2002/09 – 2008/01,清华大学,热能系,博士
1996/09 – 1999/06,清华大学,热能系,硕士
1993/09 – 1996/06,清华大学,环境系,学士(双)
1991/09 – 1996/06,清华大学,热能系,学士
2016/02 – 2016/08,Sydney University,访问学者
2010/08 – 至今,清华大学,热能系(能动系),博士生导师
2009/12 – 至今,清华大学,热能系(能动系),副研究员
2001/12 – 2009/12,清华大学,热能系,讲师
1999/09 – 2001/12,清华大学,热能系,助教
《Materials》 (SCI期刊,5年IF:3.532)专刊:Micro/Nano Materials for Clean Energy and Environment客座编辑(Guest Editor)
《Current Alternative Energy》专刊:Photovoltaic/thermal Hybrid Exploitation of Solar Energy 执行客座编辑(Executive Guest Editor)
空气与废弃物管理学会(Air & Waste Management Association) 《空气与废弃物科学百科全书》(Air & Waste Science Encyclopedia)编辑顾问委员会委员
研究领域主要涉及薄膜分光钙钛矿太阳能光伏/光热利用、固体废弃物和生物质燃烧、清洁高效工业锅炉研发等,获授权发明专利40余项,发表论文多篇,被Energy、Fuel、Bioresource Technology、Waste Management等多家国际著名期刊授予杰出审稿人奖,荣获省部级科技奖励5项。
[1] 科技部重点研发计划项目,No.20231250099,医疗垃圾热反应特性影响及特征污染物识别技术,2023/12-2027/11,在研,负责人。
[2] 科技部重点研发计划项目,No.20231250102,高性能新型固定吸附材料定向设计原理与低能耗CO2捕集机理,2023/12-2027/11,在研,参加人。
[3] 河北怀燃科技有限公司,No. 20232001442,湍动床气化焚烧炉可视化三维设计及智能控制系统开发,2023/09-2024/03,在研,参加人。
[4] 中国环境保护集团有限公司,No. 20232000710,垃圾焚烧AI燃烧控制系统自主开发研究,2023/05-2024/11,在研,参加人。
[5] 丰田汽车公司,No. 20223930088,基于碳化物载体的低温水相甲醇重整燃料电池高效催化剂的开发,2022/11-2024/11,在研,参加人。
[6] 热华能源股份有限公司,No. 20222001684,超低排放卧式循环流化床锅炉成套技术升级研究,2022/11-2027/12,在研,参加人。
[7] 北京市自然科学基金委员会,No. 20221100032,水热处置厨余垃圾的能源化与资源化方法及机理研究,2022/01-2024/12,在研,参加人。
[8] 国家自然科学基金委员会,No. 20201300662,废旧轮胎近/超临界水解反应机理研究及模型构建,2021/01-2024/12,在研,参加人。
[9] 地方政府科技计划/基金项目,No.20212120368,湍动流化床气化-焚烧与水热转化制肥联用相关技术研发,2021/01-2025/01,在研,负责人。
[10] 北京环清环境科技有限公司,No.20192001309,导热油炉及水解制有机肥工艺的开发,2019/08-2024/12,在研,负责人。
[11] 北京一亚高科能源科技有限公司,No. 20192000866,用于复杂燃料气化燃烧的湍动流化床技术,2019/06-2024/12,在研,负责人。
[1] PT. Baturona Adimulya,No. 20233000011,煤样热解分析,2023/01-2023/10,结题,参加人。
[2] 气候变化与碳中和国际合作联合行动,No. 20233930022,基于生物质直接制氢的碳负排放技术,2022/09-2023/08,结题,参加人。
[3] 香驰控股有限公司热动分公司,No.20222001419,燃煤锅炉掺烧生物质政策分析、工业试验及掺烧优化,2022/09-2023/09,结题,参加人。
[4] 科技部重点研发计划项目,No. 20201251214,分类垃圾与工业固废协同热转化过程传热传质与特征污染物控制交互规律,2020/11-2023/10,结题,参加人。
[5] 清华大学山西清洁能源研究院种子基金,水热处置可燃固废能源化与资源化方法及机理研究,2020/10-2023/10,结题,参加人。
[6] 清华大学山西清洁能源研究院种子基金,薄膜分光钙钛矿光伏/光热太阳能利用器件,2019/08-2022/08,结题,负责人。
[7] 北京巴布科克·威尔科克斯有限公司,No.20182000269,循环流化床生物质气化炉技术开发,2018/01-2020/12,结题,负责人。
[8] 北京热华能源科技有限公司,No. 20172001627,多流程循环流化床锅炉三维参数化设计方法研究,2017/11-2021/12,结题,负责人。
[9] 科技部重点研发计划项目,No. 20171251931,节能循环流化床燃煤工业锅炉成套研究,2017/07-2021/06,结题,负责人。
[10] 科技部重点研发计划项目,No. 20171262184,熔渣颗粒飞行过程中形态和热物性瞬态测量,2017/07-2020/06,结题,参加人。
[11] 北京市自然科学基金,No. 20171100281(No. 3172032)、超临界水中细颗粒物运动沉积规律研究、2017/01-2019/12、结题、负责人。
[12] 科技部中国和加拿大政府国际合作项目,No. 20153010004(No. 2015DFG61910)、燃煤烟气的SO2和NOx排放的同时控制、2015/04-2018/03、结题、负责人。
[13] 国家自然科学基金(重大研究计划培育),No. 20141301061(No.91434119)、能量消耗机制对卧式循环床内颗粒聚团特性的影响、2015/01-2017/12、结题、负责人。
[14] 科技部支撑计划,No. 20131850232(No. 2010BAC66B03)、富氧气化与燃气重整制备生物氢关键设备研发与示范子课题、2012/01-2014/12、结题、负责人。
[15] 北京一亚高科能源技术有限公司企事业合作,No. 20132000286、有机导热油炉及蒸汽发生器的开发、2013/03-2015/03、结题、负责人。
[16] 云南天远生态环保科技有限责任公司企事业合作,No. 20122000035、20t/d垃圾可燃物焚烧锅炉的开发、2012/01-2015/01、结题、负责人。
[17] 北京天素阳光低碳技术有限公司企事业合作,No. 20122000137、小型固体燃料直燃发电技术与装备开发、2012/01-2017/01、结题、负责人。
[18] 鞍山市城乡建设委员会,No. 20122000781、鞍山市城市生活垃圾焚烧特性分析、2012/06-2012/12、结题、负责人。
[19] 广西柳州锅炉制造有限公司企事业合作,No. 20102000041、燃木片/甘蔗叶的层燃锅炉技术开发、2010/01-2012/12、结题、负责人。
[20] [10]北京热华能源科技有限公司企事业合作,No. 20102000142、垃圾焚烧及卧式循环流化床技术的完善化研究、2010/02-2012/01、结题、负责人。
[21] 北锅安修企事业合作,No. 20060700、2×100t/h蒸汽动力系统控制与热工调试技术服务、2006/09-2008/01、结题、负责人。
[22] 北京锅炉厂企事业合作,No. 20052000205、250t/d生活垃圾焚烧炉余热锅炉防腐及积灰控制研究、2005/03-2006/06、结题、负责人。
[23] 呼和浩特市垃圾无害化处理场企事业合作,No. 20032000495、呼和浩特市12t/d医疗垃圾焚烧炉、2003/09-2004/09、结题、负责人。
[24] 北京锅炉厂企事业合作,No. 20032000378、燃用玉米芯的循环流化床燃烧技术开发、2003/07-2003/12、结题、负责人。
[1] 张衍国,李清海,康建斌,高洁,李俊臣,周会,陈梅倩,杨帆,杨雷,杨潇潇,林子伟,许非凡,朱瑞,李猛,白丹. 三床多分级多流程多燃料循环流化床清洁高效燃烧技术及应用. 北京市技术发明一等奖,2023.
[2] 董琨,张磊,谭厚章,孙平,马丽群,王小龙,李清海,卓华,王学斌. 工业锅炉节能与清洁燃烧技术. 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术三等奖,2023.
[3] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,康建斌,王兆军,于培锋. 一种多流程循环流化床锅炉. 日内瓦国际发明展金奖,2023.
[4] 李清海,张衍国. 一种带有水平旋风分离器的卧式循环流化床锅炉. 中国发明专利优秀奖,2022.
[5] 张衍国,李清海,陈宣. 一种带喷砂装置的双循环湍动床焚烧炉. 中国发明专利优秀奖,2021.
[6] [1]李清海,张衍国,康建斌,王谦,李俊臣,周晓彬.一种带有水平旋风分离器的卧式循环流化床锅炉.中国节能协会颁发的中国节能环保专利奖一等奖, 2018.
[7] [2]张衍国,李清海,陈宣,赵永峰,张国义,任毅,曹剑,张凝,赵延兵,齐逍宇. 多元有机废物湍动流化床高效气化焚烧处理技术研究及应用. 2019中国节能协会节能减排技术发明奖一等奖,2019.
