Egusquiza Mònica, Wang Zhengwei, Valero Carme, Egusquiza Eduard, Detection of erosive cavitation on hydraulic turbines through demodulation analysis, 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, IAHR 2018, 16-21 September 2018, 2019.
【WOS:000560282602035, EI:20191506757253, DOI:110.1088/1755-1315/240/6/062048】
[268] Wang Ling, Wang Zhengwei, Effect of combination vacuum relief and air release valve on hydraulic transients during pipeline filling process, 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, IAHR 2018, 16-21 September 2018, Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 240(5), 2019.
【EI:20191506750024, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/240/5/052032】
[269] Liu Xin, Wang Zhengwei, Zhou Lingjiu, Escaler Xavier, Luo Yongyao, Failure investigation of a Francis turbine under the cavitation conditions, 6th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2016, 10-15 April 2016, 2019.
[270] Mao Zhongyu, Wang Zhengwei, Structural characteristic in prototype runner of francis turbineanalysis, 6th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2016, 10-15 April 2016, 2019.
[271] Zhao Xiaoran, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Zhang Jin, Unsteady flow characteristic analysis of a centrifugal pump under over-load operating conditions, 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems - Pumps, 2019, 240(3), 3-9.
【EI: 20191406738850, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/240/3/032002】
[272] Cao Lei, Wang Zhengwei, Zheng Linzhu, Numerical investigation on the head and unsteady flow characteristics of a dredge pump loading high-concentration sands, WODCON 2019, 25- 29 April 2019, P659-667.
[273] Luo Yongyao, Presas Alexandre, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical analysis of the influence of design parameters on the efficiency of an OWC axial impulse turbine for wave energy conversion, Energies, 2019, 12(5).
【SCI-WOS:000462646700172, EI:20191206657807, DOI:10.3390/en12050939】
[274] Zhao Xiaoran, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Avellan Francois, Unsteady flow numerical simulations on internal energy dissipation for a low-head centrifugal pump at part-load operating conditions, Energies, 2019, 12(10).
【SCI-WOS:000471016700192, EI:20192407023250, DOI:10.3390/en12102013】
[275] Xiao Yexiang, Guo Bao, Ahn Soo-Hwang, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Shi Guangtai, Li Yanhao, Slurry flow and erosion prediction in a centrifugal pump after long-term operation, Energies, 2019, 12(8).
【SCI-WOS:000467762600116, EI:20192006919381, DOI:10.3390/en12081523】
[276] Chen Funan, Chen Liu, Wang Zhengwei, Yu Jixing, Luo Chengzong, Zhao Zhiwen, Ren Shaocheng, Li Jinwei, Deng Dezhi, Computation of static stresses of the head cover bolts in a pump turbine, 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Materials Synthesis and Processing, FMSP 2018, 10 -11 November 2018; 2019, 493(1).
【WOS:000471152300143, EI:20191406740627, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/493/1/012143】
[277] Wang Wei, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Escaler Xavier, De La Torre Oscar, Numerical Investigation into the Influence on Hydrofoil Vibrations of Water Tunnel Test Section Acoustic Modes, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141(5).
【SCI-WOS:000485712500016, EI:20192607091755, DOI:10.1115/1.4043944】
[278] Liu Meng, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical investigation of the cavitation instability in a central jet pump with a large area ratio at normal cavitating conditions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 153-163.
【SCI-WOS:000470046700013, EI:20191706824967, DOI:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.04.014】
[279] Ahn Soo-Hwang, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Hongying, Luo Yongyao, Numerical estimation of air core length in two-phase free surface vortex, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2019, 57(4): 475-487.
【SCI-WOS:000474494900002, EI:20184205950365, DOI:10.1080/00221686.2018.1489899】
[280] Wang Wei, Zhou Lingjiu, Wang Zhengwei, Escaler Xavier, De La Torre, Oscar, Numerical investigation into the effect of sound speed in attached cavitation on hydrofoil modes of vibration, Energies, 2019,12(9).
【SCI-WOS:000469761700174, EI:20192206977353, DOI:10.3390/en12091758】
[281] Tao Ran, Zhou Xuezhi, Xu Buchao, Wang Zhengwei, Numerical investigation of the flow regime and cavitation in the vanes of reversible pump-turbine during pump mode's starting up, Renewable Energy, 2019.
