2014年6月至今 北京市盐碱及荒漠化地区生态修复和固碳中心 副主任,技术委员会主任
1. 十三五重点研发计划课题:河套平原盐碱地复合型生态治理制剂产品研发
2. 十三五重点研发计划子课题:苏打盐碱地土壤调理剂产品研发及应用
3. 十三五重点研发计划子课题:新型两相吸收剂的开发及性能研究
4. 国家自然科学基金项目:新型两相吸收剂的基础研究
5. 北京市教委重大成果转化项目:盐碱地综合改良与产业化利用
6. 国家自然科学基金项目:新型氨法脱除二氧化碳的基础研究;
7. 国家高技术发展研究计划(863)项目:电动汽车氢源基础设施的前期研究
8. 欧盟框架6项目:CO2-Capture using Amine Processes: International Cooperation and Exchange
9. 欧盟框架7项目:Innovative CO2 Capture
10. 中英政府间合作项目:NZEC, Near Zero Emission Coal Initiative
11. 国家科技支撑计划项目“全球环境变化应对技术研究与示范”专题:现有清洁发展机制国际制度的研究
12. 日本东芝合作项目:Research on New Chemical Solvents and Processes for CO2 Capture
13. 韩国能源研究所合作项目:Performance enhancement of CO2 capture process using aqueous ammonia
14. 科技部国际合作项目:新型二氧化碳捕获技术的研究
15. 教育部重点项目:中空纤维膜接触器结合太阳能分离回收燃煤烟气中CO2的实验研究
16. 世界银行项目:清洁发展机制方法学及其在中国的应用研究
17. 国家973项目:新型干法联合脱除的基础研究
18. 中国工程院咨询项目:我国能源中长期(2030, 2050)发展战略研究
19. 中国工程院咨询项目:中国二氧化碳排放控制对策研究
20. 国家863项目:国际科技合作重点项目氢能合作开发
21. 校985研究计划:燃煤污染防治与生态优化的基础研究
22. 校985研究计划项目:环境价值核算的理论方法与案例研究
王淑娟,赵永敢,李彦,刘嘉等. 脱硫石膏改良盐碱土壤技术研究与应用,科学出版社,2020
1 重度碱化土壤改良剂及其加工方法
2 中度碱化土壤改良剂的应用
3 轻度碱化土壤改良剂的应用
4 中度碱化土壤改良剂及其加工方法
5 轻度碱化土壤改良剂及其加工方法
6 对滨海盐碱地的土壤进行脱盐的方法和系统
7 一种微藻养殖设备
8 重度碱化土壤改良剂的应用
9 能量自给的生物质热解系统和方法
10 一种两相二氧化碳捕集装置
12 一种土壤改良剂播撒装置
13 采用跨临界二氧化碳热泵为CCS提供热量的系统
14 Use of the Flue Gas Desulfurization Byproduct from Thermal Power Plant and Facilities and a Method for Alkali Soil Amelioration
1. Yu, Jingwen; Wang, Shujuan; Yu, Hai. Experimental studies and rate-based simulations of CO2 absorption with aqueous ammonia and piperazine blended solutions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL. 50, 2016: 135-146
2. Yu, Jingwen; Wang, Shujuan. Modeling analysis of energy requirement in aqueous ammonia based CO2 capture process,International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 43, 2015: 33-45
3. Jubao Gao, Shujuan Wang, Jian Wang, Lingdi Cao, Shiwei Tang, Yu Xia. Effect of SO2 on the amine-based CO2 capture solvent and improvement using ion exchange resins, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 37, 2015: 38–45
4. Guojie Qi, Shujuan Wang, Zhicheng Xu, Bo Zhao, Changhe Chen. Mass transfer and kinetics study on combined CO2 and SO2 absorption using aqueous ammonia, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 41, 2015: 60-67
5. Kangkang Li, Hai Yu, Paul Feron, Moses Tade, Jingwen Yu, Shujuan Wang. Rate-based modelling of combined SO2 removal and NH3 recycling integrated with an aqueous NH3-based CO2 capture process, Applied Energy, 148(2015):66-77
6. Yu Jingwen, Wang Shujuan. Development of a novel process for aqueous ammonia based CO2 capture, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 39 (2015) 129–138
7. Guojie Qi, Shujuan Wang, Weiyang Lu, Jingwen Yu, Changhe Chen. Vapor–liquid equilibrium of CO2 in NH3–CO2–SO2–H2O system, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 386 (2015):47-55
8. Chen, Qun; Wang, Shujuan; Li, Yan. Influence of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Amendments on Heavy Metal Distribution in Reclaimed Sodic Soils Environmental Engineering Science, 32(6), 2015: 470-478
9. Xiaofei Li; Shujuan Wang; Changhe Chen. Experimental and rate-based modeling study of CO2 capture by aqueous monoethanolamine: Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 4(4 ): 495-508, 2014
10. Yu Jingwen, Shujuan Wang, Hai Yu. Modelling analysis of solid precipitation in an ammonia-based CO2 capture process, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 30, 2014: 133-139
11. Yu Jingwen, Shujuan Wang, Hai Yu, Leigh Wardhaugh, Paul Feron. Rate-based modelling of CO2 regeneration in ammonia based CO2 capture process, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 28, 2014: 203-215
12. Zhicheng Xu, Shujuan Wang, Guojie Qi, Anastasia A. Trollebø, Hallvard F. Svendsen, Changhe Chen.Vapor liquid equilibria and heat of absorption of CO2 in aqueous 2-(diethylamino)-ethanol solutions, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 29 (2014): 92–103
13. Chenchen Sun, Shujuan Wang, Shan Zhou, Changhe Chen. SO2 effect on monoethanolamine oxidative degradationin CO2 capture process, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 23 (2014): 98–104