[8] [3]张衍国,王友才,熊东勇,朱学艳,李清海,蒙爱红. 一种从高温高压气体中获取过热蒸汽的装置.中国节能协会颁发的中国节能环保专利奖一等奖, 2019.
[9] [4]张衍国,李清海,康建斌,李俊臣,胡峰,张哲.清洁、高效多流程循环流化床燃烧技术.2017中国节能协会节能减排技术发明奖一等奖,2017.
[10] [5]张衍国,李清海,于培锋,袁玉武,姚忠建,王兆军. 260t/d炉排-循环流化床生活垃圾焚烧炉. 2007年北京市科学技术三等奖,2007.

[1] 李清海,张衍国.能源动力工程项目管理. 北京:清华大学出版社,2018.
[2] 李清海,张衍国.热能工程基础.北京:清华大学出版社,2016.
[3] 张衍国,李清海,周会. 炉内传热理论与计算(英文版). 北京:清华大学出版社,2017.
[4] Zhang Yanguo, Li Qinghai, Zhou Hui. Theory and Calculation of Heat Transfer in Furnaces. Academic Press of ELSEVIER, 2016.
[5] 张衍国,李清海, 冯俊凯. 炉内传热原理与计算. 北京:清华大学出版社,2008.
[6] 张衍国,李清海,康建斌. 垃圾清洁焚烧发电技术. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2004.
[7] Zhongchao Tan,Qinghai Li. Micro/Nano Materials for Clean Energy and Environment. https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/1397,2019.
[1] Jundian Luo,Qinghai Li*,Aihong Meng,Yanqiu Long,Yanguo Zhang*. Combustion characteristics of typical model components in solid waste on a macro-TGA. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018,132:553-562.(WOS:000426795200053)(EI:20175204572560)
[2] Bing Han, Yanguo Zhang, Zhen Liu, Tan Zhongchao, Qinghai Li*. Pilot-scale study of simultaneous desulfurization and denitration using hexamminecobalt(II) solution. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2018,10:235-242.(WOS:000438930800023)
[3] 杨潇潇,丛堃林,张Zhao P, Yu S, Li Q, Zhang Y, Zhou H. Understanding heavy metal in the conversion of biomass model component: Migration and transformation characteristics of Cu during hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose. Energy. 2024;293:130700.
[4] Wang J, Xia R, Xu C, Yang X, Li Y, Li Q, Zhang T, Chen Q, Zhou H, Zhang Y. Characteristics of industrialized hydrothermal cracking solid organic fertilizer and its effects on fresh corn growth. Waste Management, 2024, 177: 243–251.
[5] Zhang, S., Bie, X., Qian, Z., Wu, M., Li, K., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhou, H., 2024. Synergistic interactions between cellulose and plastics (pet, hdpe, and ps) during CO2 gasification-catalytic reforming on Ni/CeO2 nanorod catalyst. Appl Energ 2024;361.
[6] Yu, S., He, J., Zhang, Z., Sun, Z., Xie, M., Xu, Y., Bie, X., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Sevilla, M., Titirici, M.-M., Zhou, H., 2024. Towards Negative Emissions: Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass for Sustainable Carbon Materials. Adv. Mater., 2307412.
[7] Gao Y, Tang L, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Tan Z, Li Q. Using perovskite solar cells with tunable bandgaps for beam-splitting photovoltaic-thermal system [J/OL]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2024.
[8] Shiyu Zhang, Mengna Wu, Zheng Qian, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang, Hui Zhou*. CO rich syngas production from catalytic CO2 gasification-reforming of biomass components on Ni/CeO2. Fuel, 2024, 357:130087.
[9] 李开乐,李行,杨潇潇,周会,张衍国,李清海.炉排垃圾焚烧炉固相燃烧区局部高温影响因素研究[J].工业锅炉,2023(05):12-17.DOI:10.16558/j.cnki.issn1004-8774.2023.05.003.
[10] Cong, KL; Yang, F; Zhou, H; Zhang, YG; Li, QH. A pilot-scale test facility of 500 kWth for industrial CFB boilers on low nitrogen combustion-discussion of design, experiment, and economic analysis[J].Energy. 2023,284, 128657, DOI10.1016/j.energy.2023.128657.
[11] Xu YQ , Yang YY, Wu MN , Yang XX , Bie X , Zhang SY , Li QH , Zhang YG, et al. Review on Using Molybdenum Carbides for the Thermal Catalysis of CO2 Hydrogenation to Produce High-Value-Added Chemicals and Fuels. Acta Physico Chimica Sinica 2023;0:2304003. https://doi.org/10.3866/PKU.WHXB202304003.
[12] Yu S, Yang X, Li Q, Zhang Y, Zhou H. Breaking the temperature limit of hydrothermal carbonization of lignocellulosic biomass by decoupling temperature and pressure. Green Energy Environ 2023.
[13] Yu S, Li Q, Zhang Y, Zhou H. New possibility for PET plastic recycling by a tailored hydrolytic enzyme. Green Energy Environ 2023.
[14] 于士杰,赵鹏,刘茂清,高宇,李清海,张衍国,周会.温度-压力解耦对木质素水热过程中结构变化及解聚产物的影响[J].燃料化学学报(中英文),2023,51(08):1106-1113+1026. DOI:10.19906/j.cnki.JFCT.2023029.
[15] Gao Yu, Zhou Hui, Zhang Yanguo, Yang Xiaoxiao, Cong Kunlin, Tan Zhongchao, LiQinghai. Effects of RbI doping on perovskite film and photovoltaic performance[C]. The 6th Symposium on Micro nano Optical Technology and Applications, 2022.
[16] Yu S, Yang X, Zhao P, Li Q, Zhou H, Zhang Y. From biomass to hydrochar: Evolution on elemental composition, morphology, and chemical structure. Journal of the Energy Institute 2022;101:194–200. DOI10.1016/j.joei.2022.01.013
[17] Chen R, Li H, Li K, Zhang S, Li Q, Zhou H, Zhang Y. Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Scrap Tires: Optimization of Reaction Conditions and Recovery of High Value-Added Products. Frontiers in Energy Research 2022;10. DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.841752
[18] Yu, S., Dong, X., Zhao, P., Luo, Z., Sun, Z., Yang, X., Li, Q., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Zhou, H., 2022. Decoupled temperature and pressure hydrothermal synthesis of carbon sub-micron spheres from cellulose. Nat. Commun. 13, 3616. DOI10.1038/s41467-022-31352-x
[19] Yu, S., Xie, M., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhou, H., 2022. Evolution of kraft lignin during hydrothermal treatment under different reaction conditions. J. Energy Inst. 103, 147-153. DOI10.1016/j.joei.2022.06.005
[20] Yu, S., Zhao, P., Yang, X., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhou, H., 2022. Formation and evolution of pectin-derived hydrothermal carbon from pectin. Fuel 326, 124997. DOI10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124997
[21] Zhang, Shiyu., Yu, Shijie., Li, Qinghai., Mohamed, Badr A., Zhang, Yanguo., Zhou, Hui. Insight into the relationship between CO2 gasification characteristics and char structure of biomass. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2022, DOI10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106537
[22] Yu Gao, Xiaoxiao Yang, Zhongchao Tan, Xingyuan Yang, Yanguo Zhang, Hui Zhou* & Qinghai Li* (2022): Effects of beam splitting on photovoltaic properties of monocrystalline silicon, multicrystalline silicon, GaAs, and perovskite solar cells for hybrid utilization. International Journal of Green Energy, DOI: 10.1080/15435075.2022.2119855.
[23] Yu S, Zhao P, Yang X, Li Q, Mohamed BA, Saad JM, Zhang Y, Zhou H. Low-temperature hydrothermal carbonization of pectin enabled by high pressure. J Anal Appl Pyrolysis. 2022; 166: 105627. DOI10.1016/j.jaap.2022.105627
[24] Yu S, Wang L, Li Q, Zhang Y, Zhou H. Sustainable carbon materials from the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Mater Today Sustain. 2022; 19:100209. DOI10.1016/j.mtsust.2022.100209.
[25] Yuyao Yang, Yongqing Xu, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang and Hui Zhou*. Two-dimensional carbide/nitride (MXene) materials in thermal catalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022,10, 19444-19465, DOI: 10.1039/d2ta03481f.
[26] Yang X, Zhou H, Li Q, Tan Z, Zhang Y. Characterization of blast furnace slag particles generated by nitrogen jet granulation. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2022. 100(12):3600-3607. DOI10.1002/cjce.24375
[27] 杨潇潇,甘雨,周会,李清海,张衍国.降维和聚类筛选可燃固废基元及其热重表征[J].环境工程,2022,40(10):120-125+133.DOI:10.13205/j.hjgc.202210016.
[28] Y. J. Bai, M. Q. Chen, Q. H. Li & Y. W. Huang. Sulfation performance of CaO under circulating fluidized bed combustion‑like condition. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 142:1031–1042.