【SCI-WOS:000472241100002, EI:20191506757497, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2019.03.108】
[282] Zhao Xiaoran, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Luo Yongyao, Thermodynamic analysis of energy dissipation and unsteady flow characteristic in a centrifugal dredge pump under over-load conditions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(13): P4742-4753.
【SCI-WOS:000471346700023, EI:20190706513725, DOI:10.1177/0954406218824350】
[283] Tao Ran, Wang Zhengwei, Comparative modeling and analysis of the flow asymmetricity in a centrifugal pump impeller at partial load, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2019.
【SCI-WOS:000503649300009, EI:20192407023775, DOI:10.1177/0957650919851921】
[284] Presas Alexandre, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, Guo Bao, Fatigue life estimation of Francis turbines based on experimental strain measurements: Review of the actual data and future trends, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, P96-110.
【SCI-WOS:000455404000009, EI:20185006241035, DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2018.12.001】
[285] Luo Yongyao, Chen Funan, Chen Liu, Wang Zhengwei, Yu Jixing, Luo Chengzong, Zhao Zhiwen, Ren Shaocheng, Li Jinwei, Deng Dezhi, Stresses and relative stiffness of the head cover bolts in a pump turbine, 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Materials Synthesis and Processing, FMSP 2018, 10 -11 November 2018, 2019, 493(1).
【WOS:000471152300113, EI: 20191406740597, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/493/1/012113】
[286] He Lingyan, Zhou, Lingjiu, Ahn, Soo-Hwang, Wang Zhengwei, Nakahara Yusuke, Kurosawa Sadao, Evaluation of gap influence on the dynamic response behavior of pump-turbine runner, Engineering Computations, Swansea, Wales, 2019.
【SCI-WOS:000460538400006, EI:20190506441759, DOI:10.1108/EC-04-2018-0169】
[287] 曹蕾, 王正伟, 提升离心泵小流量工况数值模拟精度的进口边界设置,科学技术与工程, 2019, (22): P149 ~154.
[288] Tao Ran, Wang Zhengwei, Analysis of the Guide Vane Jet-Vortex Flow and the Induced Noise in a Prototype Pump-Turbine, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019.5.2, 9(10).
【SCI-WOS:000473748100006, DOI:10.3390/app9101971】
[289] Tao Ran, Zhao Xiaoran, Wang Zhengwei, Evaluating the Transient Energy Dissipation in a Centrifugal Impeller under Rotor-Stator Interaction, Entropy, 2019, 3.11, 21(3).
【SCI-WOS:000464389100002, DOI:10.3390/e21030271】
[290] Guangtai Shi, Zhiwen Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Zhenggui Li, Xiaobing Liu, Research on the pressurization performance of an impeller in a multi-phase pump under different working conditions, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(3).
【SCI-WOS:000462026200001, DOI:10.1177/1687814019827144】
[291] Luo Yongyao, Presas Alexandre, Wang Zhengwei, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Haoping, Jiang Xiaoyi, Operating conditions leading to crack propagation in turbine blades of tidal barrages: Influence of head and operating mode, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019:104254.
【SCI-WOS:000505213100044, EI:20195007811607, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.104254】
[292] Yang J, Zhou L J, Wang Z W, Numerical investigation of the cavitation dynamic parameters in a Francis turbine draft tube with columnar vortex rope, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019.
【SCI-WOS:000488930600008, EI:20194207551405, DOI:10.1007/s42241-019-0035-z】
[293] Kang WZ, Zhou, LJ, Wang ZW, Wang W, Analysis of backflow effect in a centrifugal pump, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 240(3), 032007.
【WOS:000560282600073, EI:20191406738855, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/240/3/032007】
[294] Wang ZJ, Wang ZW, A review on tidal power utilization and operation optimization, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 240(5), 052015.
【WOS:000560282601065, EI:20191506750007, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/240/5/052015】
[295] Wang W, Zhou LJ, Wang ZW, De La Torre O, Kang WZ, Dynamic response of a NACA0009 hydrofoil under cavitation conditions, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 240(6), 062003.
