2014-2017 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院 机械与过程工程系 博士
2010-2013 德国慕尼黑工业大学 计算机系 硕士
2006-2010 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 学士
2022.08- 清华大学 能源与动力工程系-燃烧能源中心 助理教授、博导、特别研究员
2021.01-2022.07 美国密苏里科技大学 机械与航天工程系 助理教授、博导
2020.10-2020.12 美国普林斯顿大学 机械与航天工程系 副研究员 (Associate Research Scholar)
2018.03-2020.09 美国普林斯顿大学 机械与航天工程系 博士后
国际燃烧学会普林斯顿暑校Co-organizer(2021-2023),国际燃烧大会和美国燃烧大会分会场主席,三十余个SCI期刊和国际学术会议审稿人,Frontiers in Energy Research客座编辑
2021年 国家海外高层次人才计划青年项目
2019年 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院青年PI奖
2018年 瑞士国家科学基金国际博士后Fellowship
2017年 国际燃烧学会杰出论文奖
2017年 国家留学基金委优秀自费留学生奖学金
2012年 欧盟伊拉莫斯奖学金
1. S. Zheng, H. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Chen, R. Sui*, Q. Lu*. On the roles of humidification and radiation during the ignition of ammonia-hydrogen-air mixtures, Combustion and Flame, 254, 112832, 2023.
2. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*, R. Bombach, M. Khatoonabadi. High-pressure kinetic interactions between CO and H2 during syngas catalytic combustion on palladium, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39, 5611-5619, 2023.
3. J. Mantzaras*, R. Sui, R. Bombach. Fuel‑rich hetero-/homogeneous combustion of C3H8/O2/N2 mixtures over rhodium, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39, 5601-5610, 2023.
4. Y. Yang, S. Zheng*, R. Sui, Q. Lu*. Impact of ammonia addition on soot and NO/N2O formation in methane/air co-flow diffusion flames, Combustion and Flame, 247, 112483, 2023.
5. S. Zheng, H. Liu, Y. He, Y. Yang, R. Sui*, Q. Lu*. Combustion of biomass pyrolysis gas: roles of radiation reabsorption and water content, Renewable Energy, 205, 864-872, 2023.
6. R. Sui*, J. Mantzaras, Z. Liu, C.K. Law. Kinetic modeling of total oxidation of propane over rhodium, Combustion and Flame, 243, 111847, 2022.
7. S. Zheng, H. Liu, R. Sui, B. Zhou, Q. Lu*. Effects of radiation reabsorption on laminar NH3/H2/air flames, Combustion and Flame, 235, 111699, 2022.
8. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*, C.K. Law, R. Bombach, M. Khatoonabadi. Homogeneous ignition of H2/CO/O2/N2 mixtures over palladium at pressures up to 8 bar, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), 6583-6591, 2021.
9. J. Mantzaras*, R. Sui, C.K. Law, R. Bombach. Heterogeneous and homogeneous combustion of fuel‑lean C3H8/O2/N2 mixtures over rhodium at pressures up to 6 bar, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), 6473-6482, 2021.
10. Z. Liu, V.R. Unni, S. Chaudhuri, R. Sui, C.K. Law, A. Saha*. Self-turbulization in cellularly unstable laminar flames, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, A53, 2021.
11. R. Sui*, W. Liang, L. Zhang, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law. Kinetic interactions between H2 and CO in catalytic oxidation over PdO, Combustion and Flame, 211, 270-280, 2020.
12. R. Sui*, W. Liang, J. Mantzaras, C.K. Law. Coupled reaction mechanism reduction for the hetero-/homogeneous combustion of syngas over platinum, Combustion and Flame, 214, 37-46, 2020.
13. S. Zheng, R. Sui, W. Liang*, H. Zhou, C.K. Law. On band lumping, radiation reabsorption, and high-pressure effects in laminar flame propagation, Combustion and Flame, 221, 86-93, 2020.
14. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*, E. Es-sebbar, R. Bombach. Hetero-/homogeneous combustion of fuel-lean CH4/O2/N2 mixtures over PdO at elevated pressures, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(4), 5465-5472, 2019.
15. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*, R. Bombach. H2 and CO heterogeneous kinetic interactions in the combustion of H2/CO/O2/N2 mixtures over rhodium, Combustion and Flame, 202, 292-302, 2019.
16. R. Sui, E. Es-sebbar, J. Mantzaras*, R. Bombach. Homogeneous ignition during fuel-rich H2/O2/N2 combustion in platinum-coated channels at elevated pressures, Combustion and Flame, 180, 184-195, 2017.
17. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*, R. Bombach. A comparative experimental and numerical investigation of the heterogeneous and homogeneous combustion characteristics of fuel-rich methane mixtures over rhodium and platinum, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(3), 4313- 4320, 2017.
18. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*, R. Bombach, A. Denisov. Hetero-/homogeneous combustion of fuel-lean methane/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures over rhodium at pressures up to 12 bar, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(3), 4321-4328, 2017.
19. R. Sui, J. Mantzaras*. Combustion stability and hetero-/homogeneous chemistry interactions for fuel-lean hydrogen/air mixtures in platinum-coated microchannels, Combustion and Flame, 173, 370-386, 2016.
20. R. Sui, N.I. Prasianakis, J. Mantzaras*, N. Mallya, J. Theile, D. Lagrange, M. Friess. An experimental and numerical investigation of the combustion and heat transfer characteristics of hydrogen fueled catalytic microreactors, Chemical Engineering Science, 141, 214-230, 2016.