[29] 韩峰,丛堃林,李清海,张衍国,严矫平,胡峰. 多流程循环流化床技术在综合能源服务中的应用. 发电技术,2020,41(2):104-109.
[30] 杨潇潇,丛堃林,张国义,曹剑,李清海,张衍国. 湍动流化床气化焚烧炉灰渣沿程特性分析. 热力发电,2020, 49(6):20-25.
[31] Rongjie Chen, Shiyu Zhang, kunlin Cong, Qinghai Li*, Yanguo Zhang*. Insight into synergistic effects of biomass-polypropylene co-pyrolysis using representative biomass constituents. Bioresource Technology, Bioresource Technology 307 (2020) 123243, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123243.
[32] Heng Feng, Aihong Meng, Yanguo Zhang,Yingli Gong, Qinghai Li*. LDV measurements of particle fluctuation velocities in dilute gravity-driven gas-particle flows. Powder Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2019.10.037.
[33] Yifu Li, Qinghai Li, Zhongchao Tan*. A review of electrospun nanofiber-based separators for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources,2019, 443:1-20.(EI:20194107509943)
[34] Youwang Huang, Meiqian Chen*, Qinghai Li*. Artificial neural network model for the evaluation of chemical kinetics in thermally induced solid-state reaction. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 138:451-460. (WOS:000491352500043)
[35] Bian Fu, Meiqian Chen*, Qinghai Li. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach for the coupled heat and mass transfer of wet mineral porous media in dielectric and magnetic drying. Drying Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2019.1668405.(WOS:000487532100001)
[36] Bian Fu, Meiqian Chen*, Qinghai Li. Heat transfer characteristics and drying kinetics of hematite thin layer during hot air convection. Thermochimica Acta. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2019.178405.
[37] Zhiping Wang,Liyong Lun,Zhongchao Tan, Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li*. Simultaneous wet desulfurization and denitration by an oxidant absorbent of NaClO2/CaO2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019,26:29032-29040.(WOS:000500035700055)
[38] Jundian Luo, Qinghai Li*, Aihong Meng, Yanqiu Long, Yanguo Zhang*. A Method to Forecast the Combustion Characteristics of Biomass Waste: Based on a Custom-Designed Macro-TGA. Waste and Biomass Valorization.2019,10:3845-3856. (WOS:000496664800028 )(EI:20182005182655)
[39] Y. W. Huang, M. Q. Chen,Q. H. Li*. Artificial neural network model for the evaluation of chemical kinetics in thermally induced solid-state reaction. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 138:451-460. (EI: 20191806857049)
[40] Jie Xiang, Yanguo Zhang, and Qinghai Li*. Effect of bed size on the gas-solid flow characterized by pressure fluctuations in bubbling fluidized beds. Particuology, 2019,47:1-9. (WOS:000504788600001)(EI: 20191906894646)
[41] Rongjie Chen, Jianhui Zhang, Liyong Lun, Qinghai Li*, Yanguo Zhang*. Comparative study on synergistic effects in co-pyrolysis of tobacco stalk with polymer wastes: Thermal behavior, gas formation, and kinetics. Bioresource Technology, 2019,292:1-10.(WOS: 000485045400024)(EI:20193307322076)
[42] Rongjie Chen, Liyong Lun, Qinghai Li*, Yanguo Zhang*. Insights into pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of biomass and scrap tire: Thermochemical behaviors, kinetics, and evolved gas analysis. Energy, 2019,183:25-34.(WOS:000483005400004)(EI:20192607111510)
[43] 高宇,张衍国,杨潇潇,丛堃林,谭中超,李清海*.薄膜分光钙钛矿光伏/光热太阳能利用器件[A]. 中国可再生能源学会光化学专业委员会.第六届新型太阳能电池材料科学与技术学术研讨会论文集[C].中国可再生能源学会光化学专业委员会:中国科学院物理研究所清洁能源实验室,2019:1.
[44] 冯蘅,李清海*,蒙爱红,张衍国,孔博. 颗粒团聚对稀相气固流动脉动关联项的影响. 过程工程学报,2019,19(2):279-288.
[45] Haiming Wang, Qinghai Li, Changfu You, Zhongchao Tan*. An empirical model of absorption of nitric oxide with ammoniacal cobalt (II) solutions in a Spray Tower. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019,148:240-250. (WOS:000480374700021)(EI:20192607113503)
[46] Joerg Ahne, Qinghai Li, Eric Croiset, Zhongchao Tan*. Electrospun Cellulose Acetate Nanofibers for Airborne Nanoparticle Filtration. Textile Research Journal,2019,89(15):3137-3149.(WOS: 000476535900015)(EI: 20190606480506)
[47] Zhiping Wang, Yanguo Zhang, Zhongchao Tan, Qinghai Li*. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Performance of an S2O82-/CaO2 Solution for NO Removal. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019,97:1864-1870. (WOS:000469400200012)(EI: 20190806538794)
[48] Yuanhang Wei, Meiqian Chen*, Qinghai Li*, Shibo Niu, Yang Li. Isothermal combustion characteristics of anthracite and spent coffee grounds briquettes. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019,136:1447-1456.(WOS:000464699900039)(EI: 20184305985247)
[49] Zhen Liu, Yanguo Zhang, Bing Han, Zhongchao Tan, Qinghai Li*. Adsorption of cobalt(Ⅲ) by graphene and activated carbon. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019,97:940-946.(WOS:000461075000012)(EI: 20183105632107)
[50] Kunlin Cong, Yanguo Zhang,Feng Han, Qinghai Li*. Influence of particle sizes on combustion characteristics of coal particles in oxygen-deficient atmosphere. Energy, 2019,170:840-848.(WOS:000460845700070)(EI: 20190306397198)
[51] Zhen Liu, Yan-guo Zhang, Bing Han, Zhong-chao Tan, and Qing-hai Li*. Adsorption of Cobalt (Ⅲ) by HCl and H2O2 Modified Activated Carbon. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2018,63(3):192-205.(WOS: 000455855600004)(EI: 20190306394866)
[52] Kunlin Cong, Feng Han, Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li*. The investigation of co-combustion characteristics of tobacco stalk and low rank coal using a macro-TGA. Fuel, 2019,237:126-132.(WOS:000448573200012)(EI: 20184105914632)
[53] Tong Zhou, Meiqian Chen*, Bian Fu, Bin Liang, Qinghai Li*. Investigation on thermal and moisture migration performance in sand combined with graphite. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,145:212-220.(WOS:000449569300019)(EI: 20183805833914)
[54] 丛堃林,李清海*,韩峰,黄润华,张衍国. 多流程卧式循环流化床气固流动的传热特性. 燃烧科学与技术,2018,24(4):315-322.
[55] 韩冰, 李清海, 刘振, 谭中超, 张衍国. 卤素离子还原三价钴氨络合物的实验研究. 化学工程, 2018, 46(4):1-5.
[56] Raheleh Givehchi , Qinghai Li*, and Zhongchao Tan*. Filtration of Sub-3.3 nm Tungsten Oxide Particles Using Nanofibrous Filters. Materials, 2018,11(1277):1-14.(WOS:000444112800014)(EI: 20183005610987)
[57] YW Huang, MQ Chen*, QH Li*, W Xing. Hydrogen-rich syngas produced from co-gasification of wet sewage sludge and torrefied biomass in self-generated steam agent. Energy, 2018,161: 202-213.(WOS:000446148400020)(EI: 20183105646673)
[58] Zhiping Wang, Yanguo Zhang, Zhongchao Tan, Qinghai Li*. A wet process for oxidation-absorption of nitric oxide by persulfate/calcium peroxide. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018,350:767-775.(WOS:000437093000077)(EI:20182405306022)
[59] 丛堃林,李清海*,鲁伟,张衍国. 多流程循环流化床锅炉热力计算方法研究.中国电力, 2018, 51(8): 139-147.