【WOS:000560282601087, EI:20191506757208, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/240/6/062003】
[296] Shi Guangtai, Liu Zongku, Xiao Yexiang, Wang Zhengwei, Luo Yongyao, Luo Kun, Energy conversion characteristics of multiphase pump impeller analyzed based on blade load spectra, Renewable Energy, 2020, 157.
【SCI-WOS:000541747100002, EI:20202008642423, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2020.04.125】
[297] Ahn SooHwang, Zhou Xuezhi, Luo Yongyao, Wang Zhengwei, He Lingyan, Numerical estimation of prototype hydraulic efficiency in a low head power station based on gross head conditions, Renewable Energy, 2020, P153, P175-181.
【SCI-WOS:000536952200016, EI:20200708159963, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2020.04.125】
[298] Li Xiangyang, Lin Wenhua, Mao Zhongyu, Bi Huili, Tao Ran, Wang Zhengwei,Prediction and Analysis of the Axial Force of Pump-Turbine during Load-Rejection Process, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020.404.5.
【WOS:000561096603084, EI:20201408377023, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/440/5/052081】
[299] Mao Zhongyu, Jin Yaqing, Wang Zhengwei, Chamorro Leonardo P., On the Unsteady Wake of a Rigid Plate Under Constant Acceleration and Deceleration, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2020, 142(5).
【SCI-WOS:000521985800003, EI:20212210419119,DOI:10.1115/1.4045786】
[300] Hongying Luo, Ran Tao, Jiandong Yang, Zhengwei Wang, Influence of Blade Leading-Edge Shape on Rotating-Stalled Flow Characteristics in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller, Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(16) .
【SCI-WOS:000564682400001, DOI:10.3390/app10165635】
[301] Lin W, Mao Z, Li X, Tao R, Wang Z, Analysis and Improvement of Axial Force on Pump-turbine in Pump Mode , Lin, W., Mao, Z., Li, X., ...Tao, R., Wang, Z., Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2020, 51(6), pp. 132–137.
林文华, 毛中宇, 李向阳, 徐步超,陶然,王正伟,水泵水轮机泵工况轴向力特性分析与改善,农业机械学报, 2020, v.51(06): P158-163.
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[302] Y Heng, B Hu, Q Jiang, Z Wang, X Liu, Stall mode transformation in the wide vaneless diffuser of centrifugal compressors, Energies, 2020, 13(22), 6067.
【SCI-WOS:000594192000001, EI:20210910016829, DOI:10.3390/en13226067】
[303] Y Heng, Y Han, H Zhang, W Zhang, G Bois, Q Jiang, Z Wang, X Liu. Tesla bladed pump (disc bladed pump) preliminary experimental performance analysis, Energies, 2020, 13(18), 4873.
【SCI-WOS:000580300900001, EI:20204009302275, DOI:10.3390/en13184873】
[304] 衡亚光, 何坤健, 张惟斌, Gérard Bois, 江启峰, 王正伟, 气液两相流下离心泵性能分析的数据处理方法(英文)风机技术, 2020, 62(5): P1- 6.
[305] Hu W, Fan H, Wang Z, Simulated power control for doubly-fed pumped storage units , Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 2021, 61(6), pp. 591–600.
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[306] D Li, X Xia, L Zhou, K Gong, Z Wang, Effect of outer edge modification on dynamic characteristics of pump turbine runner, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021.
【SCI-WOS:000639163100004, EI:20211410159884, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105379】
[307] Mao ZY, Tao R, Chen FN, Bi HL, Cao JW, Luo YY, Fan HG, Wang ZW, Investigation of the Starting-Up Axial Hydraulic Force and Structure Characteristics of Pump Turbine in Pump Mode, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(2):158.
【SCI-WOS:000622635500001, DOI:10.3390/jmse9020158】
[308] Chen F, Bi H, Ahn S H, MaoZY, Luo YY, Wang ZW, Investigation on Dynamic Stresses of Pump-Turbine Runner during Start up in Turbine Mode , Processes, 2021, 9(3):499.
【SCI-WOS:000634218000001, DOI:10.3390/pr9030499】
[309] Wenzhe Kang, Lingjiu Zhou, Dianhai Liu, Zhengwei Wang, Backflow effects on mass flow gain factor in a centrifugal pump, Science Progress, 2021,104(2): P1-24
[310] 杨静, 罗永要, 彭崇, 刘新军, 刘健, 王正伟, 多泥沙电站高水头低出力水轮机水利设计策略, 大电机技术, 2021.