14. Xiaofei Li, Wang, Shujuan;Chen, Changhe. Experimental Study of the Dynamic Behavior of the Stripping Column for Post-combustion CO2 Capture with Monoethanolamine, ENERGY & FUELS, 2014, 28(2):1230-1241
15. Zhicheng Xu, Shujuan Wang, and Changhe Chen. CO2 absorption by biphasic solvents: comparison with lower phase alone, Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 2014, 69 (5): 851-864
16. Jingwen Yu, Shujuan Wang and Hai Yu. Experimental studies on suppression of ammonia vaporization by additives, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 3 (5), 2013: 415–422
17. Guojie Qi, Shujuan Wang, Hai Yu, Leigh Wardhaugh, Paul Feron, Changhe Chen. Development of a rate-based model for CO2 absorption using aqueous NH3 in a packed column, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 17, 2013: 450-461
18. Zhicheng Xu, Shujuan Wang, and Changhe Chen. Solubility of N2O in Density and Viscosity of aqueous solutions of 1,4-Butanediamine, 2-(Diethylamino)-ethanol and their mixtures from (298.15 to 333.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering data, 2013, 58(6):1633-1640
19. Zhicheng Xu, Shujuan Wang, and Changhe Chen. Kinetics Study on CO2 Absorption with Aqueous Solutions of 1,4-Butanediamine, 2-(Diethylamino)-ethanol, and Their Mixtures, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (29): 9790–9802
20. Zhicheng Xu, Shujuan Wang, Changhe Chen, CO2 absorption by biphasic solvents: Mixtures of 1,4-Butanediamine and 2-(Diethylamino)-ethanol, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 16, 2013:107-115
21. Jinzhao Liu, Shujuan Wang, Ardi Hartono, Hallvard F Svendsen, Changhe Chen. Solubility of N2O in, Density and Viscosity of Aqueous Solutions of Piperazine, Ammonia and their mixtures from 283.15 to 323.15K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2012, 57 (9): 2387–2393
22. Gao, JB ; Wang, SJ ; Sun, CC ; Zhao, B ; Chen, CH. Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel at Typical Positions of an Amine-Based CO2 Capture Pilot Plant, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(19): 6714-6721
23. Jinzhao Liu, Shujuan Wang, Bo Zhao, Guojie Qi, Changhe Chen. Study on mass transfer and kinetics of CO2 absorption into aqueous ammonia and piperazine blended solutions,Chemical Engineering Science, 2012. 75: 298-308
24. Jinzhao Liu, Shujuan Wang, Hallvard F Svendsen, Muhammad Usman Idrees, Inna Kim and Changhe Chen. Heat of absorption of CO2 in aqueous ammonia, piperazine solutions and their mixtures. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2012, 9: 148–159
25. Zhou Shan, Wang Shujuan, Chen Changhe. Thermal degradation of MEA in CO2 capture with acidic impurities in flue gas, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(6): 2539-2547
26. Gao J.B; Wang S.J, Zhao Bo, Qi Guojie, Chen Changhe. Pilot-scale experimental study on the CO2 capture process with existing of SO2: degradation, reaction rate and mass transfer. Energy &Fuels.2011, 25, 5802-5809
27. Jinzhao Liu, Shujuan Wang, Ardi Hartono, Hallvard F Svendsen, Inna Kim, and Changhe Chen. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of NH3 in (NH3+H2O) and (NH3+PZ +H2O) system, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 311(2011):30-35
28. Qing Zhao, Shujuan Wang, Feng Qing, Changhe Chen. Composition analysis of CO2-NH3-H2O system based on Raman Spectra, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2011, 50(9): 5316-5325
29. Feng Qin, Shujuan Wang, Inna Kim, Hallvard F. Svendsen, Changhe Chen. Heat of absorption of CO2 in aqua ammonia and ammonium carbonate/carbamate solution, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2011, 5(3): 405-412.
30. Feng Qin, Shujuan Wang, Ardi Hartono, Hallvard F. Svendsen, Changhe Chen. Kinetics of CO2 absorption in aqueous ammonia solution,International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2010.04 (5): 729-738
31. Feng Qin, Shujuan Wang, Inna Kim, Hallvard F. Svendsen, Changhe Chen. Study on heat of absorption of CO2 in aqua ammonia-comparison between experimental data and model predictions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2010, 49(8): 3776-3784.