[60] 刘振,李清海,朱群益,谭中超,张衍国*.鼓泡塔中SO2和CO2对钴氨络合物脱硝效率的影响. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,(9):814-820. (EI: 20184806161197)
[61] Kunlin Cong, Yanguo Zhang, Yu Gan, Qinghai Li*. Experimental study of the ignition temperatures of low-rank coals using TGA under oxygen-deficient conditions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018,133(3):1597-1607.(WOS:000441757300038)(EI:20181404974050)
[62] Bing Han, Qinghai Li*, Zhen Liu, Zhongchao Tan, Yanguo Zhang. Experimental investigation of NO removal from flue gas using hexamminecobalt(Ⅱ) solution scrubbing in a pilot-scale facility. Waste Management & Research, 2018,36(6):505-512.(WOS:00043392690004)(EI:20182305283440)
[63] YW Huang, MQ Chen*, QH Li*, W Xing. A critical evaluation on chemical exergy and its correlation with high heating value for single and multi-component typical plastic wastes. Energy, 2018,156:548-554.(WOS:000437073600045)(EI: 20182405301940)
[64] Zhen Liu, Yanguo Zhang, Bing Han, Zhongchao Tan, Qinghai Li*. Advances in SO2 and NOx emission control for Chinese Iron and Steel industry:A review. Przemysl Chemiczny, 2018,3:473-480. (WOS:000433384700029)(EI: )
[65] Jie Xiang, Qinghai Li*, Aiyue Wang, Yanguo Zhang*. Mathematical analysis of characteristic pressure fluctuations in a bubbling fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 2018,333:167-174.(WOS:000433655400017)(EI: 20181705054515)
[66] Yanqiu Long, Qinghai Li*,Hui Zhou, Aihong Meng, Yanguo Zhang*. A grey‑relation‑based method (GRM) for thermogravimetric (TG) data analysis. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2018,20(2):1026-1035. (WOS:000429111800030)(EI: )
[67] 衍国,李清海*. 木薯高/低温二段式干燥工艺参数优化试验. 农业过程学报,2018,34(2):272-277.(EI: 20181605031933)
[68] Yang Li, Meiqian Chen*, Qinghai Li*, Youwang Huang. Effect of microwave pretreatment on the combustion behavior of lignite/solid waste briquettes. Energy, 2018,149:730-740. (WOS:000431162100058)(EI: 20180904839203)
[69] Bi’an Fu, Meiqian Chen*, Qinghai Li*, Jianjun Song. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach for the coupled heat and mass transfer in microwave drying of compressed lignite sphere. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 133: 237-247.( WOS:000428227000023)(EI: 20180604768301)
[70] Qinghai Li*,Fuxin Li,Aihong Meng, Zhongchao Tan,Yanguo Zhang*. Thermolysis of scrap tire and rubber in sub/super-critical water. Waste Management,2018,71:311-319.(WOS:000423248500034)(EI: 20174604394039)
[71] Bi’an Fu*, Meiqian Chen, Qinghai Li*. LNT microwave-multiphase transport model for the microwave drying of lignite thin layer. 会议: 21st International Drying Symposium (IDS), Venue: Valencia, SPAIN Date: SEP 11-14,PP: 1687-1694, 2018.(WOS:000477977800211)
[72] Jie Xiang, Qinghai Li*, Zhongchao Tan, Yanguo Zhang*. Characterization of the flow in a gas-solid bubbling fluidized bed by pressure fluctuation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017,174:93-103.(WOS:000413321000008)(EI: 20173704150735)
[73] Qinghai Li, Yanqiu Long, Hui Zhou, Aihong Meng, Zhongchao Tan, Yanguo Zhang*. Prediction of higher heating values of combustible solid wastes by pseudocomponents and thermal mass coefficients. Thermochimica Acta, 2017, 658 :93-100.(WOS: 000417665700013)(EI: 20174504369269)
[74] 龙艳秋,李清海,周会,蒙爱红,张衍国*.可燃固体废弃物热转化特性的基元表征方法,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2017,57(12):1324-1330.(EI: 20181905145638)
[75] Wu Dihua, Tan Zhongchao*, Feng Xianshe, Anderson William, Li Qinghai. Regeneration of cobalt complexes by thermal decomposition and acid treatment for NO absorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017:315, 233-242.( WOS:000395212300024)(EI: 20170403277499)
[76] Jingde Li, Kuang Cheng, Eric Croiset, William A. Anderson, Qinghai Li⁎, Zhongchao Tan⁎. Effects of SO2 on CO2 capture using chilled ammonia solvent. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2017,63:442-448.(WOS:000414666100041)(EI: 20174104244448)
[77] Tian Tian, Qinghai Li*, Rong He, Zhongchao Tan, Yanguo Zhang*. Effects of biochemical composition on hydrogen production by biomass gasification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(31):19723-19732. (WOS:000408180900015)( EI:20172903947373)
[78] Long YQ, Meng AH, Chen S, Zhou H, Zhang YG*, Li QH*. Pyrolysis and Combustion of Typical Wastes in a Newly Designed Macro Thermogravimetric Analyzer: Characteristics and Simulation by Model Components. ENERGY & FUELS, 2017,31(7):7582-7590.(WOS:000406356600097)(EI: 20173003993571)
[79] 龙艳秋,李清海,周会,蒙爱红,张衍国*. 可燃固体废弃物热转化特性的基元表征方法,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2017,57(12):1324-1330.(EI:20181905145638)
[80] Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li, Hui Zhou. Theory and calculation of heat transfer in furnaces. Elsevier Inc., 2016. (EI:20174404348093)
[81] 刘振,李清海,马智鑫,张衍国,TAN Zhongchao. 反应条件对六氨合钴同时脱硫脱硝效果的影响.中国电力,2016,49:10:119-122.
[82] 田甜, 李清海, 李文妮, 何榕, 张衍国, 温度和水蒸气流量对烟秆高温气化的影响, 环境工程学报, 2016,10(4) :1973-1978.
[83] Y. Long, H. Zhou, A. Meng, Q. Li, Y. Zhang*. Interactions among biomass components during co-pyrolysis in (macro)thermogravimetric analyzers. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016,33(9):2638-2643.(WOS:000382675200015)
[84] Yu Hesheng, Li Qinghai, The Jesse, Tan Zhongchao*. Absorption of sulfur dioxide in a transversal flow hollow fiber membrane contactor. 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (ISCC) , JUL 19-22, 2015, CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 2016, 393-399.( WOS:000389590100053)
[85] Feng Han, Aihong Meng, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang*. Thermal decomposition and evolved gas analysis (TG-MS) of lignite coals from Southwest China. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2016,89:94-100. (WOS:000368952700010)(EI: 20161702299086)
[86] Li FX, Meng AH, Li QH, Zhang YG*. The Influence of Temperature and Residence Time on Tire Thermolysis in Subcritical and Supercritical Water. Clean Coal Technology and Sustainable Development, 2016:629-634.(WOS:000389590100086)
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[88] Yanqiu Long, Aihong Meng*, Hui Zhou, Ling Qin, Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li. Pyrolysis characteristics of 18 kinds of biomass waste. Abstract of papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 252, Page 370, Aug. 20, 2016. (WOS:000431460204655)
[89] Yanqiu Long, Hui Zhou*, Aihong Meng, Ling Qin, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang. Pseudo-component method to predict interaction features of biowaste and plastics. Abstract of papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 252, Page 369, Aug. 20, 2016. (WOS:000431460204655)
[90] Raheleh Givehchi, Qinghai Li, Zhongchao Tan*. Quality factors of PVA nanofibrous filters for airborne particles in the size range of 10–125 nm. Fuel, 2016, 181:1273-1280.( WOS:000377328700130) (EI: 20161202125066)
[91] Aihong Meng, Yanguo Zhang*, Jiankun Zhuo, Qinghai Li, Ling Qin. Investigation on pyrolysis and carbonization of eupatorium adenophorum spreng and tobacco stem, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2015,88(4) :480-489. (WOS:000363349700013)(EI: 20161702299054)
[92] Aihong Meng, Shen Chen, Yanqiu Long, Hui Zhou, Yanguo Zhang*, Qinghai Li. Pyrolysis and gasification of typical components in wastes with macro-TGA. Waste Manage, 2015,46:247-256. (WOS:000366226300030)(EI: 20153501214306)
[93] Shen Chen, Aihong Meng, Yanqiu Long, Hui Zhou, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang*. TGA pyrolysis and gasification of combustible municipal solid waste, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2015,88 :332-343. (WOS:000358096800015)(EI: 20154001341461)
[94] Aihong Meng, Shen Chen, Yanqiu Long, Hui Zhou, Yanguo Zhang*, Qinghai Li. Pyrolysis and simulation of typical components in wastes with macro-TGA, Fuel, 2015,157 : 1-8. (WOS:000355134700001)(EI:20151900835084)
[95] Hsuanyu Chu, Qinghai Li*, Aihong Meng, Yanguo Zhang*. Investigation of hydrogen production from model bio-syngas with high CO2 content by water-gas shift reaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40 :4092-4100. (WOS:000352749500006)(EI: 20150900575276)
[96] R Cai, C Gu, Y Zhang*, Q Li, A Meng, Effect of inclined distributor on the motion behavior of a large spherical object in the bottom zone of a fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 2015,277 :147-155. (WOS:000353861100017)(EI: 20151200658092)
[97] Hui Zhou, YanQiu Long, AiHong Meng, QingHai Li, YanGuo Zhang*. Thermogravimetric characteristics of typical municipal solid waste fractions during co-pyrolysis, Waste Management, 2015,38 :194-200. (WOS:000353176600024)(EI: 20150700518768)
[98] Hui Zhou, YanQiu Long, AiHong Meng, Shen Chen, QingHai Li, YanGuo Zhang*. A novel method for kinetics analysis of pyrolysis of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin in TGA and macro-TGA. RSC Advances, 2015,5: 26509-26516. (WOS:000351556800009)(EI: 20151200671178)
[99] H. Zhou, A. Meng, Y. Long, Q. Li, Y. Zhang*, A review of dioxin-related substances during municipal solid waste incineration. Waste Management, 2015,36:106-116. (WOS:000349513000013)(EI: 20150400450355)
[100] Hui Zhou, YanQiu Long, AiHong Meng, QingHai Li, YanGuo Zhang*. Interactions of three municipal solid waste components during co-pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015,111:265-271. (WOS:000349726300030)(EI: 20150400450020)
[101] H. Zhou, Y. Long, A. Meng, Q. Li, Y. Zhang*, Classification of municipal solid waste components for thermal conversion in waste-to-energy research. Fuel, 2015,145:151-157. (WOS:000349088800017)(EI: 20150300420124)
[102] Hui Zhou ,YanQiu Long, AiHong Meng, QingHai Li,YanGuo Zhang*. Interactions of three municipal solid waste components during co-pyrolysis, Journal of Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 111 :265-271.(WOS:000349726300030)(EI: 20150400450020)
[103] 冯蘅;孔波;RodneyO.Fox;李清海. 各向异性高斯分布欧拉-欧拉矩方法模拟颗粒聚团. 2015年中国化工学会年会, 2015/10/17-2015/10/18, p 9, 中国北京, 2015/10/17.