[311] Huili Bi, Funan Chen, Chao Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Honggang Fan, Yongyao Luo, Analysis of dynamic performance in a pump-turbine during the successive load rejection, 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science774(2021)012152.
【WOS:000712043400152, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012152】
[312] Jingwei Cao1, Liming Zhai, Yongyao Luo1, Zhengwei Wang,Transient TEHD Analysis of a Thrust Bearing Based on Two-Way Fluid-Solid-Thermal Interaction, 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science774(2021)012093.
【WOS:000712043400093, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012093】
[313] Chen Funan, Yang Xiaolong, Bi Huili, Mao Zhongyu, Luo Yongyao, Liujingshi, Fan Hongang, Wang Zhengwei,Analysis of Dynamic Stresses of Pump-Turbine Runner during Load Rejection Process in Turbine Mode.30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science774(2021)012100.
【WOS:000712043400100, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012100】
[314] Zhongyu Mao, Ran Tao, Huili Bi, Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, Numerical study of hydraulic axial force of prototype pump-turbine pump mode's stop with power down, 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science774(2021)012094.
【WOS:000712043400094, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012094】
[315] Yao Rao, Bi Huili, Wang Jun, Liu Tao, Chen Funan, Fan Honggang, Wang Zhengwei, Liu Jingshi, Analysis of Transient Force Performances of Pump-Turbine during Stop Process in Pump Mode, 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012101.
【WOS:000712043400101, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012101】
[316] Huili Bi1, Funan Chen1, Chao Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Honggang Fan1, Yongyao Luo, Analysis of dynamic performance in a pump-turbine during the successive load rejection, 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774(2021)012152.
【WOS:000712043400152, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012152】
[317] Xiaoping JIANG, Xiaofei CHEN, Zhengwei WANG, Research on Modeling and Control Strategy of Hydraulic Turbine Governing System Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm, 30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, 22-25 March 2021, Virtual Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774(2021)012136.
【WOS:000712043400136, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/774/1/012136】
[318] Xijie Song, Rao Yao, Yubin Shen, Huili Bi, Yu Zhang, Lipu Du, Zhengwei Wang, Numerical Prediction of Erosion Based on the Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in a Double-Suction Centrifugal Pump, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 20219(8), 836.
【SCI-WOS:000690478300001, DOI:10.3390/jmse9080836】
[319] Xijie Song, Dunzhe Qi, Lijuan Xu, Yubin Shen, Wei Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Yan Liu, Numerical Simulation Prediction of Erosion Characteristics in a Double-Suction Centrifugal Pump, PROCESSES,卷9, 期9, 20219(9), 1483.
【SCI-WOS:000701918800001, DOI:10.3390/pr9091483】
[320] Fei Zhang, Yue Lv, Zhonghua Gui, Zhengwei Wang, Effect of the Diameter of Pressure-Balance Pipe on Axial Hydraulic Thrust, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021.9(7),724.
【SCI-WOS:000676200100001, DOI:10.3390/JMSE9070724】
[321] Jingwei Cao, Yongyao Luo, Baig Mirza Umar, Wei Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Influence of structural parameters on the modal characteristics of a Francis runner, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 131, 105853.
【SCI-WOS:000723573100001, EI:20214611150369, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105853】
[322] Jingwei Cao, Liming Zhai, Yongyao Luo, Soo-Hwang Ahn, Zhengwei Wang, Yan Liu, Transient thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic analysis of a bidirectional thrust bearing in start-up and shutdown processes, Engineering Computations, 2021.
【SCI-WOS:000721117400001, EI:20214711182087, DOI:10.1108/EC-03-2021-0128】
[323] Wei Wang, Xi Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Mabing Niand Chunan Yang, Analysis of Internal Flow Characteristics of a Startup Pump Turbine at the Lowest Head under No-Load Conditions, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021,9(12),1360.
【SCI-WOS:000738104000001, DOI:10.3390/jmse9121360】
[324] Jing Yang, Yue Lv, Dianhai Liu, Zhengwei Wang, Pressure Analysis in the Draft Tube of a Pump-Turbine under Steady and Transient Conditions, Energies, 2021,14(16),4732.