[104] R. Givehchi, Q. Li, C. Ni, P. Bardo, Z. Tan*. Nanofibrous filters for the filtration of nanoparticles. The 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (8thISCC) Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015.
[105] Hesheng Yu, Qinghai Li, Jesse Thé, Zhongchao Tan*. Absorption of sulphur dioxide in a transversal flow hollow fiber membrane contactor. The 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (8thISCC) Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015.
[106] Raheleh Givehchi, Qinghai Li, Zhongchao Tan*.The effect of electrostatic forces on filtration efficiency of granular filters. Powder Technology,2015,277 :135-140.(WOS:000353861100015)(EI: 20151100647128)
[107] 李清海, 易志成, 蔡容容, 蒙爱红, 张衍国, 圆柱体重质大块物在鼓泡流化床中停留时间, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014,54(11):1447-1452. (EI: 20152100871586)
[108] 陈申, 张衍国, 李清海, 蒙爱红, 硅微粉在余热锅炉受热面上积灰的实验研究, 锅炉技术, 2014,45(5):4-8.
[109] Q. Li, A. Meng, L. Li, H. Zhou, Y. Zhang*, Investigation of biomass ash thermal decomposition by thermogravimetry using raw and artificial ashes. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014,9 :726-736. (WOS: 000344873400011)(EI: 20144200107520)
[110] Heng Feng, Qinghai Li, Aihong Meng, Yanguo Zhang. A damköhler number for evaluating combustion efficiency of horizontal circulating fluidized. CFB-11: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, Beijing, Chemical Industry Press, 2014: 613-618. (EI: 20142617870819)
[111] Cai Rong, Zhang Yanguo, Li Qinghai, Meng Aihong. Motion behavior of large objects of different shapes immersed in a fluidized bed. CFB-11: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, Beijing, Chemical Industry Press, 2014: 613-618. (EI: 20142617870752)
[112] Hui Zhou, Jin Sun, Aihong Meng, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang*. Effects of Sorbents on the Partitioning and Speciation of Cu during Municipal Solid Waste Incineration. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014,22(11-12) :1347-1351. (WOS:000346572400027)(EI: 20151400718977)
[113] H. Zhou, A. Meng, Y. Long, Q. Li, Y. Zhang*, Interactions of municipal solid waste components during pyrolysis: A TG-FTIR study, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014,108:19-25. (WOS:000339598900003)(EI: 20142717893541)
[114] 韩峰, 张衍国, 蒙爱红, 李清海, 云南褐煤结构的FTIR分析, 煤炭学报, 2014,42 (11) :2293-2299. (EI: 20141217484605)
[115] 韩峰, 张衍国, 蒙爱红, 李清海, 马晓玲, 煤的低温干馏工艺及开发, 煤炭转化, 2014,37(3):90-96.
[116] 蔡容容, 张衍国, 蒙晨玮, 李清海, 蒙爱红, 重质大颗粒在非均匀布风流化床内停留时间, 清华大学学报:自然科学版, 2014,54(6):775-780. (EI: 20143218042646)
[117] Cai Rongrong, Zhang Yanguo, Li Qinghai, Meng Aihong. Motion behavior of large objects of different shapes immersed in a fluidized bed. CFB-11: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, Beijing, Chemical Industry Press, 2014: 199-204. (EI: 20142617870752)
[118] 向杰,李清海,张衍国,蒙爱红. 卧式循环流化床锅炉压降和颗粒体积分数分布. 动力工程学报. 2014,(04): 253-259
[119] 冯蘅,李清海,甘超,蒙爱红,张衍国. 循环流化床返料装置1维动力学模型. 清华大学学报(自然科学版). 2014,(02): 229-234.(EI: 20142217765339)
[120] 蒙爱红、龙艳秋、周会、李清海、张衍国. 可燃固体废弃物热化学反应表征探索. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014,(02): 235-239. (EI: 20142217765340)
[121] 韩峰,张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海. 水城褐煤热解的气体产物析出特征及甲烷的生成反应类型研究. 燃料化学学报. 2014,(01): 7-12. (EI:20141217484605)
[122] 蔡容容,张衍国,蒙晨玮,李清海, 蒙爱红. 流化床内球形大颗粒停留时间分布的正交实验研究. 中国电机工程学报. 2014,(05): 713-717. (EI:20141117464622)
[123] 孙进, 李清海, 李国岫, 周会, 秦岭, 张衍国, 城市生活垃圾焚烧中氯化物对铜迁移转化特性的影响, 中国电机工程学报, 2014,34(8) :1245-1252. (EI: 20141517567419)
[124] 孙进,李清海,李国岫,蒙爱红, 张衍国. 城市生活垃圾焚烧中NaCl迁移转化的实验和热力学平衡分析. 中国电机工程学报. 2014, 34(02): 272-278. (EI: 20140817350259)
[125] W. Li, Q. Li*, R. Chen, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang*, Investigation of hydrogen production using wood pellets gasification with steam at high temperature over 800 ℃ to 1435 ℃. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014, 39(11): 5580-5588. (WOS:000334977900012)(EI: 20141417542646)
[126] H Zhou, A Meng, Y Long, Q Li and Y Zhang*. Classification and comparison of municipal solid waste based on thermochemical characteristics. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2014, 64(5): 597-616. (WOS:000334906900011)(EI:20142017732517)
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[128] Cai Rongrong, Zhang Yanguo*, Li Qinghai, Meng Aihong. Experimental characterizing the residence time distribution of large spherical objects immersed in a fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 2014,254: 22-29 (WOS:000333883800003)( EI:20140517250155)
[129] 黄润华, 张衍国, 虞育松, 李清海, 蒙爱红. 高炉熔渣颗粒流态化气固换热实验研究. 节能 , 2013, 1: 58-61.
[130] 姚长利,王友才,张衍国,李清海. 燃煤工业锅炉房单层布置和双层布置的比较. 节能与环保,2013,(1):62-64.
[131] Aihong Meng*, Hui Zhou, Lin Qin, Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li. Quantitative and kinetic TG-FTIR investigation on three kinds of biomass pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2013,104: 28-37. (WOS:000327904300004)(EI: 20134817020716)
[132] 李清海, 甘超, 冯蘅, 蒙爱红, 张衍国. 卧式循环流化床回料器性能实验研究. 燃烧科学与技术, 2013,19:193-199.
[133] 李清海, 周晓彬, 陈庚, 蒙爱红, 张衍国. 卧式循环流化床锅炉燃烧的数值模拟. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2013,53:353-357 (EI 20132816486041)
[134] 韩峰, 蒙爱红, 鲁伟, 张衍国, 李清海. 沙尔湖褐煤和红沙泉不粘煤的热解动力学及热解产物分布. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2013,53:348-352 (EI 20132816489713)
[135] Hui Zhou, YanQiu Long, AiHong Meng, QingHai Li, YanGuo Zhang*. The pyrolysis simulation of five biomass species by hemi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin based on thermogravimetric curves. Thermochimica Acta, 2013,566:36-43 (WOS:000322685700006)(EI: 20133916791569)
[136] CAI Rong-rong, ZHANG Yan-guo*, LI Qing-hai, MENG Aihong. Tracing the Motion of a Large Object in a Fluidized Bed Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography. Flow measurement and instrumentation, 2013,33 :1-9. (EI 20132516434261) (WOS:000326361700001)
[137] Q.H. Li, Y.G. Zhang*, A.H. Meng, L. Li, G.X. Li. Study on ash fusion temperature using original and simulated biomass ashes. Fuel Processing Technology, 2013,107: 107-112 (EI: 20143600033275) (WOS:000315551400014)
[138] Jin Sun*, Qinghai Li, Guoxiu Li, Hui Zhou, Yanguo Zhang. Laboratory Investigation of Nickel Partitioning During Municipal Solid Waste Incineration. International Conference on Frontiers of Environment, Energy and Bioscience (ICFEEB), Beijing, OCT 24-25, 2013. (WOS: 000337630200068)
[139] Wenni Li, Qinghai Li, Yanguo Zhang, Aihong Meng. Ashing temperature’s impact on the characteristics of biomass ash. 2012 Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (APEESD 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 12-13, 2012,217-223. (EI: 0130515975776)
[140] Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li, Jinyan Jia, Aihong Meng*. Thermodynamic analysis on heavy metals partitioning impacted by moisture during the MSW incineration. Waste Management, 2012,32: 2278-2286. (WOS:000312675400011)(EI: 20124915751600)
[141] Meng Aihong, Li Qinghai*, Jia Jinyan, Zhang Yanguo. Effect of moisture on partitioning of heavy metals in incineration of municipal solid waste. Chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2012,20(5) :1008-1015. (WOS:000311472200028)(EI: 20125215842149)
[142] Qin Ling, Li Qinghai*, Meng Aihong, Zhang Yanguo. Pyrolysis properties of potential biomass fuels in Southwestern China. Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Harbin, 2011, Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2012:313-317.(WOS: 000398884500067) (EI: 20123815442041)
[143] 虞育松,张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红. 基于DEM的埋管鼓泡流化床内颗粒运动特性模拟. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 52(1): 72-76.(EI: 20121814988011)
[144] 李清海, 张衍国, 蒙爱红, 王亮. 炉排-循环床垃圾焚烧炉过热器结渣现场实验. 热能动力工程, 2012, 27(1): 55-60.