【SCI-WOS:000690603400001, EI:20213210756959, DOI:10.3390/en14164732】
[325] Xiang Xia, Lingjiu Zhou, Zhengwei Wang, Dianhai Liu, Effects of trailing-edge modification of guide vanes on the wake vortices under different inflow conditions, Power and Energy, 2021,235,8,1892-1901.
【SCI-WOS:000654535100001, EI:20212210416902, DOI:10.1177/09576509211017434】
[326] Xiang Xia, Lingjiu Zhou,Yue Lv, Zhengwei Wang, Numerical investigation of two degree-of-freedom galloping oscillation of a cylinder attached with fixed fairing device,Ocean Engineering, 2021,240,109971.
【SCI-WOS:000709963700004, EI:20214311053891, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109971】
[327] X Xia, L. J. Zhou, W. Wang, H. R. Zhang, Comparison of acoustic-structure based one-way FSI and traditional two-way FSI-IOP, 2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress, 2021.
[328] Dianhai Liu, Xiang Xia,Jing Yang, Zhengwei Wang, Effect of Boundary Conditions on Fluid – Structure Coupled Modal Analysis of Runners, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,2021,9(4),424.
【SCI-WOS:000643125000001, DOI:10.3390/jmse9040434】
[329] Gui Z, Xia X, Wang W, Liu D, Wang Z, Dynamic Stress Analysis of Pump-turbine Runner during Start-up , Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2021, 52(12), pp. 153–161.
桂中华, 夏翔, 王薇, 周凌九, 刘殿海, 王正伟, 水泵水轮机启动过程转轮动应力分析, 农业机械学报, 2021, 52(12), 153-161.
【EI:20220211448731, DOI:10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2021.12.016】
[330] R Yao, JW Cao, S H Ahn, B Guo, YX Xiao, ZW Wang, Design and hydraulic analysis of a multiphase pump, 2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress, 2021, 627, 012024(15PP).
【EI:20210809936647, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012024】
[331] Haixia Yang, Qilian He, Huili Bi, Xingxing Huang, MengqiYang, Mingde Zou and Zhengwei Wang, Head-Cover vibration investigation of a Prototype Reversible Pump-Turbine Unit during Start-up in Pump mode, Part I: Fluid dynamic analysis, 2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress. 2021.
[332] Dunzhe Qi, Rao Yao, Haichen Zhang, Yubin Shen, Xijie Song, Zhengwei Wang, Study on Setting Elevation of Double-Suction Centrifugal Pump Based on Cavitation Characteristics, IAHR-Asia 2021.
[333] JY Xue, CZ Meng, XF Fan, ZW Wang, LJ Zhou, Study on the characteristics of vortex motion and pressure pulsation in vaneless zone of Kaplan turbine, IAHR-Asia 2021.
[334] Xuezhi Zhou, Jingming Zhou, Hongyun Luo, Yibin Wu, Zhengwei Wang, Research and Analysis on Model measurement and Prototype Operation of large-scale Kaplan turbine, IAHR-Asia 2021.
[335] Jingwei Cao, Hong Tian, Soo-Hwang Ahn, Wenzhi Duo, Huili Bi, Lin Zhao, Guozheng Zhao, Haiyu Gao, Mingming Wang, Guoming Ma, Zhengwei Wang, Yan Liu, Fatigue analysis in rotor of a prototype bulb turbine based on fluid-structure interaction, Engineering Failure Analysis, 24 November 2021.
【SCI-WOS:000753152600001, EI:20214911258820, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105940】
[336] Baig Mirza Umar, Jingwei Cao, Zhengwei Wang, Experimental and cfd simulation validation pepformance analysis of francis turbine, IAHR会议2021.
[337] Y L Zhang,Y B Wu, J W Wei, Z W Wang andL J Zhou, Clearance flow field characteristics of Kaplan turbine under different flange clearance, IAHR会议2021.
[338] Sun H, Lv Y, Ni J, Jiang X, Wang Z, Effect of seal locations of pump-turbine on axial hydraulic trust, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(6), 623.