[145] 虞育松,张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红. 还原系数对鼓泡流化床内颗粒运动影响的离散单元法数值模拟. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(11): 25-31. (EI: 20112013990511)
[146] 李黎,李清海,蒙爱红,李国岫,张衍国. 烟杆热解固体产物性质及其影响因素研究.可再生能源,2011,29(6):106-109.
[147] 李清海, 甘超, 蒙爱红, 张衍国. 干燥对乏垃圾热值影响的实验研究. 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2011, 51(12): 1865-1868. (EI: 20121814987834)
[148] Meng Aihong*, Li Qinghai, Zhang Yanguo, Wang Zhaojun, Dang Wenda. Experimental Investigation on a 0.35MWth Coal-fired Horizontal Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. 7th International Syposium on Coal Combustion, Harbin, 2011. Cleaner combustion and sustainable world, 2012,443-446.(WOS:000398884500093)(EI: 20123815442067)
[149] Aihong Meng, Qinghai Li, Jinyan Jia, Yanguo Zhang. Investigating the impact of the moisture on partitioning of heavy metals during municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration. 12th International congress on combustion by-products and their health effects: combustion engineering and global health in the 21st century-issues & challenges, 2011.
[150] Yanguo Zhang, Qinghai Li*, Aihong Meng, Chen Changhe. Carbon monoxide formation and emissions during waste incineration in a grate-circulating fluidized bed incineration. Waste Management & research, 2011, 29(3):294-308. (WOS:000287917900008)(EI: 20111113740285)
[151] 别舒,王兆军,李清海,张衍国.石煤提钒钠化焙烧与钙化焙烧工艺研究.稀有金属,2010,34(2):291-297.
[152] 张健,李国岫,虞育松,李清海,张衍国.超低热值煤气燃烧过程的数值模拟.能源技术,2010,31(3):129-132.
[153] 张衍国,王亮,蒙爱红,李清海.垃圾焚烧炉受热面结渣实验研究. 中国电机工程学报. 2010, (29):1-8. (EI:20104813436155)
[154] Li Qinghai, Zhang Yanguo,Gong Rong, Chen Gongyi, Jia Tianxin, Biomass energy utilization technology developed by university and boiler works. 10th International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization held at the University of Mugla, Turkey, 4-9 May 2010.
[155] 李清海, 蒙爱红, 张衍国. 炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉水循环系统安全性分析. 清华大学学报, 2010, 50(7): 1067-1071. (EI: 20103413174348)
[156] 张衍国, 李清海, 蒙爱红. 中国垃圾的资源化利用. 物理, 2010, 39(5): 307-313.
[157] Qinghai Li*, Aihong Meng, Jinyan Jia, Yanguo Zhang*. Investigation of heavy metal partitioning influenced by flue gas moisture and chlorine content during waste incineration. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(5): 760-768. (WOS:000277782600018)(EI: 20102212963306)
[158] 王亮,李清海,蒙爱红,张衍国.有机工质余热发电技术的研究进展及其应用前景. 能源技术. 2010, 31(1):9-14.
[159] 李清海, 张衍国, 陈梅倩, 蒙爱红, 陈昌和. 炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉内干燥和燃烧过程, 中国科学 E 辑: 技术科学, 2009, 39 (5): 980 ~ 986.
[160] LI Qinghai*, ZHANG Yanguo, CHEN Meiqian, MENG Aihong, CHEN Changhe. Study on drying and combustion process in grate-CFB incinerator. Science In China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009, 52 (5): 1153-1160. (WOS:000265960500002) (EI: 20092112093582)
[161] 吴荣; 李清海; 蒙爱红; 张衍国; 陈勇. 垃圾焚烧中吸附剂对Cd、Pb迁移分布的影响. 环境科学, 2009, 30(7): 2174-2178.
[162] LI Qinghai*, MENG Aihong,ZHANG Yanguo. Comparative Economics Analysis on Waste Incineration Power Generation by using grate-CFB and CFB Incinerators. 2009 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology (2009ISEST), Progress in environmental science and technology, Vol II, PTS A and B, 2009:2257-2262. (WOS:000271258000399)
[163] Q. H. Li, Y. G. Zhang, A. H. Meng. Design and application of novel horizontal circulating fluidized bed boiler. The 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, China, Xi’an, May 18-21,2009. (EI: 20100512674078)
[164] Li Qinghai*,Meng Aihong*, Zhang Yanguo*. Recovery Status and Prospect of Low-grade Waste Energy in China. International Conference on Sustainable Power Generation and Supply, 2009, (1-4): 2024-2029. (WOS:000279924101119)
[165] 张衍国, 李清海, 陈昌和, 蒙爱红. 炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉污染物生成模型. 热能动力工程, 2009, 24(1): 120-126
[166] Chen Mei-Qian,Chen Yun-Xuan,Jia Li,Zhang Yan-Guo, Li Qing-Hai, Meng Ai-Hong. Kinetic analysis on the drying of high moisture MSW. Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 2009,38(4):216-222.(EI: 20093612285656)
[167] Du Zhuwei, Li Qinghai, Tong Meng, Li Shaohua, Li Haoran. Electricity Generation Using Membrane-less Microbial Fuel Cell during Wastewater Treatment. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2008, 16(5): 772-777.(WOS:000260694600017)(EI:20084711722560)
[168] 张衍国,陈梅倩,蒙爱红,李清海,陈允轩.焚烧炉条件下典型城市生活垃圾干燥过程的实验研究.中国科学,2008,38(5):729-735.
[169] 陈梅倩,陈允轩,贾力,张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红.马弗炉中高水分城市生活垃圾干燥过程的试验.环境科学学报,2008,28(5):951-955.
[170] 蒙爱红, 李清海, 张衍国, 陈允轩, 党文达, 陈梅倩. 垃圾焚烧炉干燥床垃圾干燥过程研究和分析. 燃烧科学与技术, 2008, 14(6): 518-522. (EI: 082811370828)
[171] 陈勇, 张衍国, 李清海, 禚玉群, 陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧中吸附剂对镉进行脱除的热力学平衡研究. 燃烧科学与技术, 2008,14(3): 239-245. (EI:083011401994)
[172] 陈昌和, 李清海, 张衍国, 王智微, 李定凯, 蒙爱红. 炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉燃烧过程模型. 清华大学学报, 2008,48(5):832-835. (EI: 082811370829)
[173] 蒙爱红, 李清海, 张衍国, 党文达, 刘毅. 塑料和生物质在流化床内燃烧的试验研究. 清华大学学报, 2008,48(5):828-831. (EI: 082811370828)
[174] 李清海, 张衍国, 党文达, 蒙爱红, 陈昌和. 炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉中垃圾的模拟干燥试验研究. 清华大学学报, 2008,48(5):824-827. (EI: 082811370827)
[175] 陈勇,张衍国,李清海,陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧中氯化物对重金属Pb迁移转化特性的影响. 燃料化学学报, 2008,36(3):354-359. (EI: 084211647120)
[176] 陈勇,张衍国,李清海,禚玉群,陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧中氯化物对重金属Cd迁移转化特性的影响. 环境科学, 2008, 29(5): 1446-1451. (EI: 082211286664)
[177] 陈勇, 张衍国, 李清海, 禚玉群, 陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧中硫化合物对重金属Pb 迁移分布影响. 环境科学, 2008, 29(3): 819-824. (EI: 081911245101)
[178] 陈勇, 张衍国, 王智微, 李清海, 禚玉群, 陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧中硫化合物对重金属Cd 迁移分布影响. 热力发电, 2008, 37(2): 27-31.