【SCI-WOS:000666509800001, DOI:10.3390/jmse9060623】
[339] Heng Y, Jiang Q, Han Y, Wang Z, Liu X, PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ON A TESLA BLADED DISC PUMP,14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2021, 2021.
[340] Hu D, Wang W, Wang S, Wang Z, Study on the Influence of Gap Water Body on the Modal Characteristics of Pump Turbine Runner, Proceedings - 2021 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacture, AIAM 2021, 2021, pp. 43–46.
【EI:20221311871814, DOI:10.1109/AIAM54119.2021.00016】
[341] Guo B, Li YH, Xiao YX, Zeng CJ, Wang ZW, Numerical Analysis of Sand Erosion for a Pelton Turbine injector at High Concentration, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 627(1), 012022.
【EI:20210809936645, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012022】
[342] Li HM, He QL, Xiao YX, Xu XQ, Wang ZW, Establishment of Hydraulic Turbine Test Bench on the Tibet Plateau, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 627(1), 012026.
【EI:20210809936649, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012026】
[343] Zhai LM, Cao L, Cao JW, Xiao YX, Wang ZW, Numerical Analysis of Rotor Dynamics of Dredge Pump Shafting, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 627(1), 012015.
【EI:20210809936638, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012015】
[344] He QL, Liu, T, Yang XL, Liu JS, Wang ZW, Fatigue Life Prediction of a Pump Turbine Runner, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 627(1), 012025.
【EI:20210809936648, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012025】
[345] Cao JW, Zhai LM, Guo B, Ahn SH, Wang ZW, Analysis on the thrust bearing lubrication in pumped storage unit based on fluid-solid-thermal interactions, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 627(1), 012023.
【EI:20210809936646, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012023】
[346] Zhou XZ, Wang ZW, Ahn SH, Xia M, Yi ZC, Experience Measurement of Winter-Kennedy method on low head tubular turbine units, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 627(1), 012021.
【EI:20210809936644, DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/627/1/012021】
[347] Yongyao Luo, Funan Chen, Liu Chen, Zhengwei Wang, Jixing Yu, Xingbing Zhu, Zhiwen Zhao, Shaocheng Ren, Jinwei Li and Xiaokang Lu, Study on stresses of head cover bolts in a pump turbine based on FSI, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 804(4), 042062.
[348] Liu Chen, Hailing Li, Jixing Yu, Yongyao Luo, Zhengwei Wang, Xingbing Zhu, Zhiwen Zhao and Xiaokang Lu, Stress analysis of screw connection of key structural components in pump turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 804(3), 032037.
[349] Wanfeng H, Zhengwei W, Honggang F, Grid synchronization of variable speed pump-turbine units in turbine mode, Renewable Energy, 2021, 173, pp. 625–638.
【SCI-WOS:000648577100007, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2021.04.012】
[350] Liu T, Wang C, Chen Z, Luo Y, Wang Z, Analysis of flow characteristics in pumped storage unit during start-up in turbine mode, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1985(1), 012051.
【EI:20213410791466, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1985/1/012051】
[351] Lin K, Chen F, Wang C, Luo Y, Wang Z, Study on dynamic stress of pump turbine runner during power failure in pump mode, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1985(1), 012044.
【EI:20213410791539, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1985/1/012044】
[352] Tao R, Wang Z, Comparative numerical studies for the flow energy dissipation features in a pump-turbine in pump mode and turbine mode, Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 41, 102835.
【SCI-WOS:000671268100006, EI:20212610567788, DOI:10.1016/j.est.2021.102835】
[353] Yang X, Wang C, Chen Z, Luo Y, Wang Z, Influence of added mass on modal characteristics of pump turbine runners , Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2021, 40(9), pp. 78–85.
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[354] Wang W, Wang X, Wang Z, Ni M, Yang C, Analysis of internal flow characteristics of a startup pump turbine at the lowest head under no-load conditions, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(12), 1360.
【SCI-WOS:000738104000001, DOI:10.3390/jmse9121360】
[355] Song X-J, Yao R, Chao L, Wang Z-W, Study of the formation and dynamic characteristics of the vortex in the pump sump by CFD and experiment, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 33(6), pp. 1202–1215.
【SCI-WOS:000727758500001, EI:20215011303493, DOI:10.1007/s42241-021-0095-8】
[356] Lu Y, Long Y, Zhu R, Wang Z, Wang X, Transient structural load characteristics of reactor coolant pump rotor system in rotor seizure accident, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021, 164, 108631.
【SCI-WOS:000707759400007, EI:20213610855108, DOI:10.1016/j.anucene.2021.108631】
[357] Jingwei Cao, Yongyao Luo, Alexandre Presas, Soo-Hwang Ahn, Zhengwei Wang, Xingxing Huang, Yan Liu, Influence of rotation on the modal characteristics of a bulb turbine unit rotor, Renewable Energy, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000820608800004, EI:20220711620857, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2022.02.006】
[358] Linghua Kong, Jingwei Cao, Xiangyang Li, Xulei Zhou, Haihong Hu, Tao Wang, Shuxin Gui, Wenfa Lai, Zhongfeng Zhu, Zhengwei Wang, Yan Liu, Numerical Analysis on the Hydraulic Thrust and Dynamic Response Characteristics of a Turbine Pump, Energies, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000824088000002, EI:20220911714352, DOI:10.3390/en15041580】
[359] Zhengwei Wang, Juwei Yang, Wei Wang, Jie Qu, Xingxing Huang, Weiqiang Zhao, Research on the Flow-Induced Stress Characteristics of Head-Cover Bolts of a Pump-Turbine during Turbine Start-up, Energies, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000769227600001, EI:20221111794581, DOI:10.3390/en15051832】
[360] Buchao Xu, Weiqiang Zhao, Wenhua Lin, Zhongyu Mao, Ran Tao, Zhengwei Wang, The Influence of Different Operating Conditions on the Support Bracket Stress in Pumped Storage Units, Energies, 2022, 15(6), 2195.
【SCI-WOS:000775485900001, EI:20221311862797, DOI:10.3390/en15062195】
[361] Qilian He, Xingxing Huang, Mengqi Yang, Huili Bi and Zhengwei Wang, Fluid-Structure Coupling Analysis of the Stationary Structures of a Prototype Pump Turbine during Load Rejection, energies, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000803681700001, EI:20222112159661, DOI:10.3390/en15103764】
Xiang Xia, Lingjiu Zhou, Yue Lv, Zhengwei Wang, Numerical investigation of two degree-of-freedom galloping oscillation of a cylinder attached with fixed fairing device, elsevier, ocean enginerering, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000709963700004, EI:20214311053891, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109971】
[362] Xiang Xia, Liangcheng Ge, Lingjiu Zhou, Yingyao Feng, Haiyan Zeng and Zhengwei Wang, Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Asymmetry of Flow Velocity on the Wake Vortex of Hydrofoils, journal of marine science and engineering, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000785528000001, DOI:10.3390/jmse10040546】
[363] Song X, Liu C, Wang Z, Study on the Vortex in a Pump Sump and Its Influence on the Pump Unit, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(1), 103.
【SCI-WOS:000758538900001, DOI:10.3390/jmse10010103】
[364] Cao J, Luo Y, Zhuang J, Li X, Wang Z, Effect of the pressure balance device on the flow characteristics of a pump-turbine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000797725200001, EI:20222112143279, DOI:10.1177/09576509221097204】
[365] Lu Y, Zhao W, Presas Batllo A, Zhu R, Wang Z, Shutdown idling performance of the nuclear main coolant pump under station blackout accident: An optimization study, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2022.
【SCI-WOS:000806337300001, EI:20222212183678, DOI:10.1177/09576509221105230】
[366] Lv Y, Wang Z, Zhou L, Study of the phase resonance phenomenon in Francis turbine, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 1037(1), 012051.
[367] Cao L, Mingming L, Zhengwei W, Yiyang Z, Numerical investigation of the non-condensable gas effect on predicting the cavitation performance of a centrifugal pump, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 1037(1), 012038.
[368] Wang W, Zhou L-J, Xia X, Song X-J, Wang Z-W, Numerical study of the natural frequency and mode shape of prototype Francis turbine runner, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2022, 34(1), pp. 125–134.
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[369] Cao J, Zhai L, Luo Y, Wang Z, Liu Y, Transient thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic analysis of a bidirectional thrust bearing in start-up and shutdown processes, Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 2022, 39(4), pp. 1511–1533.