[179] Yanguo Zhang, Yong Chen, Aihong Meng, Qinghai Li, Hefa Cheng*. Experimental and Thermodynamic Investigation on Transfer of Cadmium Influenced by Sulfur and Chlorine during Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Incineration. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 153(1-2): 309-319. (WOS:000255417500039)(EI: 20081311174280)
[180] 李清海, 张衍国, 陈昌和, 党文达, 蒙爱红. 水分对垃圾焚烧燃烧影响的实验研究. 中国电机工程学报, 2008, 28(8): 58-64. (EI: 081611206492)
[181] 陈勇,张衍国,李清海,禚玉群,陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧中硫化合物对重金属Cd、Pb迁移和转化的影响. 清华大学学报, 2008, 48(2): 232-235. (EI: 081311170319)
[182] ZHANG Yanguo, LI Qinghai, MENG Aihong*, CHEN Yong, ZHOU Yuqun, CHEN Changhe. Effects of sulfur compounds on Cd partitioning in a simulated MSW incinerator. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 15(6): 889-894. (WOS:000252240900021)(EI: 20080311032256)
[183] Qinghai LI, Yanguo ZHANG, Wenda DANG, Aihong MENG, Wei ZHANG, Changhe CHEN. The experiment research on original pollutant emission from grate and fluidized bed incinerator fired MSW. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2007: 502-508. (WOS:000254211800080)
[184] Hefa Cheng*, Yanguo Zhang, Aihong Meng, Qinghai Li. Municipal Solid Waste Fueled Power Generation in China: A Case Study of Waste-to-Energy in Changchun City. Environ. Sci. Technol,2007, 41(21): 7509-7515. (WOS:000250556100053) (EI: 074610918827)
[185] 张衍国, 蒙爱红, 梁静, 李清海. 灰渣组分及其含量对灰渣熔点影响的试验研究. 清华大学学报, 2007, 47(11), 2010-2013. (EI: 080111005103)
[186] 张衍国, 贾金岩, 李清海, 蒙爱红. 微波活化对Ca(OH)2孔隙结构及脱氯性能的影响. 环境工程学报, 2007, 1(10), 136-140.
[187] Zhang YG,ChenMQ,Meng AH*,Li QH,Chen YX. Experimental study on drying of typical MSW under incinerator-like conditions. Science In China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2007, 50(5), 636-643. (WOS:000249982000009)(EI: 074110864328)
[188] 蒙爱红, 张衍国, 李清海, 武俊, 任钢炼. 260t/d炉排-循环床焚烧炉的物料平衡和物料分布规律研究. 锅炉技术, 2007, 38(4): 30-34.
[189] 张衍国, 王亮, 王智微, 李清海. 城市生活垃圾典型组分燃烧特性的TG-FTIR研究. 热力发电, 2007, 36(6): 23-28.
[190] 于培峰,张衍国,王兆军,姚忠建,王连声,周义斌,李清海.炉排-循环床复合燃烧垃圾焚烧炉研究报告.科学技术与工程,2006,6(12):756-1759.
[191] 李清海, 张衍国, 陈勇, 蒙爱红, 逄锦福, 陈昌和.垃圾焚烧电站空气预热器与低压省煤器的组合分析. 动力工程, 2006, 26(6): 854-858. (EI:070410389230)
[192] LI Qinghai*, ZHANG Yanguo, REN Ganglian, MENG Aihong, CHEN Changhe. The Application of Furnace Safety Supervisory System (FSSS) in the Oil-fired Utility Boiler. Proceeding of the 2006 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology. (WOS:000243255901020)
[193] 李清海, 张衍国, 蒙爱红, 贾金岩, 党文达, 陈昌和. 垃圾物理特性与可焚烧特性的关系. 2006中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议: 734-739.
[194] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,贾金岩,陈昌和. 炉排-流化复合垃圾焚烧炉热态工业测试(二)气体测试. 2006中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议: 726-733.
[195] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,王亮,陈昌和. 炉排-流化复合垃圾焚烧炉热态工业测试(一)物料测试. 2006中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议: 718-725.
[196] 李清海,张衍国,王连声,任钢炼. 燃用玉米芯的循环流化床锅炉热风系统研究与设计. 锅炉技术. 2006, 37(4): 35-39.
[197] ZHANG Yan-guo,LI Qing-hai, CHEN Chang-he. Experiment and design on agricultural waste fired CFBB. The journal of solid waste Tech. & Mgmt. International Conference, 2006.
[198] 李清海, 李文革,张衍国,蒙爱红,武俊. 垃圾焚烧的主要污染物毒性分析. 环境科学与管理, 2006, 31(3): 144-147.
[199] 逄锦福, 张衍国,张秋鹏,李清海. 用于干式脱污的CaO蒸汽活化实验研究. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2006, 7(6): 56-59.
[200] 张衍国,李清海,胡磊,陈勇,陈昌和. 脱污剂CaO的回转炉蒸汽活化实验研究. 工业炉. 2006, 28(2): 7-9.
[201] 李清海, 张衍国, 和晋华,任钢炼,康啸. 固体废弃物燃烧过程气体成分EGA分析. 锅炉技术, 2006, 37(2): 40-45.
[202] 吴玖桓, 张衍国, 李清海. 大颗粒在循环床密相区中运动规律的可视化研究. 中国电机工程学报, 2006, 26(4): 41-45. (EI:06189856910)
[203] 张衍国,王哲明,李清海,张涛,田冯生,杨勇,炉排-循环流化床垃圾焚烧的热态试验研究,热力发电,2005(8),19-22.
[204] 张衍国,李清海,王连声,王兆军,任钢炼. 燃用生物质的循环流化床热风系统结构与运行. 节能技术, 2005 , 23 (4) :291-294.
[205] 张衍国,武俊,李清海,陈勇. 垃圾焚烧重金属迁移特性及其影响因素. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2005, 6(12): 6-12.
[206] 张衍国,李清海,龚伯勋,吴立,陈勇. 垃圾堆放发酵机理与应用工艺研究. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2005, 6(10): 69-72.
[207] 李清海,张衍国,陈勇,陈昌和. 垃圾焚烧发电厂热力系统的特点及优化. 热力发电, 2005, 34(9): 66-68.
[208] 李清海, 张衍国, 任钢炼. 1MW循环流化床垃圾焚烧的试验研究. 锅炉技术, 2005, 36(5): 66-69.
[209] 张衍国,李清海,王哲明,陈勇,陈昌和. 蒸汽注入对煤粉预燃室NOx和CO生成的影响. 工业炉, 2005, 27(5): 4-7.
[210] 张衍国, 王哲明, 李清海, 张涛, 田冯生, 杨勇.炉排-流化床垃圾焚烧的热态实验研究. 热力发电, 2005, 34(8): 19-22.
[211] 张衍国,李清海. 一种新颖的炉排—循环床垃圾焚烧发电系统. 发电设备, 2005, 4: 205-207.
[212] 武俊, 李清海, 张衍国. 通道式分离器性能的优化及其应用. 动力工程, 2004, 24(5): 732-735.
[213] 黄祖毅, 张衍国, 李清海. 废弃物焚烧锅炉内错列管束的对流换热特性. 中国电机工程学报, 2003, 23(4): 181-184.
[214] 邓高峰, 张衍国,李清海,吴占松. 150t/d循环流化床生活垃圾焚烧炉的工艺结构与污染排放. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2003, 4(1): 81-84.
[215] 张衍国, 李海明,李清海,吴占松,王补宣. 垃圾焚烧炉内传热计算方法. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2001, 41(12): 95-98. (EI:02226959664)
[216] Yin Jiexi, Li Qinghai*, Shi Deqiang, Lu Zhongqi, Yang Ruichang. Modified heat transfer model of paired-tubes in wound-tube heat exchanger. Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Conversion and Application (ICECA'2001), v 1, p 359-362, 2001.(EI: 2003137413520)(WOS:000171232700071)
[217] 李清海,杨瑞昌,施德强,尹接喜. 氢回收装置缠绕管式换热器设计计算研究. 化学工程,2000,28(6):15-18.(EI: 2001085475576)
[218] 李清海,杨瑞昌,施德强,尹接喜. 含氢气体混合物物性计算.低温与特气,2000,2:10-12.
[219] 尹接喜,李清海,施德强,鲁钟琪,杨瑞昌. 缠绕管换热器并管传热模型及实验. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2000,6:73-75.(EI:2001185572554)
[220] 李清海,杨瑞昌,于凤玲,王彦武,周立加. 修正PR方程在深冷分离回收氢气设备设计计算中的应用.低温与特气,1999,4:24-26.
[1] 张衍国,李清海,张凝,刘双双,康啸,赵虎. 一种用于汽包和高温气体换热的换热器及换热系统. ZL 201810301986.4, 授权时间:2024.6.
[2] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,杨潇潇. 一种废弃物层状燃烧装置及其模拟废弃物移动床燃烧方法. ZL 202011499144.8, 授权时间:2024.4.
[3] 张衍国,陈荣杰,李清海. 一种水热反应系统及其运行方法. ZL 201811447877.X, 授权时间:2023.10.
[4] 李清海,杨潇潇,周会,张衍国,丛堃林,张时语. 一种预测燃烧室内局部最高温度的方法. ZL 202110968277.3, 授权时间:2022.8.
[5] 张衍国,丛堃林,杨潇潇,李清海,张凝,陈新,陈宣. 一种柔性给料装置及其应用的流化床焚烧炉. ZL 202121304777.9, 授权时间:2022.7.
[6] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,杨潇潇,周会. 一种异型炉膛结构的湍动流化床焚烧炉. ZL 202011087550.3, 授权时间:2022.4.
[7] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,杨潇潇. 一种废弃物层状燃烧装置. ZL 202023056705.5, 授权时间:2021.10.
[8] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,杨潇潇. 一种流化床风室防爆系统. ZL 202120325943.7, 授权时间:2021.9.
[9] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,杨潇潇. 一种卡套螺纹组合的热电偶固定密封装置. ZL 202120029490.3, 授权时间:2021.8.
[10] 李清海,张衍国. 一种甲烷低温催化重整制取太阳能燃料的装置和方法. ZL201810035314.3, 授权时间:2020.11.
[11] 李清海,张衍国. 废弃轮胎的临界水解处理装置及方法. ZL 201711106458.5, 授权时间:2020.2.
[12] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,初雷哲,康建斌. 确定石灰石脱硫反应活性指数及最佳粒径的方法. ZL 201710531074.1, 授权时间:2020.1.
[13] 李清海,张衍国. 一种甲烷低温催化重整制取太阳能燃料的装置和方法. ZL201810035314.3,授权时间:2020.11.
[14] 李清海,张衍国. 废弃轮胎的临界水解处理装置及方法. ZL 201711106458.5,授权时间:2020.2.14.
[15] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,初雷哲,康建斌. 确定石灰石脱硫反应活性指数及最佳粒径的方法. ZL 201710531074.1,授权时间:2020.1.
[16] 张衍国,李清海. 一种确定飞行高温颗粒几何尺度的设备和方法. ZL 201710703789.0,授权时间:2017.8.
[17] 李清海,张衍国. 一种确定运动中高温颗粒表观发射率的装置和方法. ZL 201710703875.2,授权时间:2017.8.
[18] 李清海,刘振,张衍国,谭中超. 一种基于湿壁塔实现吸收与再生联合的实验装置及再生塔.ZL 201610928507.2,授权时间:2019.6.14.
[19] 张衍国,李清海. 一种监测飞行中高温颗粒温度场的装置和方法. ZL 201710703186.0,授权时间:2019.6.11.
[20] 李清海,张衍国,初雷哲,张哲. 一种确定燃生物质锅炉的炉膛适宜出口温度的方法. ZL 201710262074.6,授权时间:2019.5.3
[21] 张衍国,李清海,陈宣. 一种带喷砂装置的双循环湍动床焚烧炉. ZL201710677824.6,授权时间:2019.2.22.
[22] 李清海,谭中超,X·S·冯,D·H·吴 ,张衍国. 一种钴氨吸收剂同时烟气脱硫脱硝的钴络合物回收方法. ZL201610832796.6,授权时间:2019.2.22.
[23] 李清海,张衍国,康建斌,王谦,李俊臣,周晓彬. 一种带有水平旋风分离器的卧式循环流化床锅炉(Boiler Unggun Terfluidasi Sirkulasi Horisontal Dengan Separator Siklon Gas-Padatan Horisontal).印度尼西亚发明专利,授权公告号:IDP000056445,授权公告日:2019.2.8.
[24] 张衍国,李清海,陈宣.一种物料循环系统. ZL201710677823.1, 时间:2019.2.5.
[25] 李清海,刘振,张衍国,谭中超. 一种用于研究气液传质机理的湿壁塔. ZL201610930264.6,授权时间:2019.1.15.
[26] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,康建斌,张哲. 一种多流程卧式循环流化床锅炉及其控制方法. ZL201710583016.3,授权时间:2018.12.11.
[27] 李清海,张衍国,丛堃林,康建斌,胡峰. 一种低汞排放的多流程卧式循环流化床锅炉及运行方法. ZL201710581763.3,授权时间:2018.12.11.
[28] 李清海,张衍国,康建斌. 一种燃煤工业锅炉同时吸收NOx 和SO2 的设备及方法. 专利号:ZL201510726030.5,授权时间:2017.10.24.
[29] 李清海,张衍国,朱轩豫,古超. 一种生物质气化催化重整制生物氢的装置及方法.专利号:ZL201410291071.1,授权时间:2016.03.30.
[30] 张衍国,王友才,熊东勇,朱学艳,李清海,蒙爱红. 一种与高温高压气体换热的装置.专利号:ZL201310308981.1,授权时间:2016.1.13.
[31] 李清海,张衍国,蒙爱红,田甜,朱轩豫. 一种利用高温水蒸气气化生物质制取氢气的方法及装置.专利号:ZL201310690269.2,授权时间:2016.1.13.
[32] 李清海,张衍国,蒙爱红,冯蘅. 一种柔性工业锅炉及其运行方法.专利号:ZL201310690286.6,授权时间:2015.12.16.
[33] 曹御风,赵阳,杨敬东,吴志海,李清海,张衍国,程向荣,吴俊. 一种确定湿法脱硫排烟适宜加热温度的装置和方法. ZL201410050182.3,授权时间:2015.11.25.
[34] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红. 一种直流式换热装置.专利号:ZL201310308869.8,授权时间:2015.10.28.
[35] 张衍国,王友才,熊东勇,朱学艳,李清海,蒙爱红. 一种从高温高压气体中获取过热蒸汽的装置.专利号:ZL201310308866.4,授权时间:2015.7.22.
[36] 李清海,张衍国,康建斌,王谦,李俊臣,周晓彬. 一种带有水平旋风分离器的卧式循环流化床锅炉.专利号:ZL201210014929.0,授权时间:2014.04.02.
[37] 张衍国,杜滨,王友才,李清海,蒙爱红. 一种熔渣造粒和显热回收的方法及系统.专利号:ZL201210340104.8,授权时间:2014.04.02.
[38] 张衍国,杜滨,王友才,李清海,蒙爱红. 一种熔渣粒化和显热回收的方法及系统.专利号:ZL201210339309.4,授权时间:2014.02.19.
[39] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海,马晓玲,牛娅丽,王亮,钟玮娜. 一种固体载热的低质煤低温干馏系统及工艺.专利号:ZL201110197206.4,授权时间:2013.8.14.
[40] 张衍国,马晓玲,蒙爱红,李清海,王亮,钟玮娜,牛娅丽. 一种控氧流化床系统及运行方法.专利号:ZL201110197053.3,授权时间:2013.8.14.
[41] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海,王亮,马晓玲,钟玮娜,牛娅丽. 一种中温干馏的移动床反应器.专利号:ZL201010617852.7,授权时间:2013.7.17.
[42] 张衍国,李清海,康建斌,王兆军,于培锋. 一种滚筒炉排垃圾焚烧及其预热燃烧方法.专利号:ZL201010101156.0,授权时间:2012.12.19.
[43] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海. 一种基于焦载热的褐煤干馏工艺及装置.专利号:ZL201010101688.4,授权时间:2012.12.19.
[44] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,李俊臣. 一种生物质层燃锅炉.专利号:ZL201010500581.7,授权时间:2012.5.2.
[45] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海,陈梅. 一种燃用劣质煤的富氧燃烧装置.专利号:ZL201010034027.4,授权时间:2012.2.22.
[46] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海. 一种锅炉的复合清灰防磨装置.专利号:ZL201010034121.X,授权时间:2012.1.18.
[47] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,王友才. 一种层燃生物质锅炉.专利号:ZL201010500531.9,授权时间:2011.10.26.
[48] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,康建斌,王兆军,于培锋. 一种多流程循环流化床锅炉.专利号:ZL201010110352.4,授权时间:2011.7.20.
[49] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海,王友才. 一种带补燃的转炉尾气显热回收系统及方法.专利号:ZL200910237139.7,授权时间:2011.6.15.
[50] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海,杜滨. 一种液态高炉渣粒化方法及其装置.专利号:ZL200910093757.9,授权时间:2011.6.15.
[51] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海. 一种转炉煤气显热回收系统.专利号:ZL200910090094.5,授权时间:2011.1.12.
[52] 张衍国,蒙爱红,李清海,王友才. 一种倾斜式锅壳余热锅炉.专利号:ZL200910090095.X,授权时间:2010.9.15.
[53] 张衍国,李清海,蒙爱红,姚忠建. 一种垃圾进料和预热干燥装置.专利号:ZL200810223021.4,授权时间:2010.6.2.
[54] 张衍国,姚忠建,李清海,陈勇. 一种卧式循环流化床燃烧设备及其循环燃烧方法.专利号:ZL200510126362.6,授权时间:2008.9.10.
[55] 张衍国,李清海,吴占松. 一种变截面型循环流化床燃烧设备.专利号:ZL 01 1 09051.0,授权时间:2003.10.29.