【SCI-WOS:000721117400001, EI:20214711182087, DOI:10.1108/EC-03-2021-0128】
[370] Liang Q, Kang W, Zhou L, Wang Z, Influence of End Wall Clearance on Guide Vane Self-Excited Vibrations at Small Openings during Pump Mode’s Starting Up Process of a Reversible Pump Turbine, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(4), 528.
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[371] Song X, Chao L, Wang Z, Prediction on the pressure pulsation induced by the free surface vortex based on experimental investigation and Biot-Savart Law, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 250, 110934.
【SCI-WOS:000820959900002, EI:20221211817116, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110934】
[372] He Q, Huang X, Yang M, Bi H, Wang Z, Fluid–Structure Coupling Analysis of the Stationary Structures of a Prototype Pump Turbine during Load Rejection, Energies, 2022, 15(10), 3764.
【SCI-WOS:000803681700001, EI:20222112159661, DOI:10.3390/en15103764】
[373] Lu Y, Wang Z, Zhu R, Wang X, Long Y, study on flow characteristics in LBE-cooled main coolant pump under positive rotating condition, clear Engineering and Technology, 2022, 54(7), pp. 2720–2727.
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[374] Song X, Luo Y, Wang Z, Numerical prediction of the influence of free surface vortex air-entrainment on pump unit performance, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 256, 111503.
【SCI-WOS:000837179400002, EI:20222212185742, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111503】
[375] Luo Y, Cao J, Wang Z, Design and optimization of a bidirectional rim-generator turbine runner: Hydraulic performance optimization and structure strength evaluation, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 257, 111639.
【SCI-WOS:000812799700004, EI:20222412211481, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111639】
[376] Yang H, He Q, Huang X, Bi H, Wang Z, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Rotor–Stator Interaction in a Large Prototype Pump–Turbine in Turbine Mode, Energies, 2022, 15(15), 5523.
【SCI-WOS:000839799300001, EI:20223612680015, DOI:10.3390/en15155523】
[377] Yan W, Zhu D, Tao R, Wang Z, Analysis of the Flow Energy Loss and Q-H Stability in Reversible Pump Turbine as Pump with Different Guide Vane Opening Angles, Water (Switzerland), 2022, 14(16), 2526.
【SCI-WOS:000845226800001, EI:20223712712203, DOI:10.3390/w14162526】
[378] Yao R, Qi D, Zeng H, Bai W, Wang Z, Study on Critical Velocity of Sand Transport in V-Inclined Pipe Based on Numerical Simulation, Water (Switzerland), 2022, 14(17), 2627.
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[379] Xia X, Zeng H, Wang Z, Zhou L, Liu C, Galloping of two-dimensional section of a marine riser attached with fairing under different inflow angles, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 260, 112055.
【SCI-WOS:000858615500003, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112055】
[380] Cao J, Luo Y, Mao Z, Wang Z, Dynamic behavior analysis of a cracked bulb turbine rotor based on acoustic fluid-structural coupling method, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 140, 106555.
【SCI-WOS:000827380600002, EI:20222712317067, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2022.106555】
[381] Jin Z, Song X, Zhang A, Shao F, Wang Z, Prediction for the Influence of Guide Vane Opening on the Radial Clearance Sediment Erosion of Runner in a Francis Turbine, Water (Switzerland), 2022, 14(20), 3268.
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[382] Song X, Wang Z, Numerical prediction of the effect of free surface vortex air-entrainment on sediment erosion in a pump, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2022, 236(7), pp. 1297–1308.
【SCI-WOS:000787301000001, EI:20221912094053, DOI:10.1177/09576509221094948】
[383] Kang W, Liang Q, Zhou L, Wang Z, Numerical Investigation on Torsional Mode Self-Excited Vibration of Guide Vane in a Reversible Pump-Turbine during Pump Mode’s Starting Up, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 15(6), pp. 1789–1799.
【SCI-WOS:000859034300013, DOI:10.47176/jafm.15.06.1253】
[384] Cao J, Yang G, Luo Y, Liao R, Wang Z, Failure investigation of a Kaplan turbine blade lever, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 142, 106840.
【SCI-WOS:000869741300002, EI:20224112853820, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2022.106840】